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Good Morning! Please fill out your agenda. Pass out folders. Clear your desk off except for a pencil. ***Turn in vocabulary from “All Summer in a Day”

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning! Please fill out your agenda. Pass out folders. Clear your desk off except for a pencil. ***Turn in vocabulary from “All Summer in a Day”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning! Please fill out your agenda. Pass out folders. Clear your desk off except for a pencil. ***Turn in vocabulary from “All Summer in a Day” or your figurative language illustration if you have not already (see back board)!!

2 Bi two

3 bicolor (adj) having two different colors

4 bicuspid (n) a two-pointed tooth located in the side of the jaw

5 bicycle (n) a vehicle with two wheels

6 biennial (adj) happening every two years

7 bifocals (n) eyeglasses with lenses that have two different sections- for seeing close up and far away.

8 bilingual (adj) able to speak two different languages

9 bimonthly (adj) happening every two months

10 biped (n) a two footed creature

11 biplane an airplane with two pairs of wings

12 biweekly (adj) happening every two weeks

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