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Cakes for the Queen of Heaven In Ancient Times [selections from] Slide Show #4 Goddesses Around the World SAMPLE.

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Presentation on theme: "Cakes for the Queen of Heaven In Ancient Times [selections from] Slide Show #4 Goddesses Around the World SAMPLE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cakes for the Queen of Heaven In Ancient Times [selections from] Slide Show #4 Goddesses Around the World SAMPLE

2 2 [to be read from accompanying script:] It is important to understand that Goddess religion was not limited to the Ancient Near East or to Europe.

3 3 SAMPLE Images of the Divine Female appear in many cultures around the world.

4 20 SAMPLE … and [she appears] as Yemaya, the Yoruba Mother of the Sea, mother of all life because the sea is the source of all life. The first time She walked on earth, fountains that later became rivers sprang up wherever She set foot. Sea shells, through which the priestesses and priests could hear the voice of the universe, were among Her first gifts to the people.

5 22 SAMPLE In Japan She is the Shinto Sun Goddess Amaterasu.

6 30 SAMPLE … and in this relief of Isis protecting Osiris with Her wings.

7 44 SAMPLE Women are creating all sorts of rituals to celebrate different aspects of their lives and their communities.

8 46 SAMPLE Women are taking leadership positions in working for justice and equality in religion.

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