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Im A Toastmaster By Donald W. Larson CTM & CL December 21, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Im A Toastmaster By Donald W. Larson CTM & CL December 21, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Im A Toastmaster By Donald W. Larson CTM & CL December 21, 2005

2 Why Join Toastmasters? Pride Learn new leadership and speaking skills Be part of an effective team Delegate and accept responsibility Make new friends Click mouse to continue

3 It is my belief that when you speak clearly without using crutch fillers you increase the chance listeners will stay focused on what you are saying: –A listener will drift if you give them reason to divert from your attention when your speech slips –Convince listeners to center on you by speaking with vocal conviction Click mouse to continue The Larson Toastmaster Hypothesis One

4 It is my belief that when you lead strongly, your team will lead strongly: –Members of a team need direction so that they can set their path in tune with the leader –Strong team members reinforce each other and spread the work between the leader and the other members –Strong team members will lead their teams with strength Click mouse to continue The Larson Toastmaster Hypothesis Two

5 The Larson Toastmaster Hypothesis Three Strong members mentor new members: –New members enjoy learning quicker –New members appreciate an effective mentoring process –Then new members learn: The meeting process more successfully The club policies and procedures How to contribute their own ideas and integrate their personal style into the club culture Click mouse to continue

6 The Larson Toastmaster Hypothesis Four Each member is or becomes a: –Leader –Mentor –Competent Toastmaster and Competent Leader Click mouse to continue

7 Youre A Toastmaster You know how to speak and lead with conviction without doubts and fear You understand the importance of policies, procedures, and how to create agendas to run meetings of any kind effectively and on- time You are in a position to positively influence the world around you Click mouse to continue

8 The End Thank you for your time! Click your mouse- button to end this presentation. Don Larson Photo copyright © 2003 by Donald W. Larson

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