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In the United States, over 11,000 babies are born every day…

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3 In the United States, over 11,000 babies are born every day…

4 And every day, Nearly 4,000 are aborted.

5 A baby can leap, somersault, wiggle, and “dance” while in the womb!

6 A baby’s heart begins to beat within 3 weeks of conception.

7 By 9 weeks - eyelids, ears, and nose are forming. Tiny fingers and toes are developed complete with fingerprints! Over 60% of abortions are performed by the 9 th week of pregnancy.


9 Nearly half of all pregnancies in America...

10 are unplanned.

11 50% of the abortions in the U.S. are given to young women between the ages of 13-24 Need Help Need A Friend Need Support Need Hope

12 The top 5 reasons given for having an abortion are: 1.Scared to tell my family 2.Cannot afford to have a baby 3.Do not know how I would go to work or school 4.Scared to be a single parent 5.Relationship troubles

13 There Is HOPE!


15 By 16 weeks babies can blink, yawn, stretch… and suck their thumbs!

16 By 20 weeks, mom can feel her baby move !

17 By 24 weeks babies develop taste buds and begin to practice breathing. They are also now viable outside of the womb.

18 Before I formed you I knew you

19 fearfully wonderfully made

20 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

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