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Unit 3 My Friends PartA Let’s learn 绣惠镇茂李小学 游招群. I have a good friend. She is friendly.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 My Friends PartA Let’s learn 绣惠镇茂李小学 游招群. I have a good friend. She is friendly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 My Friends PartA Let’s learn 绣惠镇茂李小学 游招群

2 I have a good friend. She is friendly.

3 Chant Friendly friends, Friends are friendly.

4 quiet She’s quiet. 文静 她是文静的。 quiet He’s quiet. 文静 他是文静的。 quiet 安静的


6 He is tall and strong. strong tall

7 He is short and thin. thin

8 Guess: Who is she/he?







15 I say tall. Tall,tall,tall. I say short. Short,short,short I say strong. Strong,strong,strong. I say thin. Thin,thin,thin.. Let’s chant

16 用英文描述你的一位朋友 My Friend I have a good friend, He\She is a boy\girl, His \Her name is _____, He \She is ___and ___.

17 Please cherish our friendship! 请珍惜我们的友谊!

18 Homework : Introduce your friends to your parents.

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