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Published byChelsea Buley Modified over 10 years ago
District Awards for Teacher Excellence (D.A.T.E.) Overview Grant from Texas Education Agency HB 1, Art. IV
Why? Obtain grant funding to increase funds available for improved performance incentives for teacher Utilize funds for on-going professional development Provide methods to develop, recruit and retain teachers Meet or exceed instructional goals — positively impact instruction across district: student success
District Plan Goals Goal 1:Student Achievement – The Crandall Independent School District will emphasize individual achievement by providing varied learning opportunities to facilitate student success. All student groups taking the TAKS reading, English language arts (ELA), writing, math, science, and social studies will meet or exceed the 2008 Performance Standards to achieve a rating of Exemplary. Performance Objective: A minimum of 90% of all students and of all AEIS required subgroups (Economically Disadvantaged, White, African American, and Hispanic) will pass (meet or exceed minimum standards) on the reading, mathematics, writing, science, and social studies subtests of the TAKS test.
Goal 2 2) A minimum of 90% of all Kindergarten, first and second grade students will read at, or above, grade level (DRA). 90% or more students will be on level or above (DIBELS). Strategy: Reading inventories will be administered a minimum of two times per year for students in grades K-2. Reading levels tracked by six weeks. Teachers will use results for diagnostic purposes to determine instructional levels. DIBELS
Strategies: CISD will provide “At-Risk” professional development for staff and administrators. Professional development funds include stipends/extra duty pay, training supplies, and consultants. Administrators, counselors, and teachers will conduct a comprehensive needs assessment involving the disaggregation of various test scores to identify “At-Risk students" who need additional academic support. The disaggregated test data of various subgroups will be shared with the site-based committees of both the District and campuses to assist with appropriate program and personnel planning In order to improve the commended rating, all CISD teachers will develop plans that promote higher-level thinking skills, including higher level thinking questions, use of Thinking Maps or other graphic organizers, Bloom’s taxonomy, concept-based education, and differentiated instruction
Two types of funds available Part I –Teacher awards At least 60% of grant must be used to award classroom teachers who positively impact student academic improvement, growth, and/or achievement Award can equal to $1,000 per teacher if all criteria met (% of criteria met = amount of award, i.e. 50% of criteria met= $500.00; 70% met = $700.00) Criteria (quantifiable, reliable, valid and objective) must be viewed as a measure of student excellence and quality
Eligibility…certified classroom teachers in certified positions According to this plan and district incentive plan, teachers must be employed on January 15 of the performance year (2008-09) and also remain employed on September 15 (2009-10)of the following scholastic year in order to be eligible for teacher incentive funds (either D.A.T.E. or district). Employees must work 30 or more hours per week to be eligible for district plan or grant funds.
Part II funds Up to 40% can be used for allowable activities including stipends and awards for: *career, mentor, and master teachers * on-going applied professional growth *recruitment and retention of teachers Note: amount of funds available in Part II based upon final allocation of Part I funds (once scores are final)
Crandall’s proposed plan— part I teacher awards Use current Crandall Employee Performance Incentive Plan and adjust to meet grant requirements Why? Increase dollar amount available in the “pot” of funds so that classroom teachers are eligible for increased performance bonuses based upon improved student achievement
Non-teacher employees (not directly teaching every day) Use district funds for other staff (i.e. counselors, nurses, secretaries, instructional aides, administrators…) as matching funds to meet grant requirements These current employees would continue with current CISD Employee Performance Incentive Plan normally received in December based upon overall achievement of the district.
Part II funds (based upon availability of funds) Stipends for coaches, mentors or master teachers who receive additional training and work directly with teachers on campuses (develop teacher leaders & positively impact student learning) Ongoing professional growth …gaining gifted or ESL certification, or completion of a specified block of staff development and demonstration of knowledge in classroom approved by administration
D.A.T.E. funds similar to “stimulus funds” Grant funds are only guaranteed for one year only (unless extended by the state) Unless grant funds extended, all staff would continue on previous district incentive plan as approved on a yearly basis by Board
Steps: Finalize plan, hold another stakeholders meeting Monday, April 7, 2008 at 4 p.m. DWEIC communicate with campuses Approve plan…DWEIC, Superintendent, Board of Trustees (mtg. 4-7-08 at 5:30 p.m.) Complete grant Apply for grant Wait to hear from TEA representative Grant approval/modifications Grant approval/modifications presented to DWEIC on February 27, 2009 and to Teachers Striving for Excellence Team on March 9, 2009
Changes per grant monitors: Grade level or subject area teams allocation of grant funds will be based upon student achievement for that group (i.e. 3 rd grade teachers—reading and math scores, 5 th grade reading, math and science scores, HS ELA department, MS math department). Special, elective, or non-core teachers teamed with approved core content teaching team who incorporate TAKS objectives into their curriculum as evidenced by TAKS planning documents, lesson plans, walk-throughs, tutoring, or administrator evaluations can also be eligible for funds. All other staff will still be eligible for regular district incentive plan which will be based upon district improvement of scores.
Example: 3 rd grade scores from 2007-08 compared to 2006-07 5 possible criteria for each test…90% or above or improvement for all students, AA, Hisp, White, ECD. Maximum of $1000 3 rd grade met 4 of 5 criteria in reading (4 scores 90%+) and 3 of the 5 criteria in math (improved 3), thus 7 of 10 criteria met =70% or $700.00. If 3 rd grade had met 50% of criteria would have received $500.00 Elementary (K-5) based upon TAKS scores for a specific grade level for all tests or K-2 reading scores
K-2 Example based upon DRA reading results and DIBELS Based upon comparing end of year DRA reading levels 2008 versus 2007 K, 1, and 2….two of the three grades showed improvement, thus 2 of the 3 criteria met, 66.66% = $666.60 DIBELS improvement would be based upon growth from beginning to end of year
Secondary example-- HS ELA: Based upon 5 criteria per test (unless # too small) All, AA, Hisp, White, ECD 9 th Reading met 3 of 5 criteria 10 th ELA met 5 of 5 criteria 11 th ELA met 3 of 4 criteria Total HS ELA met 11 of 14 criteria or 78.6% = $786.00 If HS ELA had met 40% of criteria = $400.00 Secondary (MS & HS) based upon department scores ( 6-8 or 9-11 ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies). Alt. campus based upon all 4 tests.
Based upon 2008 versus 2007 scores…% criteria met for comparison basis for K-8th K-2 reading met 2 of 3, 66.66% = $666.60 3 rd grade rd & math, 7 of 10, 70% =$700 4 th gr. rd/math/wr, 8 of 15, 53.33%=$533 5 th gr rd/math/sci, 15 of 15, 100% =$1000 6 th -8 th rd/wr, 14 of 20, 70% = $700 6 th -8 th math, 8 of 15, 53.3% = $533 6 th -8 th sci, 4 of 5, 80% = $800 6 th -8 th SS, 5 of 5, 100% =$1000
High school comparison for 2008 versus 2007 9-11 ELA, met 11 of 14, 78.6% = $786 9-11 math, met 7 of 13, 53.8% = $538 9-11 sci, met 8 of 8, 100% = $1000 9-11 SS, met 9 of 9, 100% = $1000 Alt campus, met 2 of 4, 50% = $500 Ave. incentive would have been $729
What will 2009 scores be? How many of our students will perform at 90% or greater? What percentage will show improvement from 2008? How can we work together to help our students reach academic goals?
Conclusion…Two different pots of funds (district funds and D.A.T.E. grant funds) Every staff member eligible for district funds (if not receiving D.A.T.E. funds) Teachers receiving grant funds meet eligibility requirements…core (English language arts, math, science, social studies) certified teachers working as teachers or certified teachers working in teams with core providing documentation and approved through principal
Steps: Review D.A.T.E. info form Fill out form for certified teachers OR staff other than certified teachers. Turn in forms by Friday, March 13. All certified teachers choose to participate or not participate in grant funds & turn form into principal, then forms turned into curriculum office For non-core teachers, documentation must be approved through your principal if participating All non-participating CISD employees will participate in current district employee incentive plan based upon district assessment data (as in previous year). Fill out form for staff other then certified teachers. Teaching staff will participate in either the D.A.T.E. plan OR the district incentive plan, not both plans. D.A.T.E. funds will be disseminated before Thanksgiving, district incentive funds will be disseminated in December (as in previous years). Teachers choosing participating in D.A.T.E. grant must provide appropriate documentation, fill out documentation form, and get it approved no later than the specific TAKS tests (reading, math, writing, science, or social studies) or K- 2 reading tests are given to students. Teachers who tests have been completed, ELA, reading and writing need to complete forms, attach documentation to documentation form, and conference with your principal. All documentation forms must be turned into principal no later than May 1, 2009.
Questions…submit to principal. No one system is perfect. All CISD employees make a positive difference in lives of our students. TAKS tested core teachers are daily on the “front lines” providing support for students. Purpose of this particular grant is to support student academic achievement and provide encouragement and support to teachers.
In conclusion… FRANK LLOYD WRIGHTFRANK LLOYD WRIGHT: I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen. Crandall ISD: Determination is Power!!! Win-Win scenario Exemplary Student Success and Achievement is the MAIN thing. Thanks to the CISD staff for your professionalism and willingness to do “Whatever It Takes” to support our students.
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