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UN-REDD en Bolivia Viceministry of Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change and Forestry Management and Development. PB4, March 2010 Nairobi.

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Presentation on theme: "UN-REDD en Bolivia Viceministry of Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change and Forestry Management and Development. PB4, March 2010 Nairobi."— Presentation transcript:

1 UN-REDD en Bolivia Viceministry of Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change and Forestry Management and Development. PB4, March 2010 Nairobi

2 1.Progress since PB3 2.Government leadership and collaboration among actors 3.Participation of indigenous peoples 4.Scope and Content of the NJP Bolivia 5.Organisation chart of the readiness phase 6.Outline of activities in the readiness phase 7.Achievements 8.Risks and challenges Presentation Overview

3 NJP finalized according to the work plan proposed by the last joint mission in August 2009. NJP validation meeting: 18/01/2010. Reactivation of the political and technical committees. Forestry Department under the Vice-Ministry of the Environment, Biodiversity and Climate Change. National Forest - Climate Change Strategy and its component on REDD completed. Significant progress in the development of a new environmental policy which takes the REDD mechanism into account. 1. Progress since PB3

4 Coordination between UN-REDD, GTZ / KfW and FCPF ensured by the national REDD team. More than 20 working sessions between August and December 2009 to elaborate joint chapters of the NJP and the R-PP: – Institutional, legal and regulatory framework, – Conditions of forests and stakeholder analysis – Causes and barriers DD, – Risk analysis and mitigation measures Agreement on one common logical framework for all. Since January 2010, participation of UN-REDD in the development of components of R-PP and in the selection of pilot sites with GTZ 2. Collaboration between the National Team, UN-REDD, FCPF and Germany

5 Until December 2009, more than 6 briefings and discussions on REDD and UN-REDD: – La Paz, August – Santa Cruz, August – Rurrenabaque, November – Concepción, CIDOB, October Until January 2010: – Validation meeting in La Paz with 5 PI organizations – Presentation of UNREDD, CIDOB, February – Elaboration consultation process plan finalized 3. Participation of indigenous peoples

6 4. Components and Products of the REDD logframe Components UN- REDD FCPFGTZ - KfW 1. Increased capacity of national governmental organizations to implement REDD+ activities and to monitor and evaluate carbon stocks in forests USD 4M USD 3.6 M 2. Increased capacity of the population to implement REDD+ activities 3. Generation of experience with REDD+ initiatives at the local level with the participation of territorial authorities and civil society. EUROS 10 M One common logical framework for REDD in Bolivia.

7 Comp. 1: Development of capacities at the governmental level… Participation of the UN-REDD agencies: FAOPNUDPNUMA 1.1 Forest and carbon monitoring, verification and reporting system * X 1.2 Reference scenario XX 1.3 Proposal of adjustments to the legal and regulatory framework related to REDD ** XXX 1.4 Transfer and distribution system for the of income generated by REDD XX 1.5 PNCC strengthened and with adequate resources*** X 1.6 Action Plan for reducing emissions from DD (REDD Plan )**** XXX

8 Comp. 2: Development of capacities at the local level... Participation of the UN-REDD agencies FAOPNUDPNUMA 2.1 Training program and dissemination of REDD+ activities* XX 2.2 Program of social participation in REDD+ X 2.3 Program to strengthen the management and research in REDD + XX

9 Comp. 3: Generation REDD+ experiences in the country. Participation of the UN-REDD agencies FAOPNUDPNUMA 3.1 Methodological standard framework for implementation of pilot projects XXX 3.2 REDD programs and demonstration projects XXX

10 5. Organisation chart of the readiness phase PNCC: National Team REDD+ POLITICAL COMMITTEE Vice Ministry of Env., BD, CC and forestry development Readiness phase coordinated (NJP, R-PP, GTZ-FkW) TECNICAL COMMITTEE Where UN RC and WB RR will contribute, supervise, participate ??

11 consultant GTZ consultants NIRAS UNREDD consultant 6. Outline of REDD activities REDD team 06/09 08/09 09/09 10/09 11/09 12/09 01/10 03/10 04/10 01/11 05/10 UN- REDD Mission 1 FCPF GTZ- KfW Gvt Mission 2 WCMC Mission 2 Strategy Forests-CC PNC #1 Validation PB4 submition R-PP Mission 3 Mission 1 R-PIN Launch UN-REDD National REDD Program Inception and signature launch R-PP launch GTZ Mission 1 Analysis, strategy and logical framework Work on NJP and R-PPWork on R-PP Finalization R-PP

12 A good coordination between UN-REDD, FCPF and GTZ / KfW under the leadership of the national REDD team: – Situation analysis, identification of needs and a joint intervention strategy; – One single REDD logical framework in Bolivia; – Implementation arrangements between UN-REDD and FCPF*; Involvement of indigenous peoples through the 5 main IP organizations. New institutional structure (Forestry Department has returned to the Vice Ministry of MA) 7. Achievements

13 8. Risks and Challenges

14 Implement the consultation mechanism* to improve the information and participation of all stakeholders, especially indigenous peoples organizations Strengthen the political and technical committees to ensure effective participation of different sectors and ministries related to REDD Create sub-regional committees ** to enable the participation of all territorial entities *** associated with REDD Complete the micro-assessment and share the results with FCPF Implement risk mitigation measures presented in annexes to the NJP 8. Risks and Challenges

15 Ministry of Environment and Water Vice Ministry of Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change and Forestry Management and Development : Email: UN-REDD Website: http://www.un-redd.org Email: More Information …

16 Thank you for listening!

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