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 Daniel Garcia  Steve Pacheco  Justin Pomar  Issac Chavez  Joshua Vasquez  5-1-2009  Br. Lawrence  Period 3.

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Presentation on theme: " Daniel Garcia  Steve Pacheco  Justin Pomar  Issac Chavez  Joshua Vasquez  5-1-2009  Br. Lawrence  Period 3."— Presentation transcript:

1  Daniel Garcia  Steve Pacheco  Justin Pomar  Issac Chavez  Joshua Vasquez  5-1-2009  Br. Lawrence  Period 3

2  The ultimate sign on God’s presence in your life  Initiation ◦ Unites person with Suffering of Jesus

3 TThe Eucharist has its roots in history dating all the way back to the early Jews. ◦P◦Passover Seder TThe event is celebrated annually in Israelites’ homes

4  Transformation of bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ.  First occurred at the Last Supper ◦ Reenacted at every mass.  In remembrance of Jesus.

5 TThe word – “Eucharist” derives from the Greek language. ◦I◦It is Greek for “thanksgiving” CChristians believe that they thank and praise the Lord when receiving Communion.

6  Giving Life in order to Bring about Life.  The Eucharist reminds us of Jesus’ sacrifice for mankind.  Through our personal struggles, daily, we become united with our Savior.

7  1)Priest presiding mass  2)Scriptures (word of God)  3)Church People  4)Bread and wine (Body and Blood)

8 Can we forgive those whom we have conflicts with? Can we be a welcoming community? Can we offer peace? Can we be sharing? Can we accept everyone?

9  Dismissal Rite ◦ A main rite that includes the conclusion of mass.  “Let us go, now, in peace to love and serve the Lord.”

10 Sources: i. of%20the%20Eucharist.jpg of%20the%20Eucharist.jpg ii. 20 of%20the%20Eucharist/ g 20 of%20the%20Eucharist/ g iii. charist.jpeg charist.jpeg iv. charist.gif charist.gif

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