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LASI NQT TRAINING – SESSION 2 Key points from last time The Discipline Plan – basics for a classroom Graded Response to Managing Disruptive Behaviour.

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Presentation on theme: "LASI NQT TRAINING – SESSION 2 Key points from last time The Discipline Plan – basics for a classroom Graded Response to Managing Disruptive Behaviour."— Presentation transcript:

1 LASI NQT TRAINING – SESSION 2 Key points from last time The Discipline Plan – basics for a classroom Graded Response to Managing Disruptive Behaviour

2 Hidden aspects of behaviour Observable behaviour

3 Influences on Behaviour Lack of stable environment Emotional and/or physical neglect and abuse Poverty Parenting skills Learning difficulties Medical needs/Mental Health

4 Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Need” Module 0ne: Physical Needs: - Air, food, water, shelter, medical care, rest & recreation. Safety Needs – Safe from threats, treated fairly, trusted and to trust. Love & Friendship Needs – to give & receive love, to belong. Self – Esteem The “ Value ” Need. Self-fulfilment Actualisation. 1954 “Motivation and Personality”

5 The Discipline Plan Rules Incentives Consequences

6 Choosing Rules Maximum of 5 Positively phrased Clear and observable Choose rules that apply to behaviour Involve pupils in choosing rules Teach the rules Display the rules

7 Classroom Rules Examples of Classroom Rules from Schools Follow instructions Keep hands and feet and objects to yourself No teasing or name calling -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Listen, and follow instructions Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself Ask permission before leaving the room Look after our own and school property Walk in school We will not use bad language, tease or name-call

8 Positive Recognition Use positive praise to:- reinforce pupils following instructions encourage pupils to continue appropriate behaviour inform i.e “Well done for…..” create a positive classroom environment increase a pupil’s self-esteem BUILD A RELATIONSHIP

9 Praise Praise needs to be :- given in a ration of 5:1 given early given privately to older pupils genuine given to every pupil every day

10 Whole Class Rewards Can be used over one lesson or on-going over a few days – no longer than a week Points given to individuals, groups or whole class Once given points cannot be deducted Works on positive peer pressure Allows the teacher to praise those who are always good All pupils have the right to the reward Can be adapted for the more challenging child The reward is given on the day it is achieved Rewards are negotiated in advance with the pupils

11 Examples of Whole Class Rewards Games (Heads down, thumbs up) Free choice Extra playtime Listening to music Teacher forfeit Time to talk

12 Benefits of Incentives Pay off for following our instructions Encourages children to behave appropriate Increases self-esteem Raises on-task behaviour Increases ‘feel good’ factor Creates a positive classroom environment Helps to develop relationships

13 Choosing Consequences Appropriate for pupils Ones they don’t like ! Neither physically, emotionally or psychologically harmful!! Easy to implement and under own control Arranged in a hierarchy

14 Implementing Consequences Consistently applied Calm, firm manner Given as a choice Acknowledge compliance Carried out- it’s not the severity it’s the certainty

15 Examples of Consequences From a local school Verbal reminder Formal warning (given as choice) Two minutes time out Work with named pupil Lost playtime Sent to head

16 Benefits Child has to choose to misbehave- so in control Child knows what will happen in advance Fair Teacher doesn’t need to get cross Child responsible for own behaviour

17 Use strategic ignoring It ’ s impossible to tackle all behaviour so …. Blank some behaviour by a nil reaction Positively engage with the other pupils Avoid providing a spotlight Graded Response to Behaviour

18 Use non-verbal signals e.g. ‘ The Look ’, Frowns, SShhhh, mimes, coded messages, smiles, thumbs up, thumbs down, shrugs, stop signs and ………………..?? Graded Response to Behaviour

19 Diversion Distraction

20 Restate the class or school rule then give a direction “ We have a class rule about listening when the teacher is talking to the class so …………… you need to face me and listen quietly ” Graded Response to Behaviour

21 Question and feedback on rules “Jamie, what is our rule about how we talk to other people in the class?”

22 Use physical proximity to calm situations No need to talk to or look at the children or make any comment – your physical presence is enough Graded Response to Behaviour

23 Use of Physical Touch!!!!! Check out your school policy Use frequently and publicly Limit to touching the arms Know your child – be aware of individuals who are not tactile Gender of adult is important But …. touch is a very important part of human nurturing – a very powerful means of communication Graded Response to Behaviour

24 Give ‘take up’ time “John…………………… ( strategic pause to gain attention ) …..John, you need to get your book open and begin the task” After giving a direction strategically walk away to give them the opportunity to comply in their own time

25 Use calm, assured, positive, confident body language (even if you feel inwardly uncertain). Use the tone, pace and volume of your voice to communicate calm More than 90% of what we say is transmitted non-verbally. Graded Response to Behaviour

26 Use an assertive response rather than: hostile (angry, rigid, demanding, controlling) Passive (weak, indecisive, unpredictable, whining) Graded Response to Behaviour

27 Use language of choice This creates a win-win situation by giving options to a child rather than ultimatums. Eg …. “You need a pen.. This one or that one?”

28 Respond to Primary not Secondary Behaviours Primary behaviour is the key behaviour you are addressing Secondary behaviours are all the distractions, delaying tactics, arguments, excuses, grunts, shrugs, faces, barely audible insults or complaints that we initially ignore Graded Response to Behaviour

29 Use time out Within class area Safe agreed area out of class Informal errand Timeout card if appropriate Agreed with the pupil / other adults Graded Response to Behaviour

30 “ Consequences should be certain rather than severe ” Bill Rogers Graded Response to Behaviour

31 Follow up on issues that matter – be dogged about follow up. Develop a reputation for following through assertively, consistently and fairly. Graded Response to Behaviour

32 Aim for the win – win solution Graded Response to Behaviour

33 If you need to show anger make sure it is rarely used, appropriate and fully controlled Graded Response to Behaviour



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