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What worries you?. No Matter Where You Live Philippians 4:1-9 Living Care Free.

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Presentation on theme: "What worries you?. No Matter Where You Live Philippians 4:1-9 Living Care Free."— Presentation transcript:

1 What worries you?

2 No Matter Where You Live Philippians 4:1-9 Living Care Free

3 Philippians 4:1-9 1.Conflict outside the fellowship (3:2,18-19; 4:1) 2.Conflict inside the fellowship (4:2-5) 3.Conflict inside ME (4:6-9)

4 Conflict Outside (3:2,18-19; 4:1) Stand firm in the Lord (4:1) Stand firm in the Lord (4:1)

5 Conflict inside the fellowship (4:2-5) Agree in the Lord (2-3) Agree in the Lord (2-3)

6 Conflict inside the fellowship (4:2-5) Agree in the Lord (2-3) Agree in the Lord (2-3) Rejoice in the Lord (4) Rejoice in the Lord (4) Complete my joy, being of the same mind…Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus… Phil 2:2,5

7 Conflict inside the fellowship (4:2-5) Agree in the Lord (2-3) Agree in the Lord (2-3) Rejoice in the Lord (4) Rejoice in the Lord (4) Be reasonable (5) Be reasonable (5)

8 Conflict inside the fellowship (4:2-5) Agree in the Lord (2-3) Agree in the Lord (2-3) Rejoice in the Lord (4) Rejoice in the Lord (4) Be reasonable (5) Be reasonable (5) Remember the Lord is coming! (5) Remember the Lord is coming! (5)

9 Conflict inside ME (4:6-9) Dont worry about anything (6) Dont worry about anything (6)

10 Conflict inside ME (4:6-9) Dont worry about anything (6) Dont worry about anything (6) Pray about everything (6) Pray about everything (6)

11 Finish this line: Oh, what _________________ pain we bear

12 Whats the next line? All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer

13 Conflict inside ME (4:6-9) Dont worry about anything (6) Dont worry about anything (6) Pray about everything (6) Pray about everything (6) Be thankful (6) Be thankful (6)

14 Conflict inside ME (4:6-9) Dont worry about anything (6) Dont worry about anything (6) Pray about everything (6) Pray about everything (6) Be thankful (6) Be thankful (6) Experience Peace Guards (7) Experience Peace Guards (7)

15 Conflict inside ME (4:6-9) Dont worry about anything (6) Dont worry about anything (6) Pray about everything (6) Pray about everything (6) Be thankful (6) Be thankful (6) Experience Peace Guards (7) Experience Peace Guards (7) Think on the right things (8) Think on the right things (8)

16 Conflict inside ME (4:6-9) Dont worry about anything (6) Dont worry about anything (6) Pray about everything (6) Pray about everything (6) Be thankful (6) Be thankful (6) Experience Peace Guards (7) Experience Peace Guards (7) Think on the right things (8) Think on the right things (8) Do the right things (9) Do the right things (9)

17 Be Still My Soul Medley Selah

18 Be still, my soul

19 The Lord

20 Is on your side

21 Thecoss B e a r patiently

22 Thecoss of g r ief or pain

23 Leave to thy God to order andprovide

24 In every change

25 He faithful will

26 remain

27 Be still,

28 My soul!

29 Thy best,

30 Thy heavenly friend

31 Through stormy ways leads to a

32 joyfulend.

33 Be still

34 my soul!

35 The waves and winds still know (still know)

36 His voice who who ruled WhileHedwelt below them

37 Joseph M. Scriven (1819-1896) was 25 years old, in love and to be married.

38 The day before his wedding his fiancé died in a tragic drowning accident.

39 Heartbroken, Joseph sailed from his homeland to start a new life in Canada.

40 While in Canada, he fell in love again and became engaged to Eliza Roche

41 But once again, his hopes and dreams were shattered

42 Eliza became ill and died before the wedding could take place.

43 In the midst of this time of sorrow, he penned a poem entitled What a Friend We Have in Jesus

44 Oh, what peace we often forfeit,

45 oh, what needless pain we bear,

46 All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer

47 Be

48 still

49 my

50 soul

51 Live It Out Stand Firm in the Lord Stand Firm in the Lord Stand Side-By-Side with Believers Stand Side-By-Side with Believers Be prayerful, grateful and thoughtful Be prayerful, grateful and thoughtful Walk faithfully Walk faithfully Idea: Idea: –Keep a gratitude journal –Listen/Read to Prescription for Peace


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