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Centre for Research and Technology Hellas Hellenic Institute of Transport Web: Kostas Kalogirou – Taxiarchis Tsaprounis.

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Presentation on theme: "Centre for Research and Technology Hellas Hellenic Institute of Transport Web: Kostas Kalogirou – Taxiarchis Tsaprounis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Centre for Research and Technology Hellas Hellenic Institute of Transport Web: Kostas Kalogirou – Taxiarchis Tsaprounis Email:, kalogir@certh.grTaxiarchis.Tsaprounis@certh.grkalogir@certh.grTaxiarchis.Tsaprounis@certh.grDomotic

2 Overview

3 Objectives To control the environment at home, in order to provide the necessary comfort, security and safety To offer remote access to home appliances To monitor home status anytime, anywhere To increase confidence and self-esteem of the elderly or people with physical disabilities inside the house To reduce in-house physical mobility for people with physical disabilities To provide to elderly people’s caregivers (i.e. neighbors, family relatives) the opportunity to monitor their home environment

4 Actuators Door ▫Open ▫Close ▫Lock Devices ▫Switch on ▫Switch off Light ▫Increase brightness ▫Decrease brightness

5 Sensors IP Cameras Humidity monitoring Temperature monitoring CO detection Motion detection Energy consumption Device status monitoring Door status monitoring Light detection

6 Devices Devices currently used in order to control/monitor the home environment: Mobile device ▫Speech recognition TV screen Touch Panel PC

7 Technologies The domotic server communicates with the sensors and actuators with the use of the following: Wired Technologies ▫HS485, HS485D Wireless Technologies ▫FS20 ▫H300 ▫EM ▫FHT ▫HMS ▫KS300

8 Infrastructure

9 How it works (1/2) A specific Bus-Adapter, the so-called CUL-Stick, provides a bridge to all communication protocols in the frequency band of 868MHz. The CUL-Stick is connected by USB to the Domotic server. The assignment of domotic devices to the Domotic server is realized by the so-called Learning process. To provide web-services for every device of the domotic network, the Domotic server has to “know” each device and its functionalities. During the installation process, a new device is assigned to the Domotic server by the installer. This is done by creating a virtual representation of the device, existing as software structure inside the Domotic server.

10 How it works (2/2) All web services will affect the virtual representation of the device, and the Domotic server will forward status change automatically to the “real” device (placeholder mechanism). Vice-versa, status changes of the real device will be mapped to the virtual device. During the installation process, a technician switches a domotic device to a “learning mode” and uses a web interface (next slide), provided by the Domotic server, to assign the device. The Domotic server creates an abstraction instance for the device type. Accordingly, the Domotic server creates a unique address and sends it with a command to the device, which is in the learning mode. After the learning process, the device is “known” by the Domotic server, and it can be controlled by web-services.

11 Administration web application


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