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The LY Student.

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1 The LY Student

2 If the parents answer “yes” to any of the three Home Language Survey questions, the student is automatically classified “LY.” It is then the school’s responsibility to test the student within twenty days from the date of entry to the school. The test used by Lee County to determine eligibility for ESOL services is the LAB (Language Assessment Battery test). If the student receives a score of 32% or below on any of the subtests, the student is then classified ESOL (or LY).

3 The student must receive a score of 33% or above on all of the subtests in order to show proficiency and not be classified as ESOL (or LY). If a student went to Pre-K and passes the LAB in KG, he or she will become LF and will be monitored for 2 years. If the student did not go to Pre-K, is new to Lee County, and passes the LAB in KG, he or she will become ZZ. LAB scores are documented on the mainframe and included in the blue insert.

4 If a new student (in grades 1-12) passes the LAB test, the classification on the profile is changed from LY to ZZ. For KG students, please refer to the Pre-K Informational Sheet. The student’s LAB scores need to be put into the mainframe as well but no other ESOL information needs to be included.

5 If the student fails the LAB and is classified as ESOL, the parents must be notified through the ESOL Entry via LAB Parent Notification Letter (initial). Parents will continue to receive this letter as long as the students remain in the ESOL program (continuous). This document is found in the ESOL website under Documents Bank, and it advises parents that the student has been placed in the ESOL program. It is available in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole. A blue insert folder is created to include a copy of the Registration Form, the Parent Notification letter, the LAB answer sheet, and a profile. This is filed away in the cum folder. The LAB scores and all other ESOL information are put into the mainframe.

6 Teachers who are servicing ESOL students must use ESOL strategies to make the language comprehensible to these students and these strategies have to be documented on a weekly basis and kept in the lesson plan book. An ESOL student needs to be serviced by a teacher who is ESOL endorsed or who is in the process of taking the classes toward ESOL endorsement. If the student is placed in the classroom of a teacher who is not ESOL endorsed or who is not in the process of ESOL endorsement, that teacher has one year to begin taking the classes.

7 In this segment, the assessments given to ESOL students will be discussed.
The LAB test is administered when the students first enter the school. An ESOL student will generally remain LY until he or she passes the CELLA and the FCAT Reading (this will be further explored in the LF process segment of the training). He or she will then be designated LF and monitored for a period of two years.

8 Spanish-speaking ESOL students are also given the APRENDA
Spanish-speaking ESOL students are also given the APRENDA. The APRENDA is an achievement test that measures academic skills in reading and math. It is an effective tool to determine how much an ESOL student knows in his or her own language. It is not required to administer the APRENDA, however, it is highly recommended to assist the teacher in determining the level of academic skills that the student has achieved in his or her native language for a variety of purposes.

9 For non-Spanish speaking students, a Review of Educational Background is completed by the parents.
This survey helps schools determine the child’s academic level in the native language. This survey can be one of the acceptable ways to determine appropriate course/program placement.

10 Another assessment given to ESOL students is the CELLA
Another assessment given to ESOL students is the CELLA. CELLA stands for Comprehensive English Language Learning Assessment. The CELLA is a state-mandated test and it is used to measure the growth of English language skills that ESOL students need to succeed in school. The CELLA was first administered in the fall of 2006 and will be given every spring.

11 Test accommodations Test accommodations for LY students are to be used with district and state assessments. Test accommodations for LY students are to be used with teacher-made assessments throughout the entire school year. For specific test accommodation information, please refer to the Procedural Manual in the ESOL Document bank.

12 If and when you have any questions, please contact your on-site ESOL Contact or ESOL Specialist.

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