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Name ____________________________ Theology 10 Sacred Scripture Mr. Phillips Unit Five: New Testament Letters.

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1 Name ____________________________ Theology 10 Sacred Scripture Mr. Phillips Unit Five: New Testament Letters

2 Categories of NT Letters 1.Pauline = _____________________________________ ____ of the ____ NT Letters are Pauline a.________-Pauline = actually written by Paul (ex. Rom) b. ___ -Pauline = perhaps written by someone else, then credited to Paul (ex. Eph) 2.Captivity = ____________________________________ 3.Pastoral = Letters written to Church ___________, or ___________ (ex. 1 Tim) 4.Catholic = Letters written to _____ Christians, not just one community or individual (ex. 2 John)

3 Paul’s First Letter to the Thessalonians (1 Thess) ________ -Pauline letter (=actually written by Paul) Written _________ A.D. – ________ book of NT to be written Written from __________ during Paul’s Second Missionary Journey Key Issue: ________________ – Parousia = ____________________________________ – Earliest Christians believed it would happen ________, during their ______________ – Problem in Thessalonica: some Christians were ___________. Did they miss the parousia? Are they ____________? – Paul’s response: When Christ returns, those who died (“fell asleep”) will be raised ____________, then us. Tells them to stay ___________ and ___________, ready for Christ’s return

4 Paul’s Letter to the Galatians (Gal) Background – _________-Pauline letter – Written __________ A.D. in _____________ during Paul’s 3 rd Missionary Journey – Galatia: a Roman _______________ in Asia Minor (Turkey) – Tone of the letter: _________________________ Key Issue: Faith and Works – Paul’s teaching: circumcision __________________ for salvation – Some other Jewish-Christian missionaries: God ____________________ circumcision – Paul’s response: We are justified by __________ in J.C. and not by ________________________ God makes ____________________ between Jew and Gentile – Issue of faith and works has often ______________ Christianity – Bottom line: ________________________ are essential components of a Christian life

5 Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians (1 Cor) __________-Pauline letter Written in _____ A.D. from ______________ during 3 rd missionary journey Written to Christians in ____________ – “ ______________ ” of the Roman Empire – Paul had been very ______________ here – large church established by him Key Issue: Divisions in the Community – Over many issues: ______________________________________________ – Divisions even affected their ______________ (see 1 Cor 11:18-34) – Called the Church the __________________, an image of unity in diversity – Called _________(=__________ in Gk) the greatest Christian virtue _____________________

6 Paul’s Letter to the Romans (Rom) ___________ -Pauline letter Written _________ A.D. from ____________ during his 3 rd Missionary Journey His ___________ and _____________ letter Unique: __________________________________ __________________________________

7 Key Issue: Faith and Works – Paul repeats his teaching from _______________ – salvation comes through ___________ in Jesus, not through ___________ of the law – Develops three key terms in Christian theology: 1.Righteousness = the state of being in ______________________ with God, not separated by __________ 2.Justification = the process of being made _________________________ 3.Grace = the __________ of God’s salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ – Paul’s Theology of Salvation: All humanity has lost _____________________ through sin We cannot justify ourselves by our ___________________ God justified us through the _________________________________ of his son We _______________ justification as a ____________________ We open the gift through ____________ We still battle against the __________ as we journey toward everlasting salvation

8 Various Other NT Letters Philippians ___________ -Pauline, ________________ letter Characterized by Paul’s great _________ Philemon ___________ -Pauline, ________________ letter Does not directly condemn _____________, but gently challenges this institution of Roman society Colossians Maybe _____________ -Pauline; maybe _______________ - Pauline Strongly affirms Christ’s _________________ The Pastoral Letters (= ____________________________________) __________ -Pauline Deal with issues of Church _______________________________________ James A _____________ letter; not Pauline Affirms importance of ______________________________ 1 John A ___________ letter; not Pauline Strongly affirms the ___________________ (that Jesus truly became human, in the flesh)

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