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 Those powers granted to the national government by the constitution (Article I Sect. 8)  Expressed Powers – Spelled out (expressed) in words in the.

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Presentation on theme: " Those powers granted to the national government by the constitution (Article I Sect. 8)  Expressed Powers – Spelled out (expressed) in words in the."— Presentation transcript:


2  Those powers granted to the national government by the constitution (Article I Sect. 8)  Expressed Powers – Spelled out (expressed) in words in the constitution.  Implied Powers – Not spelled out in the constitution but reasonably suggested.  Inherent Powers – Powers of the national government just because it is the “national government” within a world community.

3  Those powers that are NOT granted to the national government and NOT denied to the states.  They are powers “reserved” for the states. (10 th Amend.)

4  Powers given to the national government that cannot be practiced by the states under ANY circumstances.  Making money, make treaties with foreign governments, regulate commerce (trade) between states, etc.

5  Those powers that are held and exercised by BOTH the national and state governments.  Levy and collect taxes and establishment of a system of crime and punishment are examples.  While the concurrent powers are shared, they are not necessarily the same.  Examples?

6  The SC is like the referee in the “federal system”.  Settles disputed powers.  The constitution is the “supreme law of the land” and the SC applies that law to disputes over individual laws and powers.


8  Most found in Article IV – Relations of the States.  A representative form of government. ◦ Elections and representation of the people will continue.  Protection for foreign invasion; an attack on one state = an attack on all states.  Protection from public disorder (lawlessness) if the state cannot control it. ◦ Lend assistance in natural disasters.

9  Article IV Sect. 1  All states and the national government will honor the laws, records and court decisions of every other state.  Example ◦ If you are married in Michigan, your are married in all other states as well. ◦ If you are a convicted felon in Florida, you are still a convicted felon in Minnesota.

10  Law enforcement. ◦ Illinois will not prosecute and/or imprison a person for a crime that was committed in Michigan. That is Michigan’s job!!  Divorces ◦ There are laws for getting divorced. Your are supposed to get a legal divorce in the state that you were married OR the state in which you actually live.

11  The process through which a fugitive from justice in one state can be returned to that state to face charges.  Normally, governors honor this agreement without question.  There are some confusing issues from time to time.


13  A couple of mixed racial background are married in Washington DC, perfectly legal.  They move to Virginia and are arrested and sentenced to a year in jail or must leave the state for violation of state law banning interracial marriage.  The couple sues Virginia and it winds up at the US Supreme Court.

14  What amendment covers the rules of this law suit?  Powers of the state?  Ch. 4 Concepts?  Lets Discuss!!!!

15  1955, a black man in Mississippi kills a white man during a bar fight.  Before he can be arrested, the man flees Mississippi and goes to Michigan to live with relatives.  Amendments involved?  Ch. 4 Concepts?

16  Puerto Rico wants to become a state!  What is the procedure? Explain.  What if Congress placed a condition on statehood for Puerto Rico? ◦ Education system must be restructured to be like the system in Texas. ◦ Must halt the sale of Puerto Rican rum to Cuba until legal and tax issues are addressed. ◦ Must have a bicameral legislature, an independent judiciary and executive branch. ◦ The Republican party must be given equal time to campaign for office.



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