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How to Be a Missionary to the Pre-born Caring for the Pre-Born and Their Mothers “Rescue those being led away to death, hold back those staggering towards.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Be a Missionary to the Pre-born Caring for the Pre-Born and Their Mothers “Rescue those being led away to death, hold back those staggering towards."— Presentation transcript:


2 How to Be a Missionary to the Pre-born Caring for the Pre-Born and Their Mothers “Rescue those being led away to death, hold back those staggering towards slaughter.” Proverbs 24: 11

3 WHY? Every life is precious to God Love your pre-born neighbour as you love yourself (Matt 22:39). God hates murder and we must hate what He hates: “These six things the Lord hates…hands that shed innocent blood…” (Proverbs 6:16-17). We must live by conviction and not by preference. Can you say that you hate abortion?

4 The blood of the innocent is on our hands… "They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters…" Psalm 106:38 "The LORD said, `What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to Me from the ground.'" Genesis 4:10

5 As the Church…so the world You are saving two lives! Rescuing them physically, so that they may have the opportunity to Live spiritually.


7 HOW? Education Compassion Activism Prayer

8 Education Prevention is better than cure Schools, churches, outreaches, radio, TV, billboards Sanctity Life Sunday (last Sunday of January every year) Resources: books, articles, Christian Action E- updates and website, magazines, newsletters, posters, CDs, DVDs, booklets, leaflets, bumper stickers, T-shirts, Precious Feet lapel pins. Doctors for Life – outreaches to doctors and nurses


10 Compassion Start a Crisis Pregnancy Centre or volunteer Call Africa Cares for Life (umbrella body of Crisis Pregnancy Centres, Adoption Agencies, and Mothers’ Homes) for training or to find the nearest Centre in your area: National Office: 031-9036093 Adopt Foster


12 Activism Demonstrations alert the public to the reality of the abortion holocaust and the fact that abortion is murder. The “Silent Majority” is encouraged to come out of the woodwork and show themselves!

13 International Life Chain Sunday- first Sunday of October

14 National Day of Repentance – 1 February

15 Sanctity Life Sunday – 3 February 2008 Pastors are encouraged to preach on the sanctity of life Pray as a congregation for lives to be saved. Motivate your congregation in the Fight for Life.

16 Inspire, inform and involve other Christians Invite city leaders Great opportunities for outreach

17 The impact is multiplied through media opportunities…

18 Prayer Prayer is the foundation for action. Faith without action is dead. Have faith that more than just one life will be saved!

19 Contact us: Africa Christian Action PO Box 23632 Claremont 7335 Tel: 021-689 4481 E-mail:

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