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All You Want to Know About the K-2 Assessments Amy Scrinzi, Ed.D North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.

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Presentation on theme: "All You Want to Know About the K-2 Assessments Amy Scrinzi, Ed.D North Carolina Department of Public Instruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 All You Want to Know About the K-2 Assessments Amy Scrinzi, Ed.D North Carolina Department of Public Instruction

2 Agenda History of K-2 Assessment K-2 Instructional & Formative Assessment Tasks K-2 Mid-Year Benchmark Assessment K-2 Summative Assessment


4 NC History 1997-1998 –NC State Board asked: “What are we doing for K-2 Accountability?” –Telephone survey, board hearings, 2-day Feedback workshop –Board Policy Developed 2000-2001 –First K-2 Assessment

5 State Assessment Requirements State Statute(115C-174.11): (a) Assessment Instruments for First and Second Grades. – The State Board of Education shall adopt and provide to the local school administrative units developmentally appropriate individualized assessment instruments consistent with the Basic Education Program for the first and second grades, rather than standardized tests. Local school administrative units may use these assessment instruments provided to them by the State Board for first and second grade students, and shall not use standardized tests except as required as a condition of receiving federal grants.

6 State Assessment Requirements The State Board of Education requires that schools and school districts implement assessments at grades K, 1, and 2 that include documented, on-going individualized assessments throughout the year and a summative evaluation at the end of the year. These assessments monitor achievement of benchmarks in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. They may take the form of the state-developed materials, adaptations of them, or unique assessments adopted by the local school board.

7 State Board Requirements Intended purposes of these assessments: (1) to provide information about the progress of each student for instructional planning and early interventions; document growth over time (2) to inform parents about the status of their children relative to grade-level standards (3) to provide next-year teachers with information about the status of each of their incoming students (4) to provide the school and school district information about the achievement status and progress of groups of students in K, 1, and 2

8 K-2 Math Assessment Formative Instructional & Assessment Tasks Mid-Year Benchmark Assessment Summative Assessment

9 K-2 Formative Instructional & Assessment Tasks

10 Formative Instructional & Assessment Tasks Moves beyond only whether an answer is right or wrong. Focuses attention on the thinking and processes that all students use in solving the tasks. Provides opportunities to demonstrate his or her knowledge, skill, and understanding.


12 Administration Manual



15 Grade Specific Tasks


17 K-2 Tasks Task Blackline Master Student Form

18 Task

19 Blackline Masters

20 Student Forms

21 K-2 Tasks Tasks Blackline Master Student Form

22 Student Record-Keeping Forms


24 Frequently Asked Questions


26 Contributors


28 State Assessment Requirements The State Board of Education requires that schools and school districts implement assessments at grades K, 1, and 2 that include documented, on-going individualized assessments throughout the year and a summative evaluation at the end of the year. These assessments monitor achievement of benchmarks in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. They may take the form of the state-developed materials, adaptations of them, or unique assessments adopted by the local school board.

29 Your Comments & Questions

30 K-2 Mid-Year Benchmark Assessment

31 State Assessment Requirements The State Board of Education requires that schools and school districts implement assessments at grades K, 1, and 2 that include documented, on-going individualized assessments throughout the year and a summative evaluation at the end of the year. These assessments monitor achievement of benchmarks in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. They may take the form of the state-developed materials, adaptations of them, or unique assessments adopted by the local school board.

32 Purpose of a Benchmark Assessment Receive some feedback about student achievement at a particular point in time Additional information used to –Identify students who seem to be mastering the content we are teaching and those who are struggling Identify individuals who need additional help and possibly need focused interventions Identify individuals who need to be challenged to continue to grow Joyner & Muri, 2011

33 Benchmark Assessment A benchmark assessment is like a snapshot- it provides a picture of a student’s performance at one point in time.

34 Benchmark Assessment This snapshot is combined with other “pictures” to create a comprehensive photo album of a student’s mathematics performance.

35 Setting the Mid-Year Benchmarks Major Work of the Grade & Critical Areas CCSS Progressions NRC- Early Childhood Progressions TAP Math Progressions Assessing Math Concepts, Math Pilot

36 State Assessment Requirements The State Board of Education requires that schools and school districts implement assessments at grades K, 1, and 2 that include documented, on-going individualized assessments throughout the year and a summative evaluation at the end of the year. These assessments monitor achievement of benchmarks in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. They may take the form of the state-developed materials, adaptations of them, or unique assessments adopted by the local school board.

37 Kindergarten Student Summary Class Summary Teacher Directions & Student Proficiencies


39 Student Summary DRAFT

40 Class Summary DRAFT

41 First & Second Grade Student Summary Class Summary Student Booklet


43 Student Summary DRAFT

44 Class Summary DRAFT

45 Determining Proficiency

46 Proficiency When students are proficient they can: –Model and explain the concepts, –Use the mathematics appropriately and accurately, and –Are fluent and comfortable in applying mathematics.

47 Proficiency Levels Level ISeldom Level IIIInconsistent Level IIIConsistent Level IVAbove


49 Determining Proficiency Focus is at the Cluster Level –What’s the goal students are working towards? Often more than one task to determine proficiency Proficiency score is not the only data to use to determine overall proficiency

50 Determining Proficiency

51 Administration Manual

52 State Assessment Requirements The State Board of Education requires that schools and school districts implement assessments at grades K, 1, and 2 that include documented, on-going individualized assessments throughout the year and a summative evaluation at the end of the year. These assessments monitor achievement of benchmarks in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. They may take the form of the state-developed materials, adaptations of them, or unique assessments adopted by the local school board.

53 K-2 Math Mid-Year Benchmark Dissemination

54 If you are the District Leader for Mathematics, and have not received an email correspondence from Susan Hart, please contact her immediately:

55 K-2 Summative Assessment

56 NCDPI will provide a Summative Assessment Review process Disseminated directly to District Leaders

57 K-2 Math Assessment Formative Instructional & Assessment Tasks Mid-Year Benchmark Assessment Summative Assessment http://commoncoretasks. Emailed directly to District Leader

58 Your Comments & Questions

59 DPI Contact Information Kitty Rutherford Elementary Mathematics Consultant 919-807-3934 Amy Scrinzi RTT-ELC Program Lead 919-807-3839 Barbara Bissell K – 12 Mathematics Section Chief 919-807-3838 Susan Hart K-12 Program Assistant 919-807-3846

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