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Unit 6 Do you like bananas ? a pear strawberries pears a strawberry a banana bananas an orangeoranges Fruits (水 果) an apple apples.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6 Do you like bananas ? a pear strawberries pears a strawberry a banana bananas an orangeoranges Fruits (水 果) an apple apples."— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit 6 Do you like bananas ?

3 a pear strawberries pears a strawberry a banana bananas an orangeoranges Fruits (水 果) an apple apples

4 Vegetables( 蔬菜) tomatoes broccoli a tomato a carrot carrots

5 Foods in KFC French fries chickenhamburgers ice cream cola salad milk

6 Read them again: bananaspearstomatoes strawberries saladbroccoli hamburgersFrench friesice cream

7 French fries oranges bananas broccoli strawberries salad pears tomatoes hamburgers Go on Go on

8 眼明口快

9 babrfhiosastt What’s in the fridge?( 冰箱里有什么? ) a Guessing time

10 an apple a banana a strawberry an orange

11 pears a tomato broccoli

12 French fries ice cream a hamburger

13 an orange oranges a banana bananas a strawberry strawberries a pear pears Singular (单数) Plural (复数) Countable noun( 可数名词 )

14 uncountable noun (不可数名词) Do you like broccolis? Do you like broccoli?

15 ice cream salad Countable noun and uncountable noun ( 既是可数名词又是不可数名词 ) 不可数:冰淇淋 可数:一个冰淇淋 不可数 : 沙拉 可数:一碟 / 份沙拉 an ice cream a salad chicken a chicken 不可数 : 鸡肉 可数:一只小鸡

16 A: Do you like bananas? B: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. Look and say A: Do you like oranges? B: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

17 Do you like … ? Yes, I do. /No, I don ’ t. Do you like … ? Yes, I do. /No, I don ’ t. bananasapplesstrawberriesoranges broccoli French fries ice cream hamburgerstomatoes salad Pair work

18 Match the words with the things in the picture. 1a 1. hamburgers __ 2. tomatoes __ 3. broccoli __ 4. French fries __ 5. orange __ 6. ice cream __ 7. salad __ 8. bananas __ 9. strawberries __ 10. pears __ d a b c e f g h i j

19 1b Listen and number the conversations [1-3]. A: Do you like salad? B: No, I don’t. A: Do you like bananas? B: Yes, I do. A: Do you like oranges? B: Yes, I do. 2 1 3

20 2a Listen and circle the food you hear. hamburgers pears broccoli French fries oranges ice cream salad bananas

21 2b Listen again and fill in the blanks broccoli ice cream

22 tomatoes strawberries broccoli I like…but I don’t like… salad French fries chicken hamburgers ice cream apples

23 Imagine you are go shopping with your partner at the supermarket now, and discuss with your partner.( 假 设你现在和你的搭档在超市购物,请 谈论货柜上的食物。 ) I like… I don’t like… Free talk

24 I like… I don’t like…

25 food name I Make a survey Do you like…? Yes 用  No 用 . Fill in the chart and make a report. Report: I like…but I don’t like… Report: I like…but I don’t like… … likes …,but he doesn’t like … … likes …,but he doesn’t like …...likes…, but she doesn’t like…...likes…, but she doesn’t like…

26 Speak and write: I like,, and. I don ’ t like. My father likes, and. He doesn ’ t like or. My mother likes, and. she doesn ’ t like. hamburgers salad broccoli French fries orangessalad ice cream hamburgers bananas tomatoes strawberries

27 一天一苹果,医生远离我 Please eat more vegetables and fruits !

28 A famous poem 悯 农悯 农 李绅 锄禾日当午, 汗滴禾下土。 谁知盘中餐, 粒粒皆辛苦。 At noon we weed with hoes, Our swept drips on the soil. Each all of rice who knows Is the fruit of hard toil? THE PEASANTS Li Shen 春种一粒粟, 秋成万颗籽 ; 四海无闲田, 农夫犹饿死。 Each seed with sow and spring, Will make adobes high, What will feudal fields bring, Peasants of hunger die. Don’t waste food. 莫浪费粮食

29 Homework: Make a survey about your parents’ favorite food.


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