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Mongolia’s Sustainable Development Agenda: progress, bottlenecks and visions for the future Professor Balganjav KHULDORJ, Independent Researcher February.

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Presentation on theme: "Mongolia’s Sustainable Development Agenda: progress, bottlenecks and visions for the future Professor Balganjav KHULDORJ, Independent Researcher February."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mongolia’s Sustainable Development Agenda: progress, bottlenecks and visions for the future Professor Balganjav KHULDORJ, Independent Researcher February 16, 2012, Ulaanbaatar Launch of the Global Human development report 2011 and consultation on Mongolia’s inputs to Rio + 20

2 Brief overview of MAP 21 SD Strategy achievements in Mongolia SD Strategy lessons in Mongolia Conclusion: visions for future Launch of the Global Human development report 2011 and consultation on Mongolia’s inputs to Rio + 20 February 16, 2012, Ulaanbaatar

3 Brief overview of MAP 21 NCSD as a tool for MAP 21 development and implementation was established in 1994: second in AP Region after Philippines; –Multistakeholder non-government organization with extensive participation of Parliament, government, private sector, NGO, and academicians; –Local branches in all aimags and capital city; Development of MAP 21 (Mongolian Action Program for the 21 st Century) started from 1996: main principles: –bottom up approach; –Participatory approach; MNCSD joined APNCSD in 1997 Launch of the Global Human development report 2011 and consultation on Mongolia’s inputs to Rio + 20 February 16, 2012, Ulaanbaatar

4 ÌAP 21 Mongolia SD model: Economic development model; Economic development model; Demographic model; Demographic model; Energy development model; Energy development model; Climate change and air pollution model; Climate change and air pollution model; Agriculture development model. Agriculture development model. Local agenda – 21 endorsed by local parliaments: −21 −21 aimag agenda; −Capital −Capital city agenda Launch of the Global Human development report 2011 and consultation on Mongolia’s inputs to Rio + 20 February 16, 2012, Ulaanbaatar

5 Local agenda-21 National agenda-21 Regional agenda – 21 East regional agenda – 21: Joint meeting of 5 eastern aimags’ khural representatives endorsed in 2004. Western regional agenda – 21 (2002); Central regional agenda – 21 (2003). Launch of the Global Human development report 2011 and consultation on Mongolia’s inputs to Rio + 20

6 SD strategy achievements in Mongolia National-MAP 21 – Endorsed by Government in May 1998: SDS contains 59 goals: (a) 17 social goals; (b) 13 environmental goals; (c) 15 economic goals and (d) 14 implementing means goals; Participation in the elaboration of the MAP 21: 289 people for the National MAP 21; About 600 people for AAPs; seminars and conferences involving a broad spectrum of stakeholders in different regions. Launch of the Global Human development report 2011 and consultation on Mongolia’s inputs to Rio + 20 February 16, 2012, Ulaanbaatar

7 Launch of the Global Human development report 2011 and consultation on Mongolia’s inputs to Rio + 20 February 16, 2012, Ulaanbaatar SDS is still one of the key strategic development documents in Mongolia Central and Local Governments still incorporate MAP-21 into Short and medium term policy documents and Development Plans Strategy was developed with bottom-up approach Decision was made in appropriate levels, but not dictated from the top

8 Launch of the Global Human development report 2011 and consultation on Mongolia’s inputs to Rio + 20 February 16, 2012, Ulaanbaatar Social goals Economic goals Environm ental goals Implemen ting means total Implicated indicators 1098936 Left numbers 765523 Implication level (%) 58.860.061.564.361.0 Implication of SDS into Government action plan for 2004-2008

9 Launch of the Global Human development report 2011 and consultation on Mongolia’s inputs to Rio + 20 February 16, 2012, Ulaanbaatar Social goals Economic goals Environm ental goals Impleme nting means total Implicated indicators 138111042 Left numbers 472417 Implication level (%) 76.553.384.671.471.2 Implication of SDS into Local Government action plans for 2004-2008

10 Launch of the Global Human development report 2011 and consultation on Mongolia’s inputs to Rio + 20 February 16, 2012, Ulaanbaatar Social goals Economic goals Environmental goals Implementing means Implication level (%) MOF815-5 28 (47.5 %) MOFAf2324 11 (18.6 %) MOFA11116 19 (32.2 %) MOH3--- 3 (5.1 %) MIT312-6 21 (35.6 %) MOJHA10161 18 (30.5 %) MNE25132 22 (37.2 %) MORTT93-1 13 (22.0 %) MOSWL9--- 9 (15.3 %) MOCCP3-2- 5 (8.5 %) Implication of SDS into Sectoral Ministries’ Policy for 2004-2008

11 continue Social goals Economic goals Environm ental goals Impleme nting means total Implicated indicators 138111042 Left numbers 472417 Implication level (%) 76.553.384.671.471.2 Implication of SDS into Local Government action plans for 2004-2008 Launch of the Global Human development report 2011 and consultation on Mongolia’s inputs to Rio + 20 February 16, 2012, Ulaanbaatar

12 Launch of the Global Human development report 2011 and consultation on Mongolia’s inputs to Rio + 20 February 16, 2012, Ulaanbaatar SD Strategy lessons in Mongolia NCSD composition should be simplified NCSD composition should be simplified Government has not paid enough attention on several critical issues raised in MAP 21: Government has not paid enough attention on several critical issues raised in MAP 21: –Coping with decertification in different parts of the country; –Fighting poverty, specially in rural areas; –Air pollution issues in Ulaanbaatar city

13 Launch of the Global Human development report 2011 and consultation on Mongolia’s inputs to Rio + 20 February 16, 2012, Ulaanbaatar Implementation of MAP 21 goals quantitively on track, but quality is insufficient Implementation of MAP 21 goals quantitively on track, but quality is insufficient Quality should be put in front of MAP 21 implementation Quality should be put in front of MAP 21 implementation There is no information about the NCSD meetings and its activities: There is no information about the NCSD meetings and its activities: –NCSD needs permanent staffing; –SD needs administrative and financial support from the Government.

14 Conclusion – visions for the future Greening of economy is next step of SD: –Develop green economy concept and action plan; –Define priority sectors for greening; –Define priority of technological changes. Establish permanent working body for implementing of green economy strategy other than NCSD; Update SD Policy in accordance with the World contemporary development and modern development approaches, specially with green economy concept; Launch of the Global Human development report 2011 and consultation on Mongolia’s inputs to Rio + 20 February 16, 2012, Ulaanbaatar

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