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GMVSS Consortium Update 14 th May 2008. Consortium Update 2006-08 Projects Underspend Capacitybuilders – ‘acting’ CEO.

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Presentation on theme: "GMVSS Consortium Update 14 th May 2008. Consortium Update 2006-08 Projects Underspend Capacitybuilders – ‘acting’ CEO."— Presentation transcript:

1 GMVSS Consortium Update 14 th May 2008

2 Consortium Update 2006-08 Projects Underspend Capacitybuilders – ‘acting’ CEO

3 BASIS Round 2 –5 projects impacting on GM, but only 2 sub- regional level: volunteering and BME –Lottery has been prescriptive about what they consider to be priorities and attached conditions e.g. must have letter of support –If an application does not meet one of the Lottery priorities it will not be funded –August deadline for application with projects due to start in April 2009

4 BASIS Round 2 Region-wide Projects –NW1: Improve representation of the sector –NW2: Improve infrastructure services for VCOs supporting disabled people –NW3: Equalities and diversity project to support VCOs working with under- represented communities

5 BASIS Round 2 Greater Manchester Projects –NW5: Strengthen infrastructure services for BME organisations in GM Must be delivered by a partnership led by a BME-led infrastructure organisation Needs a letter of support from VSS Diversity Group –NW13: To improve the quality and consistency of support for volunteering in GM Must be delivered by a partnership Needs a letter of support from VSS

6 BASIS Round 2 –Will know more after briefing session on Monday 19 th May –Co-ordinate meetings of those members who are interested in developing partnership bids

7 GMVSS Website New VSS Website – July launch(?) Content – please help! Resource finder Promotion of the site (both within and outside of the Consortium) Members area –Minutes, key documents, applications –Opportunity to post comments

8 Stakeholder and Communications Strategies Stakeholder Engagement and Communications Strategies Drafts reviewed by the Working Group (as per Working Group minutes) Being combined into a single document To be reviewed at the July meeting

9 Sharing Learning Session postponed until July Consortium Overview report summarizing learning & recommendations from 2006-08 Full reports on GMVSS website Reports on significant work at July meeting – any preferences? Wider meeting for staff/trustees after July Consortium meeting

10 Consortium Update Consortium Assessment Statement –Strengths and areas for improvement Welcome the commitment to developing a wider strategic focus as GM moves towards City Region Equalities and diversity agenda not mainstreamed sufficiently Needs to evidence of the role of frontline organisations in defining need –Seeking clarification

11 Consortium Update Any questions?

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