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1 Notice QUALCOMM Incorporated grants a free, irrevocable license to 3GPP2 and its Organizational Partners to incorporate text or other copyrightable material.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Notice QUALCOMM Incorporated grants a free, irrevocable license to 3GPP2 and its Organizational Partners to incorporate text or other copyrightable material."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Notice QUALCOMM Incorporated grants a free, irrevocable license to 3GPP2 and its Organizational Partners to incorporate text or other copyrightable material contained in the contribution and any modifications thereof in the creation of 3GPP2 publications; to copyright and sell in Organizational Partner’s name any Organizational Partner’s standards publication even though it may include all or portions of this contribution; and at the Organizational Partner’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part such contribution or the resulting Organizational Partner’s standards publication. QUALCOMM Incorporated is also willing to grant licenses under such contributor copyrights to third parties on reasonable, non-discriminatory terms and conditions for purpose of practicing an Organizational Partner’s standard which incorporates this contribution. This document has been prepared by QUALCOMM Incorporated to assist the development of specifications by 3GPP2. It is proposed to the Committee as a basis for discussion and is not to be construed as a binding proposal on QUALCOMM Incorporated. QUALCOMM Incorporated specifically reserves the right to amend or modify the material contained herein and nothing herein shall be construed as conferring or offering licenses or rights with respect to any intellectual property of QUALCOMM Incorporated other than provided in the copyright statement above. Guilin, China AC40-20130909-xxx Title:Proposed changes to the conformance specs for 1x Rev.F Abstract:The contribution proposes a list of changes and additions to the existing conformance test specs C.S0043 and C.S0044 to reflect the changes in 1x Rev.F Source:Jing Sun, Date:September 9 th, 2013 Recommendation:Review and adopt

2 Highlights 1x Rev.F is a new revision of cdma2000 with multiple enhancements for M2M applications added –Conformance test specs (C.S0043 and C.S0044) need to be updated to reflect the changes The following tests are proposed to be added –M2M capability –Skip overhead read –Fast connection setup –REACH modifications –RL DoS over REACH –Direct channel assignment –Longer timer based registration –Extended SCI 2

3 M2M CAPABILITY  This test verifies Phone’s M2M capability information exchange between MS and BS  Base Station requirements CAPABILITY_GEM_ALLOWED field in SPM is 1  Traceability General Extension Message with record_type 2. System Parameters Message  Method of Measurement a. Enable CAPABILITY_GEM_ALLOWED = 1 in SPM. b. Power on the mobile station and verify that the mobile station acquires base station. c. Verify that power up registration occurs on T57 expiry and GEM with record type 2 is bundled with RGM with reg_type = 1

4 Cont.. d. Instruct phone to originate SO33 call. e. Verify that GEM with record_type 2 is bundled with ORM. f. Wait for phone to go to dormant state g. Instruct Base station to send GPM with SO33 call. h. Verify that GEM with record_type=2 is bundled with Page response Message. i. End Call  Minimum Standard 1.Mobile to should comply with steps c,e,h.  Phone’s behavior GEM with record_type 2 (DEVICE_CAPABILITY) is bundled with RGM /ORM / PRM in step c, e, h. Device_capability record(type 2) includes, DEVICE _CHARC(mobility, pwr_sensitivity, so_default), DCA_SUPPORTED, MAX_EXT_SCI_USED, EXT_REG_PRD_USED feature flag supported by phone.

5 SKIP OVERHEAD READ  This test verifies use of stored overheads across idle handoffs and reboots.  Base Station requirements PN_EXT, CONFIG_MSG_SEQ in GPM and ACC_MSG_SEQ in APM is randomized  Traceability General Page Msg.  Method of measurement a. Power on the mobile station and verify that the mobile station acquires Sector1(PN_EXT1). b.Verify that phone reads complete overheads on powering up on a new sector for the first time. c.Instruct phone to originate SO33 data call. d. Wait until phone goes to dormant state

6 e. Perform idle handoff to Sector2 by reducing IOR of Sector1 and increasing IOR of Sector2. f. Verify that phone reads complete overhead on Sector2 as its acquired for the first time. g. Start pings for 30 secs. h. Wait until configured T31 timer expires. i. Perform idle handoff to Sector 1 j. Verify that phone skip reads of complete overhead on Sector1 and uses stored overheads k. Start pings for 30secs l. End call m. Reboot the phone and wait until phone goes to Idle state. n. Verify that phone does not read complete overhead after power up.  Minimum Standard a. Phone should comply with b, f, j, n. Cont..

7  Phone’s behavior Overheads msgs are cached when phone acquires an unique system(PN,PN_EXT,CONFIG_MSG_SEQ,CHANNEL,BAND CLASS) for the first time. Cached Overheads across idle handoffs and reboots are used unless there is change in (PN, PN_EXT, CONFIG_MSG_SEQ) for a given CHANNEL and BANDCLASS. Configurable T31 timer is used instead of default 600s. Cont..

8 FAST CONNECTION SETUP  This Test verifies faster SO33 connection setup by skipping Service negotiation handshake.  Base Station requirement ECAM with SO33_ACCEPTED field is supported.  Traceability Extended Channel assignment Message General Extension Message System Parameters Message  Method of Measurement a. Instruct phone to Originate SO33 call b. Verify that SO33_DEFAULT flag in DEVICE_CHAC is set to 1 in GEM. c. Instruct Base Station to send ECAM with SO33_ACCEPTED set to 1

9 d.Verify that phone skips Service negotiation handshake during MO call. e.Wait until phone goes to dormant state. f.Instruct Base Station to start MT call either by sending GPM / ECAM directly with SO33_ACCEPTED set to 1 g.Verify that phone skips Service negotiation handshake during MT call. h. End the call.  Minimum standard Phone should comply with step b, d, g.  Phone’s behavior SO33_DEFAULT field in DEVICE_CHARC is set to 1 at step a. SCM handshake is skipped upon receiving ECAM with SO33_ACCEPTED = 1 at step d and g. Default Service configuration records is used for Traffic as specified in C.S005 F Cont..


11 REACH MODIFICATIONS  There is already a REACH test in the conformance spec  However, the existing test associate REACH with F-CCCH using EAPM  In Rev.F, we extend the design to allow REACH to be associated with GAPM as well.  Propose to modify the existing REACH test to allow the option to be associated with GAPM  Add GAPM in the Traceabiity  In Rev.F REACH, some lower rate is also added  Propose to add a test for at least one of the lower rate

12 RL DATA OVER SIGNALLING ON REACH  This Test verifies if phone sends Short Data Burst on REACH for small data transfer.  Base Station requirements GAPM sent on PCH for REACH support and corresponding indication(GAPM_IND) is set in SPM SDB_SUPPORTED = 1 in ESPM  Traceability Generic Access Parameter Message Extended System Parameter Message System Parameter Message Data Burst

13  Method of Measurement a.Instruct phone to Originate SO33 call. b.Verify that phone uses REACH channel to send GEM bundled with ORM. c.Wait until phone goes to dormant state. d. Start ping with data < 255 bytes with FAST_EXPEDITE flag set to 1 by application. e.Verify that phone sends Short data burst with data packed. f. End Call  Minimum standard a. Phone should comply with step b and e.  Phone’s behavior Data Burst ( type 6) is sent over REACH for data transfer of < 255 bytes at step c. Cont..

14 DIRECT CHANNEL ASSIGNMENT  This Test verifies if phone sets up MT SO33 call upon receiving ECAM in idle state.  Base Station requirements ECAM is sent instead of GPM to setup MT SO33 call.  Traceability System Parameters Message General Extension Message Extended Channel Assignment Message

15  Method of Measurement a) Instruct phone to Originate SO33 call. b) Verify that DCA_SUPPORTED flag in DEVICE CAPABILITY is set to 1. c) Wait until phone goes to dormant state. d) Instruct Base Station to send ECAM directly while phone is in idle state with SO33_ACCEPTED = 1. e) Verify phone goes to traffic upon receiving ECAM. f) End Call.  Minimum Standard Phone should comply with b and e.  Phone’s behavior DCA_SUPPORTED field is set to 1 in DEVICE_CAPABILITY record of GEM at step a. Phone moves to traffic state upon receiving ECAM in IDLE state at step c. Cont..

16 LONGER TIMER BASED REGISTRATION  This Test verifies if phone is uses extended registration time specified in SPM to perform Timer Based Registration.  Base Station Requirements EXT_REG_PRD field is set in SPM  Traceability General Extension Message System Parameters Message  Method of measurement a.Instruct Base station to include EXT_REG_PRD in SPM. b.Power on the mobile station and verify that the mobile station acquires c.Wait until phone performs power up registration

17 d.Verify that EXT_REG_PRD_USED is 1 in DEVICE_CAPABILITY record. e.Wait for at least 2 * [ 2 EXT_REG_PRD ] * 14 * 3600 seconds for phone to perform Timer based Registration.  Minimum standard Phone should comply with step d, e.  Phone’s behavior EXT_REG_PRD_USED field is set to 1 in DEVICE_CAPABILITY record of GEM at step d. Phone performs Timer based Registration every [ 2 EXT_REG_PRD ] * 14 * 3600 seconds. Cont..

18 EXTENDED SCI  This Test verifies if phone is uses extended SCI for idle wakeup  The extended SCI is a mechanism very similar to SCI, but can be configured independently from the existing SCI, so that M2M devices can use a separate wake up interval  The spec already have SCI test  Propose have a separate EXT SCI section that is parallel to the existing SCI section, with similar language, with SCI replaced by extended SCI.

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