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IBS Bookmaster Ludo Hertroijs, IBS Bookmaster. 2 2 IBS Bookmaster has been a leading solution provider for the Publishing industry for over.

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Presentation on theme: "IBS Bookmaster Ludo Hertroijs, IBS Bookmaster. 2 2 IBS Bookmaster has been a leading solution provider for the Publishing industry for over."— Presentation transcript:

1 IBS Bookmaster Ludo Hertroijs, IBS Bookmaster

2 2 2 IBS Bookmaster has been a leading solution provider for the Publishing industry for over 25 years –Covers ALL publishing processes from Production, Distribution, Warehousing through to Finance, Royalties, Subscriptions and Business Intelligence Covers all Publishing Types: Trade, Academic, Scientific, Schools –Outright Purchase or Subscription based –In-house or Third party Distributor –Internationally proven with multi currency, multi company and multi language IBS Bookmaster – Where we come from

3 3 3 The Publishing industry has been taken by storm: –New sales channels –Product offerings –Technologies –Markets –Competitors All of this happened in a timeframe shorter than any other industry has ever seen before No-one in our industry is isolated from these changes IBS Bookmaster – What happened ?

4 4 4 IBS Bookmaster – What we have done IBS Bookmaster consistently has been keeping a finger on the pulse of the industry in order to keep supporting and delivering the solutions you need to make your business successful Fully integrated roadmap based on your feedback Investment in solutions and resources to deliver this roadmap as promised Additional offerings incorporated as requirements changed

5 5 5 IBS Bookmaster - Focus Areas Fully integrate the digital product offering into the Supply Chain Processes Print-on-Demand Subscriptions Core Offering Business Intelligence Web-Enablement Rights, Royalties and Permissions Additional Value-Add Upgrade Assessments Value Focus Solution Services

6 6 6 Let us Challenge you & Let us be Challenged by you –There will be future changes in the industry that none of us have thought of yet –Your business model will most likely change over time –New Products, Markets and Offerings will emerge We will be there for you when this happens IBS Bookmaster – What’s Next

7 7 7 Enjoy the rest of the Conference

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