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The International Amateur Radio Union

2 Communicate by RADIO! Talk AROUND the WORLD!
You have your own radio station and transmitting licence No telephone line is used! Talk AROUND the WORLD! The International Amateur Radio Union

3 International Amateur Radio
The International Amateur Radio Union The International Amateur Radio Union

4 What is the AMATEUR SERVICE?
A radiocommunication service for self-training, intercommunication and TECHNICAL INVESTIGATION by duly authorised persons interested in radio technique and without monetary interests The International Amateur Radio Union

5 Amateur Stations The International Amateur Radio Union

What is the AMATEUR SATELLITE SERVICE? A radiocommunication service using space stations on earth satellites for the same purpose as the AMATEUR SERVICE The International Amateur Radio Union

7 The P3-D Amateur Satellite undergoing vibration tests – February 2000
The International Amateur Radio Union

8 It is now known as AMSAT OSCAR-40
A new era in amateur radio began on November 16, The Phase 3D satellite was launched from the European Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. It is now known as AMSAT OSCAR-40 AO-40! The International Amateur Radio Union

9 International Amateur Radio
The International Amateur Radio Union The International Amateur Radio Union

AMATEUR RADIO: A NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL resource public service – in natural disasters develops electronic expertise develops a nation’s human resources contributes to the radio art explores radio propagation The International Amateur Radio Union

AMATEUR RADIO: DISASTER COMMUNICATIONS Amateur stations can adapt and can reconfigure their networks Amateur stations are geographically dispersed Amateur stations can communicate in the event of loss of normal services The International Amateur Radio Union

AMATEUR RADIO: DISASTER COMMUNICATIONS Amateurs maintain ties with government and relief agencies There is need for organisation in advance The International Amateur Radio Union

AMATEUR RADIO: DISASTER COMMUNICATIONS Networks must be regularly exercised … … with regular practice, drills, tests and … … “Field Days” The International Amateur Radio Union

14 International Amateur Radio
The International Amateur Radio Union The International Amateur Radio Union

Electronic devices and systems proliferate today Radio Amateurs train themselves in: Telecommunications techniques Electronics Radio wave propagation The International Amateur Radio Union

16 Contributes and demonstrates ELECTRONIC INNOVATIONS
AMATEUR RADIO: Contributes and demonstrates ELECTRONIC INNOVATIONS More than 40 Amateur Satellites since 1961 Developed packet radio GPS automatic packet reporting system Antenna designs Home-built radio equipment The International Amateur Radio Union

17 JAS-2 / FO-29 Amateur Satellite
The JAS-2 / FO-29 Amateur Satellite Launched on August 17, 1996, from Tanegashima, Japan The International Amateur Radio Union

18 Explores Signal Phenomena
AMATEUR RADIO: Explores Signal Phenomena Explores propagation modes and anomalies: Meteor scatter Earth-moon-earth Sporadic-E Transequatorial spread-F Observes, measures and records signals Uses numerous HF, VHF and UHF beacons The International Amateur Radio Union

19 International Amateur Radio
The International Amateur Radio Union The International Amateur Radio Union

AMATEUR RADIO: A NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL resource promotes international friendship projects a national image provides learning opportunities A disciplined and self-regulating service The International Amateur Radio Union

21 Promotes International Friendship and Understanding
AMATEUR RADIO: Promotes International Friendship and Understanding Gives opportunity for direct person-to-person international contact Recognises no political, cultural, ethnic, economic, geographic, religious, age, or other barriers A unique bridge among all peoples of the world The International Amateur Radio Union

22 Projects the NATIONAL IMAGE
AMATEUR RADIO: Projects the NATIONAL IMAGE Radio Amateurs represent their country over the airwaves During international contacts, they convey a positive image of their country – friendly, progressive, and interested in the rest of the world The International Amateur Radio Union

23 International Amateur Radio
The International Amateur Radio Union The International Amateur Radio Union

AMATEUR RADIO: Provides LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES For all ages, especially for youth, can lead to professional jobs in telecommunications and electronics A productive outlet for older people For the physically handicapped – offers a unique window on the world The International Amateur Radio Union

25 In AMATEUR RADIO … You learn how radio works!
Teach Yourself About RADIO! Radio experimenting is fun! The International Amateur Radio Union

26 International Amateur Radio
The International Amateur Radio Union The International Amateur Radio Union

The rules vary from country-to-country See Article S25 of the Radio Regulations A pass in an elementary written examination is required Some countries have different “grades” of licence with different privileges For details, visit this site: The International Amateur Radio Union

28 Get more information from:
Your local Radio Administration Your local Amateur Radio Society The IARU web page: BECOME A RADIO AMATEUR! The International Amateur Radio Union

29 International Amateur Radio
The International Amateur Radio Union The International Amateur Radio Union

30 The international organisation of Amateur Radio national societies
What is the INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR RADIO UNION? The international organisation of Amateur Radio national societies The International Amateur Radio Union

31 IARU’s Mission: To promote and to coordinate AMATEUR RADIO world-wide
To encourage fraternalism To represent Amateur Radio at international telecommunications conferences The International Amateur Radio Union

32 75 YEARS! IARU’s History: Founded in Paris, in April 1925
Twenty-three countries represented Delegates from Europe, North and South America, and Japan The first IARU Constitution was adopted on April 17, 1925 75 YEARS! The International Amateur Radio Union

33 The International Amateur Radio

34 IARU’s STRUCTURE: More than 140 Member Societies
One National Society in each country represents its members in the IARU Each member society represents Amateur Radio in its own country The International Amateur Radio Union

35 The IARU REGIONS: IARU is divided into three REGIONS – coinciding with the three ITU Regions One of these Regions holds a conference each year where Member Societies discuss problems and solutions for AMATEUR RADIO The International Amateur Radio Union

36 The IARU Administrative Council:
Comprises representatives from the three IARU Regions and from the IARU International Secretariat Coordinates the interests of Amateur Radio at International Conferences Establishes long-range planning for International AMATEUR RADIO The International Amateur Radio Union

37 The IARU - Summary: The IARU is governed by an Administrative Council
IARU promotes Amateur Radio world-wide IARU acts through its Regional Organisations and its Member Societies IARU’s International Secretariat is at Newington, CT, USA The International Amateur Radio Union

38 The International Amateur Radio Union
Region 1 The International Amateur Radio Union

39 IARU Region 1: Union
IARU Region 1 covers Europe and Africa through to Mongolia The Secretariat of IARU Region 1 is in England IARU Region 1 has an Executive Committee which attends to the affairs of the Region in the period between Regional Conferences The International Amateur Radio Union

40 The International Amateur Radio Union
Region 2 The International Amateur Radio Union

41 IARU Region 2: Union
IARU Region 2 covers North and South America The Secretariat of IARU Region 2 is in Guayaquil, Ecuador IARU Region 2 has an Executive Committee which attends to the affairs of the Region in the period between Regional Conferences The International Amateur Radio Union

42 The International Amateur Radio Union
Region 3 The International Amateur Radio Union

43 IARU Region 3: IARU Region 3 covers Asia and the Pacific
The Secretariat of IARU Region 3 is in Tokyo, Japan IARU Region 3 has Five Directors and a Secretary who attend to the affairs of the Region in the period between Regional Conferences The International Amateur Radio Union

44 IARU Region 3 Member Societies …
AUSTRALIA: Wireless Institute of Australia [WIA] BANGLADESH: Bangladesh Amateur Radio League [BARL] BRUNEI DARUSSALAM: Brunei Darussalam Amateur Radio Association [BDARA] CHINA: Chinese Radio Sports Association [CRSA] CHINESE TAIPEI: Chinese Taipei Amateur Radio League [CTARL] FIJI: Fiji Association of Radio Amateurs [FARA] The International Amateur Radio Union

45 IARU Region 3 … Member Societies …
FRENCH POLYNESIA: Club Oceanien de Radio et d'Astronomie [CORA] HONG KONG: Hong Kong Amateur Radio Transmitting Society [HARTS] INDIA: Amateur Radio Society of India [ARSI] INDONESIA: Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia [ORARI] JAPAN: Japan Amateur Radio League [JARL] REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Korean Amateur Radio League [KARL] The International Amateur Radio Union

46 IARU Region 3 … Member Societies …
MALAYSIA: Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitters' Society [MARTS] NEW CALEDONIA: Association des Radio-Amateurs [ARANC] NEW ZEALAND: New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters [NZART] PAKISTAN: Pakistan Amateur Radio Society [PARS] PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Papua New Guinea Amateur Radio Society [PNGARS] PHILIPPINES: Philippine Amateur Radio Association [PARA] The International Amateur Radio Union

47 IARU Region 3 … Member Societies
SINGAPORE: Singapore Amateur Radio Transmitting Society [SARTS] SOLOMON ISLANDS: Solomon Islands Radio Society [SIRS] SRI LANKA: Radio Society of Sri Lanka [RSSL] THAILAND: Radio Amateur Society of Thailand [RAST] TONGA: Amateur Radio Club of Tonga [ARCOT] UNITED KINGDOM: Radio Society of Great Britain [RSGB] U.S.A.: American Radio Relay League [ARRL] VANUATU: Vanuatu Amateur Radio Society [VARS] The International Amateur Radio Union

48 International Amateur Radio
The International Amateur Radio Union The International Amateur Radio Union

To experiment and to provide service In allocations throughout the spectrum Amateur Radio spectrum requirements are posted on the IARU web page: SUPPORT AMATEUR RADIO! The International Amateur Radio Union

50 International Amateur Radio
The International Amateur Radio Union The International Amateur Radio Union

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