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Schalmont – Feb. 28, 2013. Understanding the Charge (15 min.) Understanding Curriculum, Instruction and Resources (30 min.) K-12 Perspective CCLS (30.

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Presentation on theme: "Schalmont – Feb. 28, 2013. Understanding the Charge (15 min.) Understanding Curriculum, Instruction and Resources (30 min.) K-12 Perspective CCLS (30."— Presentation transcript:

1 Schalmont – Feb. 28, 2013

2 Understanding the Charge (15 min.) Understanding Curriculum, Instruction and Resources (30 min.) K-12 Perspective CCLS (30 min.) Planning ahead (15 min.)

3 Establishing norms and responsibilities Time Keeper – Minutes - Thank You History Ad-Hoc Committee

4 Reading and Writing Curriculum Sub- Committee multi-grade level committee as needed District Curriculum Committee Structure of Reading and Writing Curriculum Sub-Committees

5 Groups of 5, 2 sheets of chart paper, Marker – 10 Min. Sheet one – How do we define: Curriculum Instruction Resources Sheet 2 – How are the above three relate to each other? You will have a 1 min. warning Hang it up when you are finished Select a someone to present Share out and discussion How do the CCLS fit in?

6 Curriculum - is an organized program of learning, usually segregated by subject area, composed of four main categories: content, instruction, assessment, and context. Instruction - Process by which knowledge, attitudes, or skills are deliberately conveyed -- includes the total instructional process, from planning and implementation through evaluation and feedback Resources - Available means or assets, including sources of assistance, supply, or support.

7 K-12 CurriculumInstructionResources Multi- Grade Input Feb./ March April/May May – Aug.

8 Large Small K-12 Multi-Grade Weigh in on draft Curriculum Provide Feedback

9 Start with Curriculum Review Curriculum from Ohio, Maryland and PARCC Choose a framework Establish and lead Multi-grade Level groups to review framework(s) Finalize the curriculum

10 2 nd – Move to Instruction Define Instruction In Multi-grade Level Inventory Groups. Inventory current instruction and determine what can be used toward the new curriculum. Review the state developed modules for possible use.

11 Define Resources and decide method of inventory. In Multi-Grade Level Groups Establish what resources we currently have What resources are needed to make this instruction happen? (PD, Text, Assessments…) Establish a plan for securing and sustaining these resources over time. Establish a date for the next review of our reading and writing curriculum.

12 Reading Standard for Literature – Anchor 2 (RL.2) Start in 6 th grade Fill out grey sheet working up to 12 Now work down to K.


14 March 18, 2013 @ 3:30 – DO Conf. Room Review other state curriculums (What layout do we like? Are their things missing? Etc…) We will research and send you some guiding questions. Share with others and gather feedback on the proposed process and curriculums Alisha and Bronson will develop a bookmark/sheet to help define Curriculum, Instruction, and Resources that can be shared to create common understanding.

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