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A Neighbourhood Plan For East Meon Questionnaire Results.

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1 A Neighbourhood Plan For East Meon Questionnaire Results








9 Project Time Line Set up the project work streams Define objectives & scope Consultation and plan development Finalise Plan N.P. Adoption June 13 July 13 Dec 14 Jun 15 Feb 15 Independent Examination April 15 Referendum Oct 14

10 Built Development Tasks - 1 Scope the boundaries of possible development land Review current SHAA Identify land for possible future development Carry out survey to establish current housing stock Establish local property build in the last 10 years Liaise with the other NP Workgroups Carry out initial consultation with key stakeholders: Initial definition of housing needs by: Types of housing - affordable/private Size and design Number of properties Schedule of build

11 Built Development Tasks - 2 Carry out second consultation with key stakeholders Develop the 'Built Development' section of the NP Carry out final consultation with key stakeholders Final definition of housing needs by: Types of housing - affordable/private Size and design Number of properties Schedule of build Finalise the 'Built Development' section of the NP

12 Village Design Statement Tasks Review the current Village Design Statement: Strip out all subjects non relevant to the NP Develop a framework for the new VDS Liaise with the other NP Workgroups Carry out initial consultation with key stakeholders: Initial definition and scope of the VDS Liaise with the SDNP Conservation Officer on the review of the existing East Meon Conservation Area Carry out second consultation with key stakeholders Develop the Village Design Statement Carry out final consultation with key stakeholders Final definition of the Village Design Statement

13 Landscape Assessment Tasks Scope the boundaries of the LLCA Identify the potential 'green space land' in need of protection within the village boundary Carry out survey to establish of key views from the 'high ground' Carry out survey to establish of key attributes of the 'village gateways' Develop a draft LLCA Liaise with the other NP Workgroups Carry out initial consultation with key stakeholders: Initial definition of the LLCA Carry out second consultation with key stakeholders Develop the LLCA section of the NP Carry out final consultation with key stakeholders Final definition of the LLCA

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