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Natural Resources Week 3 Leaf Identification. White oak group Seeds mature in one year Wood pores are closed Lobes are rounded.

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Resources Week 3 Leaf Identification. White oak group Seeds mature in one year Wood pores are closed Lobes are rounded."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Resources Week 3 Leaf Identification

2 White oak group Seeds mature in one year Wood pores are closed Lobes are rounded

3 Chestnut oak Leaf characteristics: Shallow evenly cut lobes Leaf darker on top side Leaf appears thick and leathery Has NO blunt teeth

4 Chinkapin (chinquapin) oak Lobes cut in shallow and even Have small blunt teeth on the tip of each lobe Two types of leaves- wide or narrow

5 White oak Leaf cuts in evenly and deeply Acorn is ¾ “ long with a shallow cap Turkey and deer feed on these acorns heavily

6 Bur oak Large top lobe, cuts almost to center Cap of acorn has a hairy fringe Tree found in moist areas

7 Osage - orange Leaf is oval with a pointed tip Glossy green color Single unbranched thorn ¾” long at each petiole Seed is a rough skinned “green” orange Wood used to make long bows


9 Swamp white oak Leaf is wider at the top Wavy and uneven lobes Wedge shaped base Only acorn borne on a long stalk Found in wet places- surprised?

10 Red cedar Tree has two types of needles- sharp pointed (left picture) and scale like-(right picture) Sharper are on younger trees Seed is a blue berry with a whitish tinge Wood used for fence post and moth proof closets

11 White pine Needles in clusters of 5 Only native pine tree with more than 2 needles per cluster Needles 2-4“ long Cone is 3-7” long with white sticky resin on them Tree used for windbreaks and Christmas trees as well as lumber

12 Sassafras Varied leaf with three shapes Margin of the leaf is entire Leaves turn red and yellow in fall Seeds turn purple when mature Tea made from the roots

13 Red Mulberry Leaves are varied with three shapes This leaf has TOOTHED margins Fruit is a red/black berry

14 Let’s review this weeks leaves!


16 Sassafras


18 Swamp white oak


20 White oak


22 Chestnut oak


24 Bur oak


26 White pine


28 Red mulberry


30 Osage -orange


32 Sassafras


34 Red mulberry


36 Red cedar


38 Swamp White Oak


40 Chinkapin (chinquapin) oak

41 Quiz time!!!!!!!!

42 Week 3 Quiz 1.Which tree can we make tea from their roots? 2.Which oak has acorns borne on a long stalk? 3.The oak whose acorn has a hairy fringe around the cap? 4.Tree with three leaf shapes and margins are entire? 5.A tree with three leaf shapes and margins are toothed? 6.Pine with needles in clusters of five is a _____ pine. 7.This tree has a thorn ¾ inch by each petiole. 8.A tree that the wood is used for fence post. 9.Turkeys and deer are fond of this oak’s acorns…. 10.Oak found on ridges south of here.

43 Answers to this weeks questions…. 1.Sassafras 2.Swamp white oak 3.Bur oak 4.Sassafras 5.Red mulberry 6.White pine 7.Osage-orange 8.Red cedar 9.White oak 10.Chestnut oak

44 Want 10 bonus points??? Write out the answers to this weeks quiz and turn into me. If you are one of the first 3 people to do so- I will give you bonus points- but mums the word- want to see how many students are looking at this!!

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