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Advanced i-CAM WordWrite Abigail Day. Agenda Creating new forms from existing i-CAM forms –Using i-CAM forms as templates for custom forms –Formatting.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced i-CAM WordWrite Abigail Day. Agenda Creating new forms from existing i-CAM forms –Using i-CAM forms as templates for custom forms –Formatting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced i-CAM WordWrite Abigail Day

2 Agenda Creating new forms from existing i-CAM forms –Using i-CAM forms as templates for custom forms –Formatting available tokens Creating custom forms from other formats –Turning Word and PDF format files into WordWrite forms Customizing forms with User Defined Fields –Creating custom tokens for use on forms Advanced customization –Using tables to format spacing –Using formulas on date and amount tokens –Customizing tables

3 Creating Forms from Existing Forms Select category to determine i-CAM form that will serve as the template Create unique name Split by property Split by region Edit new form to create desired changes Save new form Set new form as default document

4 Formatting available tokens Formatting date tokens Dates can be formatted from 9/18/2009 to Tuesday, September 18, 2009 Formatting number tokens Formatting currency tokens Formatting tables Hiding and exposing columns Formatting columns

5 Creating forms from other formats Create custom RTF file from desired form Any document or text file can be saved as an Rich Text Format (RTF) file type PDF files saved for editable text can be copied into Word Create File Name in i-CAM as place holder Copy custom RTF into i-CAM formsandletters Customize form in WordWrite Format form for looks – arrange form to resemble original, add special graphics Format form with tokens

6 Customizing forms with User Defined Fields Adding User Defined Fields to Occupancy Setup Add fields to resident type based on intent for field Format field for type – date, currency, alphanumeric, numbers Adding User Defined Fields to Forms Entering Data for User Defined Fields

7 Advanced Customization for WordWrite Tables in WordWrite to format spacing Use tables to format spacing such as left and right hand addresses Hide table borders if table aspect not desired Tables for formatting Header/Footer Using tables in header and footer to add graphics and formatting Using tables to center text

8 Advanced Customization for WordWrite - continued Formulas for Dates –Adding, subtracting days, months, years –Setting to first or last of month Formulas for Currency and Numbers –Adding, subtracting two values –Advanced formulas for calculating several values together Customizing tables –Customize tables using User Interface –Customize tables using scripts

9 Thank you for attending

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