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The Process for Partnering Monday Church Project September 2007 By Gary Edmonds.

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1 The Process for Partnering Monday Church Project September 2007 By Gary Edmonds

2 The Process for Partnering The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. 1 Corinthians 12:12-13

3 The Process for Partnering “ Biblical unity is the only adequate foundation for the effectiveness of all our ministries. Only together can we make a real impact upon our communities, our nations and the world.” Rob Warner, Together We Stand: Evangelical Convictions, Unity and Vision

4 Stages of the Process Exploration Stage - Get to know who is doing what where. A.Know each other by name. B.Speak well of each other. C.Listen to each other’s heart and dreams for the community, country, or region. D.Ask the question, “Are you willing to meet together to see if there is something that God might want us to do together to bless the community?” E.Who else needs to be involved? F.When and where could we meet?

5 The Process for Partnering Stages of the Process Formation Stage - Come together, pray, and plan what you may do to benefit the nation. A.What do we see God doing? What do we sense is His heart or purpose at this time? B.What is a specific need or opportunity that we might address together? C.What will it take to address the need or opportunity? D.What assets has God given us? E.What specifically can we do to make a difference? 1.C larify Objectives 2.A gree on Expectations 3.R esource to Succeed 4.E valuate the Process and Outcomes F.Who is best suited to facilitate the process?

6 The Process for Partnering Stages of the Process Operation Stage – Work together to implement the joint plans and strategies. A.Sectoral Alliances: 1.Dialogue – Exchange ideas and tactics to enhance what each of you are doing. 2.Peer review – Observe each other’s work for mutual critique through peer review in order to incorporate other’s comments into your plans. 3.Parallel Collaboration – Participants each complete a component of the project. Elements are combined into a collective product or service.

7 The Process for Partnering Stages of the Process Operation Stage – Work together to implement the joint plans and strategies. B. Cross-Sector Alliances: The complexity of the issue and the trust required between the participants has increased. 1.Sequential Collaboration – Participants coordinate their work based on each others’ contributions. 2.Synergistic Collaboration – Participants plan, organize and complete a jointly created project that utilizes the contributions of all.

8 The Process for Partnering TRUST

9 The Process for Partnering How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! For the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore. Psalm 133: 1, 3

10 Partnership Readiness Questionnaire – Part 1 YESPARTLYNO 1. Do we have a clear understanding of our vision? 2. Do we have a clear understanding of our distinctives? 3. Do we have a clear understanding of our strengths? 4. Do we have a clear understanding of our needs? 5. Do we have a clear understanding of our core values and culture? 6. Are we able to describe the results we want to see in our ministry? 7. Do we understand why we want to be involved in partnership? 8. Are we certain that the results of working in partnership will justify the costs involved? 9. Is our leadership convinced of the value of the partnership vision? 10. Are our team members convinced of the value of the partnership vision? 11. Do we have a member of our team who will promote partnership and keep the partnership vision alive? 12. Are we willing and able to make the investment in people and resources which will be needed for partnership success?

11 Partnership Readiness Questionnaire – Part 2 1. What is our vision? 2. What do we believe are our distinctives? 3. What would we list as our strengths? 4. What would we list as our needs? 5. How would we describe our core values and culture? 6. What results do we want to see in our ministry? 7. Why do we want to work in partnership? 8. What results would we want to see from our working in partnership? 9. Who is the member of our team who will promote partnership? 10. What investments do we need to make for partnership success? 11. What would be the two or three most challenging issues to be resolved (internally and externally) if we were to enter into a partnership wit others?

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