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(re)Discovering the Gospel, part V Rick Wright 9 th Sunday of Pentecost (A) August 10 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "(re)Discovering the Gospel, part V Rick Wright 9 th Sunday of Pentecost (A) August 10 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 (re)Discovering the Gospel, part V Rick Wright 9 th Sunday of Pentecost (A) August 10 2014

2 Doctor Matthew Doctor Matthew Lukwiya Uganda 17 years at Catholic missionary hospital He was such an outstanding doctor, such a faithful Christian, such a wonderful man that almost no one noticed his how much risk he took.

3 Matthew 14 And Peter answers Jesus, Lord, if (since?) it is you – command me to come to you on the water. Jesus says, Come. So Peter gets out of the boat and walks on the water and comes to Jesus. Basic story = disciples experience storm + Jesus comes to them walking on water Only Matthew includes Peter walking on water

4 How do we read this story? 1.Silly Peter! You do not have enough faith! 2.Peter walks on water!!! – Walking on water = sign of divinity – God walks on ocean + rides on storms – Peter does what only God does

5 Human beings Story -> original nature and purpose of human beings Represent God in creation Rule (= take care of) creation for God Represent creation to God Humanity = connection between nature/creation + God (Vladimir Llosky)

6 This sounds familiar All creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God. Creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and experience the freedom of the glory of the children of God. Creation has been groaning in the pains of childbirth until now. (Romans 8) We live between now and not-yet – Now = storm / chaos / suffering / injustice / death – Not-yet = healed / transformed / complete

7 Theosis Theosis = divinization – Better? = share in life and nature of God The Word of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, through His transcendent love, became what we are, so that He make us become even what He is Himself. (Irenaeus of Lyons) For He [Christ] was made man so that we might be made God. (Athanasius)

8 Who walks on water? We were made to walk on water* To represent God in creation… be responsible for creation

9 Icons Orthodox Christianity Shows true nature of person(s) What they are now (that we see with eyes of the heart) What they are becoming What they will be Peter in this story…?

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