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Let Food Be Your Medicine Hippocrates, Father of Medicine

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1 Let Food Be Your Medicine Hippocrates, Father of Medicine

2 “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human body, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Thomas Edison

3 Nutritional Therapy is a system of healing based on the belief that food, as nature intended, provides the medicine we need to obtain and maintain a state of health our food is our medicine and our medicine is our food

4 Nutritional Therapy although some health problems require specific medication, many conditions can be relieved effectively with nutritional therapy will also benefit you if you have no specific illness, but want to maintain a state of optimum health

5 Nutritional Therapy holistic discipline
nutrition as the key to good health is the all-embracing fundamental principle used since the time of the famous Greek doctor and founder of western medicine, Hippocrates preventative medicine

6 Nutritional Therapy to help people of all ages to stay at their personal peak of energy and vitality. During the last fifty years, many wonderful breakthroughs have improved our understanding of the role of food in our lives. many of us should realize that food is the cornerstone which, in our modern lifestyle, has been rejected

7 The speed at which we live and work — the pressure of the deadline — pushes us into a fast-eating culture, where quality of food becomes secondary. Eating on the job, on the run, under pressure, denies us the experience, the purpose, and the role of food. Eventually it denies us our very lifestyle.

8 Modern supermarkets are stocked with many instant meals, but more often than not, these meals are far lower in nutritional value than those prepared at home with fresh organically grown ingredients.

9 There is also a loss of the vitality intrinsic in newly harvested food because many products are transported vast distances before they reach their destination pre-cooked and packaged before reaching the supermarkets

10 Use of preservatives Instant food preparation Use of chemicals to imitate flavors lifestyle defines itself partly from the tradition of the country we live in, and partly from our attitudes

11 Lifestyle and nutrition
. How do you really want to live? This choice is available to all of us, but to exercise it we need to understand the impact on our well-being of different foods and learn from direct experience what kind of eating pattern best suits our lifestyle.

12 What is Health? A state when our mental, emotional, physical,
and spiritual components all live in harmony with each other.

13 Illness those that come from within and those that come from without.

14 mostly products of our lifestyle, traditions, and beliefs.
excess of emotions, even positive excess of anger can affect the liver excess of sadness damages the appetite, the stomach, spleen, or pancreas excessive grief can affect the lungs shock, fear, surprise, or fright can affect the kidneys

15 Those from without are…
Food we eat Lifestyle Environment

16 “Five Elements” sunlight and fresh air proper exercise and
sufficient rest food water

17 The Role of Food in our Lives
is not just about eating different types of food it is also about increasing your awareness of how you eat where the food you eat comes from how you store and prepare it how you perceive yourself and your place in the web of life.





22 Ingredients: 2 cups of unbleached flour, 3 large eggs 1/2 teaspoon of salt.

23 Using a fork, gently incorporate the flour into the egg mixture a little at a time.






















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