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Eduard Marček September 8-10, 2010 Fact-finding trip to Prague, Czech Republic Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of Non-Governmental Development Organisations.

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Presentation on theme: "Eduard Marček September 8-10, 2010 Fact-finding trip to Prague, Czech Republic Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of Non-Governmental Development Organisations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eduard Marček September 8-10, 2010 Fact-finding trip to Prague, Czech Republic Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of Non-Governmental Development Organisations in Central Europe

2 Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of NGDOs in Central Europe Overall Objective   To build cooperation and facilitate exchange of experience among NGDOs, their national platforms and fundraising professionals in Central Europe,   To contribute to their mutual learning and strengthening of their fundraising capacities to mobilise greater financial support from private resources for development and humanitarian causes

3 Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of NGDOs in Central Europe Specific Objectives   To network development practitioners and fundraising professionals in CE, to share knowledge and values, and to embody them into Transparency Guidelines for fundraising for development and humanitarian issues.   To collect best practices and success stories in raising private funds for development and humanitarian issues by NGDOs in CE and to disseminate them across the region.

4 Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of NGDOs in Central Europe Specific Objectives   To strengthen fundraising capacity for development and humanitarian issues (NGDOs and their national platforms) in SK, CZ, HU and PL.   To initiate dialogue among the CE NGDO fundraising practitioners and professionals, European NGDO network members (CONCORD), representatives of national authorities and the Community institutions on best practices in mobilizing finances from diverse resources for EU and national development policies.

5 Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of NGDOs in Central Europe Partners and Associates   Leading Partner: PDCS   National Partners:   CZ: People In Need   PL: Partners Poland Foundation   HU: Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights   UK: Resource Alliance   National Associates:   CZ: Czech Fundraising Centre   PL: Polish Fundraising Association

6 Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of NGDOs in Central Europe Direct Stakeholders/Target groups   NGDOs in SK, CZ, PL, HU and their practitioners especially dealing with public outreach, raising of public awareness and fundraising.   Fundraisers, fundraisers’ associations and marketing professionals   National NGDO Platforms in SK, CZ, PL, HU, representatives of CONCORD and CONCORD members.   Representatives of Ministries of Foreign Affairs and/or national aid agencies distributing development and humanitarian aid from SK, CZ, PL, HU.   Representatives of Community institutions.

7 Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of NGDOs in Central Europe Activities 1. Know-how building and networking (18 months)   Gathering experience; building networks & relationships - regional level   1.1 Topical working groups (TWGs)   1.2 Fact-finding trips (FFTs)   1.3 Study visits (SVs) 2. Capacity building and dissemination (12 months)   Use of experience and know-how, spread and apply - national level.   2.1 Regional training set   2.2 National activities   2.2.1 Practical fundraising assistance for NGDOs   2.2.2 National fundraising seminars   2.2.3 Round tables   2.3 International conference

8 Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of NGDOs in Central Europe 1.1 Topical working groups (TWGs) Goal:   Identifying and collecting best practices, challenges, lessons learnt   Reflecting and generalising criteria, compiling an overview on what works well in different areas of fundraising for development and humanitarian issues   Formulating recommendations on systemic improvements in raising funds Outputs:   Comprehensive Publication (16 interesting CE case studies enriched by 5 inspirational UK examples)   Transparency Guidelines (Reflecting the transparency measures and trustworthiness procedures in fundraising for development/humanitarian issues)   Network of up to 20 dedicated experts on fundraising for development and humanitarian causes   Project website created and filled with esp. best practices

9 Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of NGDOs in Central Europe   Fundraising for humanitarian vs. development aid   Transparency, trustworthiness and effectiveness   Supporting mechanisms/strategies 4 private funds mobilization   Raising private funds in digital and networked society Or other topics also possible (integration of awarness raising through campaigning with raising funds, or PR and marketing, etc.) 1.1 Topical working groups (TWGs)

10 Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of NGDOs in Central Europe 1.2 Fact-Finding Trips (FFTs) Goal:   To win involvement of key experts in an active exchange about fundraising for development and humanitarian causes and to assure their participation in TWGs   To enable in-depth sharing and learning among development practitioners and fundraisers from CE countries   To set a basic framework for work of TWGs Outputs:   Two FFTs realised with experience and expertise exchange   Gathered material and prepared presentations for National FR Seminars   Agreement on the structure and content of a Comprehensive Publication   Built working relationships and common understanding of the project goals necessary for common work in TWGs

11 Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of NGDOs in Central Europe 1.3 Study visits (SVs) Goal:   To gain material for production of case studies, discuss it, and propose recommendations to a Comprehensive Publication based on it. Outputs:   4 case studies produced by each of 4 TWGs (together 16 case studies from Central Europe)   5 case studies from the United Kingdom

12 Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of NGDOs in Central Europe

13 Goal:   To spread the gained knowledge to NGDO practitioners, fundraisers, and multiplicators across the CE region, to build personal basis for national activities   To broaden the network of practitioners/fundraisers involved in discussions and exchanges Outputs:   Training set consisting of 3 three-day trainings and mentoring for 20 participants   Certificated participants 2.1 Regional training set

14 Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of NGDOs in Central Europe 2.2 National activities - Practical fundraising assistance for NGDOs Goal:   To apply and test knowledge gained in the first phase of the project   To elaborate and implement outputs of the regional training set on national level and thus enhance concrete fundraising practices of NGDOs Outputs:   At least 15 practical and applicable fundraising/campaigning plans or strategies of concrete NGDOs created and implemented in practice

15 Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of NGDOs in Central Europe 2.2 National activities - National fundraising seminars Goal:   To disseminate the knowledge and experience gained in the project to broader audiences and stakeholders   To attract potential new members of the network Outputs:   Altogether 12 interactive seminars delivered in the region for 180 participants.

16 Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of NGDOs in Central Europe Goal:   To introduce a system improvement for dealing with fundraising for development on level of national NGDO platforms and forums   To involve the key stakeholders that can influence FR practices of NGDOs on national level   To identify ways of improving NGDOs’ practices and to realize collaboratively one of them Outputs:   Permanent round table (consisting of at least 5 working meetings of a group) realised within each of 4 partners’ countries   An action identified and realized by round table’s members involving and targeting broader constituencies into dialogue about improvements of fundraising from private sources 2.2 National activities - Round tables

17 Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of NGDOs in Central Europe 2.3 International conference Goal:   To disseminate the outputs of the project to broader European audiences   To inform about created network of fundraising experts from NGDOs and to attract potential members to get involved   To recap on the whole project implementation, performed activities and produced outputs/outcomes and elaborate on future networking and activities Outputs:   International conference with participation of about 70 fundraisers, practitioners, and decision-makers   6 representatives of SK, HU, PL, CZ MFA and/or development aid agencies and 2 Community institutions representatives   A rough plan of follow-up activities after the end of project drafted

18 Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of NGDOs in Central Europe

19 EventCityCountryFromUntil Numbers of participants Kick-off meetingBratislavaSK4.5.20105.5.201011 Core Editorial Team meeting BratislavaSK10.6.201011.6.20105 Fact-finding tripPragueCZ8.9.201010.9.201020 Study visitWarsawPL4.10.20107.10.20105 Project steering team meeting WarsawPL7.10.20108.10.20105 Study visitBudapestHU 23.11.2010 26.11.20105 Fact-finding tripLondonGB31.1.20115.2.201120 Topical working group meeting WarsawPL24.2.201125.2.20115 Study visitBratislavaSK14.3.201117.3.20115 Project steering team meeting BratislavaSK17.3.201118.3.20115 Study visitPragueCZ10.4.201113.4.20115 Topical working group meeting PragueCZ18.4.201119.4.20115 Topical working group meeting BudapestHU12.5.201113.5.20115 Topical working group meeting BratislavaSK2.6.20113.6.20115 Project steering team meeting BratislavaSK20.9.201121.9.20115 Calender (1/2)

20 Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of NGDOs in Central Europe EventCityCountryFromUntil Numbers of participants Kick-off meetingBratislavaSK4.5.20105.5.201011 Core Editorial Team meeting BratislavaSK10.6.201011.6.20105 Fact-finding tripPragueCZ13.9.201017.9.201020 Study visitWarsawPL4.10.20107.10.20105 Project steering team meeting WarsawPL7.10.20108.10.20105 Study visitBudapestHU 23.11.2010 26.11.20105 Fact-finding tripLondonGB31.1.20115.2.201120 Topical working group meeting WarsawPL24.2.201125.2.20115 Study visitBratislavaSK21.3.201124.3.20115 Project steering team meeting BratislavaSK24.3.201125.3.20115 Study visitPragueCZ10.4.201113.4.20115 Topical working group meeting PragueCZ18.4.201119.4.20115 Topical working group meeting BudapestHU12.5.201113.5.20115 Topical working group meeting BratislavaSK2.6.20113.6.20115 Project steering team meeting BratislavaSK20.9.201121.9.20115 Calender (2/2) Study visit BratislavaSK22.2.201125.2.20115 Topical working group meeting WarsawPL23.3.201124.3.2011 [EM1] 5 Project steering team meeting BratislavaSK24.3.201125.3.20115 Study visit PragueCZ10.4.201113.4.20116 Topical working group meeting BratislavaSK5.5.20116.5.20115 Topical working group meeting BudapestHU12.5.201113.5.20115 Topical working group meeting PragueCZ2.6.20113.6.20115 Project steering team meeting BratislavaSK20.9.201121.9.20115

21 Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of NGDOs in Central Europe International team   Leading Project Coordinator/Chief Editor – PDCS (SK) – overall responsibility for coordination and implementation, chair of the Project Steering Team, organises the international conference   5 Country Coordinators – PPF (PL), PIN (CZ), DemNet (HU), PDCS (SK), Resource Alliance (UK) – implementation in the countries, coordination of a country TWG, organisation and logistical back-up of FFT, SV, coordinates national activities, co-organises the international conference Project Steering Team   Leading Project Coordinator/Chief Editor – methodology, work coordination and final comprehensive outputs of TWGs, regular meetings, preferably as part of other activities – TWGs meetings, SVs, or FFTs.   Topical Working Group Leader – PPF (PL), PIN (CZ), DemNet (HU), PDCS (SK) – responsible for the work/outputs of TWGs under coordination of the national partners (may overlap with Country Coordinators) Core Editorial Team

22 Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of NGDOs in Central Europe More information  

23 Strengthening Fundraising Capacities of NGDOs in Central Europe Donors This project is funded from the European Union and SlovakAid.

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