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Coastal Plains RESA Assessment Literacy: Leading Formative Instructional Practices January 28 and February 25 Session One: Modules 1, 2, 3 Session Two:

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Presentation on theme: "Coastal Plains RESA Assessment Literacy: Leading Formative Instructional Practices January 28 and February 25 Session One: Modules 1, 2, 3 Session Two:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coastal Plains RESA Assessment Literacy: Leading Formative Instructional Practices January 28 and February 25 Session One: Modules 1, 2, 3 Session Two: Modules 4, 5, 6

2 Norms Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 2 Be on time. Place cell phones on silent. Actively listen and participate. Limit sidebar conversations (take notes to discuss later). Assume good will and positive intent. Observe the work time limit. Use electronic devices for group work only. End on time. Clean your work area. Laugh often. Celebrate success!

3 Wi-Fi Protocol Please connect only ONE device to Wi-Fi. WiFi in Auditorium The north side of the room will access RESA Hall 2. The south side of the room will access RESA Hall 1. The front of the room will access RESA Lab. WiFi in Annex The north side of the room will access resaannex. The south side of the room will access annex hall. Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 3

4 How do Formative Instructional Practices connect to Leader Keys, Teacher Keys, CCRPI, …? Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 4 Teacher Keys Effectiveness System Leader Keys Effectiveness System

5 FIP: Alignment to Leader Keys Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 5 1. Instructional Leadership The leader fosters the success of by facilitating the development, communication, implementation, and evaluation of a shared vision of teaching and learning that leads to school improvement. 3. Planning and Assessment The leader effectively gathers, analyzes, and uses a variety of data to inform planning and decision-making consistent with established guidelines, policies, and procedures. 6. Teacher/Staff Evaluation The leader fairly and consistently evaluates school personnel in accordance with state and district guidelines and provides them with timely and constructive feedback focused on improved student learning.

6 Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 6 Performance Standard 6: Assessment Uses The teacher systematically gathers, analyzes, and uses relevant data to measure student progress, to inform instructional content and delivery methods, and to provide timely and constructive feedback to both students and parents.

7 Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 7 Performance Standard 4: Differentiated Instruction The teacher challenges and supports each student’s learning by providing appropriate content and developing skills which address individual learning differences.

8 How can I use assessment results to improve learning (teaching)? Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 8 Discuss with your partner how this question is a shift in thinking for many.

9 Learning Targets and Assessment Methods Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 9 Deconstruct the standard. Learning Target Types Deconstructing a Standard Template Checklist for Creating Student-Friendly Learning Targets Write student-friendly learning targets. Review the assessment items (from OAS). Analyze an item to determine how it provides evidence of mastery of the LT/standard. Share. Work with a partner. Know how to ensure learning targets are clear to the teacher. Know how to ensure learning targets are clear to students. Know how to collect accurate formative evidence of learning. Know how to document formative evidence of student learning.

10 Learning Targets and Assessment Methods Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 10 ELA Heather Robin Science Tara Debra Al ELA Claudia Djana Patty Science Nancy Terri Lisa Social Studies Elena Linda Deborah Social Studies Becky Laura

11 Sound Assessment Design Which assessment methods are the best match for the learning target? What is an appropriate sample size? Are the items, tasks, and scoring rubrics of high quality? Does the assessment control for bias?

12 4. Analyzing Evidence and Providing Effective Feedback 5. Student Ownership of Learning: Peer Feedback, Self-Assessment, and More 6. Leading Formative Instructional Practices Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 12

13 MODULE 4 LEARNING TARGETS  Know how to use methods of assessment formatively in order to analyze evidence of student learning.  Understand what makes feedback effective.  Know how to provide effective feedback.

14 MODULE 5 LEARNING TARGETS Know how to prepare students to give each other effective feedback. Know how to prepare students to self-assess with a focus on learning targets. Know how to prepare students to create specific and challenging goals. Know how to prepare students to track, reflect on, and share their learning with others.

15 Module 6 Learning Targets Know how to plan for the change process and to promote a systemic approach to formative instructional practices. Understand the importance of a balanced assessment system and the pivotal role formative instructional practices play in it. Understand the conditions, structures, and processes needed in order to sustain formative instructional practices. Know how to lead a quality implementation of formative instructional practices in your school or district by modeling and supporting the very practices that you expect to permeate the entire school community.

16 Leading Formative Instructional Practices Learning Targets Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 16 Record your personal learning targets for this session on the yellow sheets.

17 M4: Analyzing Evidence and Providing Effective Feedback Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 17 Section 1 Activity 1: What Teachers and Students Might Say (HO, p.3) Work in pairs to discuss, select an answer, and record reasons. Be prepared to share. Watch Dueck in M4, p. 11. Section 1 Activity 2: Analyzing Formally Documented Evidence Discuss with table group. Record information individually. Share. Know how to use methods of assessment formatively in order to analyze evidence of student learning.

18 M4: Analyzing Evidence and Providing Effective Feedback Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 18 My Feedback Practices (Download E) Section I, Activity 3: Analyzing Evidence and Providing Effective Feedback (HO, p.7) Groups of 3. Individually, Read, Think and Write about the three exercises. Each member leads the discussion on one of the exercises.  Understand what makes feedback effective.  Know how to provide effective feedback.

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20 Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 20 Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning. Chapter 3: Effective Feedback. Appendix B: Reproducible Forms.

21 Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 21

22 Leading Formative Instructional Practices Learning Targets Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 22 Reflect and record evidence of your progress toward the learning targets you set for this session. What changes would you like to see in teacher actions? in student actions? What plans, structures, and processes would facilitate the consistent implementation of these practices in your system and schools?

23 M5: Student Ownership of Learning: Peer Feedback, Self-Assessment, and More Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 23 Section I, Activity 1: What Teachers and Students Might Say About Ownership of Learning (HO, p.3) Work in pairs to discuss, select an answer, and record the reason for your choice. Section I, Activity 2: Preparing Students for Peer Feedback (HO, p.5) Read the rubric. Record ideas for fixing the Getting Started section of Clear Learning Targets. Record ideas for fixing the Getting There section of Focus of Feedback. Discuss whole group. Know how to prepare students to give each other effective feedback. Know how to prepare students to self-assess with a focus on learning targets.


25 M5: Student Ownership of Learning: Peer Feedback, Self-Assessment, and More Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 25 Section I, Activity 3: Preparing Students to Set Specific and Challenging Goals (HO, p. 6) Complete Sophie whole group. Partners complete Mario and Nathan. Review Downloads J, K, and M. Section II, Activity 1 and 2 (HO, p. 8-9) Review 1 and 2. What evidence have you seen of students assessing and tracking their learning? What evidence have you seen of teachers preparing students to self-assess and give each other feedback? Sarah, the kindergartner explains exemplars. Know how to prepare students to create specific and challenging goals. Know how to prepare students to track, reflect on, and share their learning with others.

26 Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 26

27 Leading Formative Instructional Practices Learning Targets Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 27 Reflect and record evidence of your progress toward the learning targets you set for this session. What changes would you like to see in teacher actions? in student actions? What plans, structures, and processes would facilitate the consistent implementation of these practices in your system and schools? How might you create a feedback-friendly culture that allows peer feedback to flourish?

28 Module 6 Learning Targets Know how to plan for the change process and to promote a systemic approach to formative instructional practices. Understand the importance of a balanced assessment system and the pivotal role formative instructional practices play in it. Understand the conditions, structures, and processes needed in order to sustain formative instructional practices. Know how to lead a quality implementation of formative instructional practices in your school or district by modeling and supporting the very practices that you expect to permeate the entire school community.

29 M6: Leading Formative Instructional Practices M6, p. 13, Why Doesn’t Every Teacher? M6, p. 63, Marietta City Schools Principal M6, p. 93, Marietta City Schools Principal Know how to plan for the change process and to promote a systemic approach to formative instructional practices. Understand the conditions, structures, and processes needed in order to sustain formative instructional practices.


31 Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 31 Know how to lead a quality implementation of formative instructional practices in your school or district by modeling and supporting the very practices that you expect to permeate the entire school community.

32 Aim: Raise Student Achievement

33 M6: Leading Formative Instructional Practices Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 33 Clear Learning Targets Continua (Download H) Effective Feedback Continua (Download I) Student Ownership Continua (Download J) Confirming Your Practice for School Leaders Using the documents listed above, describe what you observed in terms of teachers’ skill in using clear learning targets, providing effective feedback, and providing opportunities for students to take ownership of their learning.

34 Leading Formative Instructional Practices Learning Targets Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 34 Reflect and record evidence of your progress toward the learning targets you set for this session. What changes would you like to see in teacher actions? in student actions?

35 Leading Formative Instructional Practices Learning Targets Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 35 Begin a District and School Plan for Implementation of Formative Instructional Practices. Refer to District and School Implementation of Formative Instructional Practices (FIP) Professional Learning. Refer to Clarke County District Assessment Plan and Hopkinton District Plan. How do you connect the dots…LKES, TKES, SLO…? Share where your school/system is in this process and your next steps.

36 Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 36 Resources at FIP Portal

37 Resources Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 37 Chappuis, Jan. Seven Strategies for Assessment for Learning. Stiggins, Rick. Classroom Assessment for Student Learning.

38 Research Base Coastal Plains RESA 2013-14 38 Chappuis, Jan. Seven Strategies for Assessment for Learning. DuFour, Richard. Leaders of Learning. Marzano, Robert. School Leadership That Works. Moss, Connie M. Knowing Your Learning Target. Schmoker, Mike. Results Now. Stiggins, Rick. Classroom Assessment for Student Learning.

39 Coastal Plains RESA

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