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A Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr.. (c) 2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2 Demanding asking for forcefully hit fist in palm of other hand.

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Presentation on theme: "A Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr.. (c) 2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2 Demanding asking for forcefully hit fist in palm of other hand."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr.

2 (c) 2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2 Demanding asking for forcefully hit fist in palm of other hand

3 (c) 2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 3 Fair not favoring one more than another pretend to share

4 (c) 2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 Laws Rules Point to classroom rules

5 (c) 2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 5 Graduated to have finished school Throw arms out to side as if saying Ta Da

6 (c) 2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 6 Arrested held by authority of the law place hands behind back as if in cuffs

7 (c) 2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 7 Prejudice unfair treatment of a group of people Girls: “Eww boys” Boys: “Eww girls”

8 (c) 2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 8 Content what is in something look in your pocket

9 (c) 2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 9 Section a part point to your finger (a section of your hand)

10 (c) 2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10 Jonah’s father was a powerful man. But sometimes he thought his father was too demanding. Jonah wanted to play. His father said, “Do your homework, and clean your room first.” Jonah thought it would be fair to do his homework before he played but he wanted to clean his room after he came inside. “We have rules at home that are just like laws,” said his father. Jonah’s father was a lawyer. He had graduated, or finished school. Jonah knew his father helped people who had been arrested and helped to fight prejudice. Jonah thought about how other people felt about his father and the content of his character. This made Jonah decide to organize his closet and clean every section of his room.

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