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Published byJasmine Gray Modified over 11 years ago
Title I :Part A Program Requirements PAFPC Conference April 13-16, 2008 Hershey Lodge and Convention Center Presented By: Maria Garcia-Morales Regional Coordinator Division of Federal Programs
O UTLINE Allocations Program Design Schoolwide Targeted Assistance Program Parental Involvement Qualifications for Teachers and Paraprofessionals Scientifically Based Research Equitable Services to Private School Students
T ITLE I I MPROVING A CADEMIC A CHIEVEMENT FOR THE D ISADVANTAGED * Part A – Basic Program * Part B – Reading First, Early Reading, Even Start * Part C – Migratory Children * Part D – Neglected and Delinquent * Part E – National Assessment of Title I * Part F – Comprehensive School Reform * Part G – AP Programs * Part H – Drop Out Prevention Part I – General Provisions
T ITLE I A LLOCATION C OMPONENTS Basic Grants Basic Concentration Targeted EFIG Neglected Programs Delinquent Programs Academic Achievement-Every two years School Improvement-Separate Application
T ITLE I A LLOCATIONS TO LEA S Eligibility: Census poverty=2% or more & 10 formula children Targeted Funds for Census Poverty=5% or more Concentration Grants for Census Poverty=15% or more USDE Calculates PDE Adjusts for Administration, School Improvement & Charter Schools
U SE OF T ITLE I F UNDS Supplemental Educational Assistance Targeted Assistance Schoolwide Programs Public and Non-Public Programs
T ITLE I U SE OF F UNDS Instructional Programs In class Pull out Extended Day Prekindergarten Summer programs Online Learning Take Home Resources Tutoring Supporting Programs Professional Development Parent Involvement Materials/Supplies Technology School Choice Supplemental Educational Services
D ISTRIBUTION OF F UNDS Title I funds can only be used in eligible school attendance area. It means the geographic area of a particular school in which the children served by the school they reside.
P OVERTY M EASURES There are 5 measures of poverty that Local Educational Agencies( LEAs) may use to identify children from low income families. 1- Census data. 2- # of children eligible for free and reduced lunch. 3- # of children in families receiving assistance under Temporary Assistance for Needy Families or TANF. 4- #number of children eligible to receive Medicaid. 5- A composite of the above measures.
P OVERTY M EASURES LEAs must use the same measure of poverty with respect to all school attendance area for the purpose of: Identifying eligible school attendance area. Determining the rank of each area. Determining the allocation for each school.
Title I requires that an LEA rank all of its schools attendance areas in order of poverty from highest to lowest. Ex. School Name%age of Low Income Ranking Wilson Elem.44%1 Southwest Elem.42%2 Wilson MS38%3 S TRICT R ANKING AND S ERVING R EQUIREMENTS
R ANKING S CHOOLS Highest % Low Income $$ Allocated for Every Low Income Student Rank Ordering of Building by: District Grade Span Average
A LLOCATION TO S CHOOLS LEAs rank and serve their schools based on percentage of low income children Allocations themselves based on each schools number of low income children LEAs have some discretion in determining the amount of the per pupil allocation LEAs not required to allocate the same per pupil allocation Must allocate a higher per pupil to schools with higher concentration of poverty
D ETERMINING E LIGIBLE B UILDINGS Must serve any buildings with more than 75% low income regardless of grade span. Standard Eligibility Rules: District Average Grade Span Average 35% Rule
S PECIAL R ULE /E XCEPTION LEAs with a total enrollment less than 1000 or single attendance area are exempt from selection of schools requirements (Ex. Charter schools). Grandfather Clause Makes a building eligible is it was eligible in the previous year using a standard method. Used when no other eligibility method can be used. Can not be used in consecutive years.
S PECIAL R ULE /E XCEPTION Ed Flex Waiver Eligible School Attendance Area When the school was served the previous year (grandfather or received a waiver) and the District would like to continue servicing but school is no longer eligible. District must complete an Ex Flex waiver application Waiver must be approved prior to school starting services. Waivers are good for one year, must reapply every year. Link to information on Ed Flex waiver found at Division of Federal Programs link.
Two Models: Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Program
S CHOOLWIDE School Wide Programs Buildings with 40% or more low income. Building may choose to stay TA if over 40% low income School Based decision making. Schoolwide team. Schoolwide plan. Flexibility in use of Title I funds. All professionals in a Schoolwide building must be highly qualified. Grandfathering: Once a Schoolwide, always a Schoolwide.
S CHOOLWIDE -F ISCAL Schoolwide schools are allowed to combine federal, state and local funds to upgrade the entire educational program. Must meet the intents and purposes of the programs.
S CHOOLWIDE AND S UPPLEMENT N OT S UPPLANT Supplanting in a Schoolwide program is purely a fiscal analysis not programmatic. A schoolwide program may use Title I funds only to supplement the amount of funds that would, in the absence of Title I, have been made available from non federal sources for the school Schoolwide program is not required to demonstrate that any particular service supplements the services regularly provided at that school as long as overall the level of service is proportionally higher than would be the case without the federal money.
S CHOOLWIDE Identification of Students Schoolwide programs are not required to specifically identify eligible Title I students for targeted Title I services. All students are eligible to participate in all aspects of the schoolwide program. The statue requires to particularly address the needs of low achieving children and those at risk of not meeting the state student academic achievement standards.
S CHOOLWIDE Schoolwide programs must be based on three core elements: 1) Comprehensive Needs Assessment 2) Comprehensive Plan 3) Evaluation
T ARGETED A SSISTANCE P ROGRAM Any building with less than 40% low income. Eligible children: Children not older than 21. Children identified as failing, or most at risk of failing Students served in the previous two years under the Migrant Program Any child who participated in Head Start, Even Start, The Early Reading First, within the previous two years. Any child a community day program or living in a neglected or delinquent institution. Any child who is homeless
T ARGETED A SSISTANCE P ROGRAM Selection for services is based entirely in low achieving, not low income. If a millionaires child should happen to attend a Title I school and suffer reading difficulties,he or she would generally would be eligible for Title I services on the same basis as any other child. Funds receive for targeted assistance may not be used to supplant services required by law. Title I may be used to coordinate and supplement services otherwise required for such students.
S TUDENTS S ELECTED B ASED ON LEA C RITERIA Pre K-2 Teacher Recommendation Developmentally Appropriate Assessment Parent Recommendation Grades 3-12 Student Performing Below Proficient Attendance/Suspension Retention Report Card Grades Other: Anecdotal Records, Teacher Recommendations
S UPPLEMENT N OT S UPPLANT T ARGETED A SSISTANCE P ROGRAM Requires that federal funds be used to augment the regular education program, not to substitute for funds or services that otherwise would be provided during the time period in question. It prohibits the use of federal funds to perform a service that would normally be paid for with state or local funds. Additional programmatic services must be provided to identified Title I students.
S UPPLEMENT N OT S UPPLANT It is presumed that supplanting has occurred: If the LEA uses funds to provide services that the LEA was required to make available under other federal, state, or local laws; If the LEA uses federal funds to provide services that the LEA provided with nonfederal funds in the prior year; or If the state used Title I funds to provide services for participating children that the state or the LEA provide with nonfederal funds for non participating children.
T IME D ISTRIBUTION R EQUIREMENTS LEAs must maintain appropriate documentation supporting employees salaries and wages. LEAs must maintain records showing the time and effort an employee spent on a particular activity (time distribution). Employees on multiple cost objectives must maintain Personnel Activity Reports.
Parent Involvement requirements and Title I
P ARENT I NVOLVEMENT STATEDISTRICTSCHOOL Collect/disseminate effective parental involvement techniques. Reserve 1% of Title I funds for parental involvement (if allocation greater than $500,000). Develop school/parent compacts, parent involvement policy Review districts parent involvement policies and practices. Jointly with parents write a parent involvement policy. Accessibility for LEP parents and parents of disabled students Annually review parent involvement plan to determine its effectiveness in increasing the academic quality of the schools.
P ARENTAL I NVOLVEMENT ReportingParents right to know Limited English Proficient & Opt Out Annual Report Cards and school review. Professional qualifications of childrens classroom teachers. Parents may opt out of language instruction programs. Information for parents must be detailed and understandable. When a child is taught for more than 4 weeks by a teacher who is NOT highly qualified. Detailed info to parents for children selected for participation. Childs level of achievement on state assessments. At each level of school improvement, corrective action, restructuring.
H IGHLY Q UALIFIED T EACHERS All teachers must be highly qualified 2005-2006 school year. Definition: Bachelors Degree Certified in Content Area No Emergency Certification Rural Exception
H IGHLY Q UALIFIED P ARAPROFESSIONAL Associates Degree 2 years of College (48 credits) Local Assessment Exemptions: Parent Involvement ESL/Bilingual
S CIENTIFICALLY B ASED R ESEARCH Definition Research that applies rigorous,systematic,and objective procedures; Employs a systematic and empirical methodology; Involves rigorous data analyses that test hypothesis and justify the general conclusions Produces results that are valid across evaluators and multiple observations; and Has been accepted by a peer-reviewed journal or a comparable review. Website
SBR AND T ITLE I Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Programs School Improvement Plans Technical Assistance Professional Development Instructional Strategies All above must apply Scientifically Based Research
E D F LEX W AIVER The Superintendent may apply for a federal waiver, if the waiver will enable the school district to: improve its instructional program Or operate in a more effective, efficient economical manner.
E D F LEX W AIVER PDE has authority to waive certain requirements: Most used waivers: Schoolwide – If falls under the 40% poverty. Eligible School Attendance Area.
Three primary fiscal requirements: Maintenance of Effort Comparability Supplement Not Supplant
F ISCAL R EQUIREMENTS Maintenance of Effort Requires LEASs to demonstrate that the level of the state and local funding remains relatively constant from year to year. State must determine that the LEA did not fall below 90% of the fiscal effort in the preceding fiscal year. If the LEA fails to meet the 90% mark the state must reduce the amount of funds allocated under Title I program. Waiver If determined if LEA did not meet mark due to exceptional or uncontrollable circumstances
F ISCAL R EQUIREMENTS Supplement not supplant The supplement not sully provision requires that federal funds be use to augment the regular education program, and not substitute for funds or services that would otherwise be provided during the time period in question.
F ISCAL R EQUIREMENTS Comparability of Service Comparability requires that LEAs be able to document that the services provided with state and local funds in Title I schools are compatible to those provided in non Title I schools in the LEA.
Title I Services to Private School Students
E QUITABLE S ERVICE TO S TUDENTS Services are equitable if the District: Addresses and assesses the specific needs of eligible private school children. Meets the equal expenditure requirements in the regulations; and Provides private school students with an opportunity to participate that is equitable to the opportunity provided to public school children.
C ONSULTATION Size and scope of equitable services to be provided. Proportion to districts fund allocated to private school students Method or sources of poverty data used to derive about the delivery of services to eligible private school students. How and when districts will make decisions about the delivery of services to eligible private school students. How childrens needs will be identified. What services will be offered. How, where, and by whom services will be provided. How services will be academically assessed and how the results of that assessment will be used to improve those services.
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