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Private Sector Energy Efficiency (PSEE) Project Funded by: 21 November 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Private Sector Energy Efficiency (PSEE) Project Funded by: 21 November 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Private Sector Energy Efficiency (PSEE) Project Funded by: 21 November 2013

2 Outline 1.Background 2.Government Policy 3.Business Case and Policy Drivers 4.Introduction to the PSEE 5.Project Purpose 6.Expected Outcomes 7.Stakeholder engagement 8.Scope 9.Overview of Customer support 10.Consultant recruitment and selection 11.Customer Mobilisation

3 Background The National Business Initiative (Not-for- profit, membership based with approximately 130 member companies ) Vision: Creating and supporting a sustainable, equitable, thriving society that makes South Africa one of the greatest places to live, work and do business Key Focus areas : Skills, Energy Efficiency, Climate Change, Water, Human rights, Anti-Corruption Partnerships: Regional Partner to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development; Local network for UN Global Compact, Local partner for Carbon Disclosure Project Local partner for World Resources Institute on GHG Accounting Scope 3

4 Government Policy Government plans to introduce mandatory submission of Energy Management plans and progress against these plans Opportunity assessment and implementation against identified opportunities Data collection and energy target monitoring Review of post 2015 baselines and targets Tax allowances/incentives : 12 I ; 12 L; Manufacturing Competitiveness Enhancement Programme (MCEP) Market development of related Energy services Impending carbon tax GHG reduction targets

5 The Business Case and Policy Drivers for participating in the PSEE Cost: The rising cost of Energy is increasingly making up as much as 40% of cost to the business Competiveness and growth – energy efficiency can reduce cost and promote efficient operations and production thereby enhancing competitiveness Capacity: A recent NBI study on a sample of 30 large companies found that many companies still require much improvement in: audits, baseline setting, strategy and structure, target setting, measurement, capacity building, technology choices, finance

6 Private Sector Energy Efficiency (PSEE) Department For International Development Funding through UK’s International Climate Change Fund : £8.6 million Under the UK-SA Bilateral relationship Department of Energy Building on existing relationship of the Energy Efficiency Leadership Network Leadership and support in pursuit of Energy Strategy implementation National Business Initiative Implementing agent for PSEE and secretariat to EELN Strategic engagement and partnership for collaborative effort on Energy Efficiency Carbon Trust Technical support to the NBI Over 10 years experience with over 35 000 companies supporting government by assisting companies in EE

7 Project Purpose To improve energy efficiency in industrial and commercial sectors across various sizes of business in South Africa through the provision of a variety of services to help companies identify and implement energy saving measures

8 Expected Outcomes Reduced energy consumption/demand Implementation of Energy Mgt Plans Energy Savings Reduced of carbon emissions F Finance leveraged, invested, accessed

9 Prospective project clients 2,500 1,000 60Large Medium Small Organised Industry Associations Organised Business Associations NBI strategic network PSEE PSEEP Enablers NBI leadership DFID UK Carbon Trust DOE ESKOM Other strategic stakeholders NBI Staff SALGA Media (traditional and social) Opinion formers Dti NCPC EWSETA Consultants / Service Providers SANEDII Stakeholder Engagement GBCSA Donor community ECLEI

10 10 SCOPE: Target groups from various sectors

11 Overview of customer support Remote Advice and guidance provided by: – Telephone advice line – Website – Publications and guides – Events and workshops – Awareness raising activity Company size and complexity SmallMediumLarge › As per small companies plus › 4 day energy audit / site survey delivered by third-party energy consultant to identify priority energy saving opportunities (fully subsidised) › Follow up support provided by account managers › As per small companies plus › Strategic Energy Management assistance including up to 60 days of support from third-party consultants (60% subsidised) › On-going relationship with account managers

12 Scope: Large company support 40-60 days direct company support until March 2015 (60% subsidy from project funding) Approximately R280 000 per company Services can include: Energy Audits or diagnostic, Baseline setting, EE Opportunity assessment, Energy Mgt Plans, Business Case Development, Capacity Building (As per company roadmap) Support towards implementation and access to finance and technologies

13 What do large companies need to commit to? Co-funding of 40% of the cost of the third party support – estimated to be up to ZAR 200k Commitment of time from a project champion (1 day per week) to attend working and steering group meetings, and facilitate internal meetings; and ad- hoc time from key stakeholders across departments such as finance, procurement, operations, sales & marketing A senior executive management sponsor to give the project internal momentum and attend steering groups (4-5 meetings in total) Willingness to open up core businesses and industrial processes to examination Provision of energy consumption data and other relevant operational data Commitment to implement priority recommendations Inclusion of project outcomes in case studies for publication by the PSEE


15 Scope: Medium company support Fully funded 4 days on site support Site surveys / energy audits Face to face engagement to identify energy efficiency opportunities. Follow up support, information through Website, Capacity building workshops

16 Scope :Small company support Remote Advisory services through helpline service on energy efficiency Comprehensive website to include: Advice, Tips and relevant news publications, diagnostic tools Links to other sites services and resources Capacity Building

17 Consultant recruitment and selection Expression of Interest Collation and vetting of responses Selection of consultancies matched to experience with relevant size of companies and skills requirements Framework agreements for medium companies Contracting for large companies

18 Customer Mobilisation Communications and marketing Stakeholder Engagement Company expressions of interest Helpdesk/website Project Launch 4 th December Direct engagement Letters of Intent Contracting November 2013 March 2014 Implementation – March 2015

19 PSEE Logo

20 Contact details

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