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The World Bank's work with partner countries and the GEF to implement the Stockholm Convention Stockholm Convention COP-5 Geneva, 25 th April 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "The World Bank's work with partner countries and the GEF to implement the Stockholm Convention Stockholm Convention COP-5 Geneva, 25 th April 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 The World Bank's work with partner countries and the GEF to implement the Stockholm Convention Stockholm Convention COP-5 Geneva, 25 th April 2011

2 2 1.Background to Bank’s involvement 2.Brief portfolio overview 3.Project examples Content of presentation

3 The World Bank in the GEF since 2001 3 GEF programs draw on the Bank’s policy dialogue and lending in sustainable development to link local and global benefits; Collaboration in energy, environment, water, transport, rural and urban development, and natural resource management; WB has mobilized $27 billion in public and private funds in GEF portfolio; WB has been the largest Implementing Agency since GEF started. GEF $4.5 billion Other Co-financing $18.2 billion IBRD and IDA $8.8 billion

4 Relevance to the development agenda POPs are cross-sectoral in nature POPs are released to the environment and pose risks to human health where they are produced and used - first Potential impact on trade for client countries Cut across environmental issues: linkages with land management, CC, BD, water quality, etc The poor and children are disproportionately at risk The WB as an Implementing Agency for POPs

5 Some World Bank activities with POPs linkages Agriculture / Rural Development Cleaner production / Pollution control Environmental liabilities / Brownfield redevelopment Solid waste management / Urban / Energy Health and health infrastructure POPs and chemicals linkages

6 6 Portfolio overview o WB active since early days of Stockholm Convention, with first approvals in 2002 o Since, 19 projects for $145m GEF grant; leveraging over $300m cofinancing o Distributed across all regions: o 2 projects in AFR $33m GEF grant + cofinancing o 6 projects in EAP $67m “ “ o 6 projects in ECA $28m “ “ o 2 projects in LAC: $1m “ “ o 3 projects in MENA: $16m “ “

7 7 Type of projects supported o The WB supports projects in most of POPs themes and sectors, particularly where they can be linked to Bank activities: o PCB management and phase out; o Demonstration of alternatives to POPs use; o Closure of POPs production; o Management and disposal of obsolete pesticides; o BAT/BEP for U-POPs release reduction in industrial and non industrial sectors; o Development of national implementation plans; and o Other themes.

8 Project example: Moldova POPs stockpiles mngt & destruction 8 Implementation Period 2006-2010 Objective: Protect environment and human health by safely managing and disposing of pesticides wastes and PCBs. Key results: (1) Safe disposal of 1293 tons obsolete pesticides; (2) Safe disposal of 934 tons PCB- capacitors (approx 19,000 units); (3) Comprehensive PCB inventory, upgrade of laboratory infrastructure, and database of POPs contaminated sites; (4) Development of regulations and awareness raising.

9 Project example: Elimination of PCB wastes in Kazakhstan 9 Implementation Period 2012-2017 Objective: Minimize POPs impacts to public health and the environment from Kazakhstan's industrial waste disposal sites and support the country to meet its obligations under the SC. Scope: Builds on WB financed Ust- Kamenogorsk environmental remediation project for hazardous wastes, and on a Canada TFbaseline study on contaminated sites with POPs; - Remediation of several high priority sites contaminated with POPs; - Will consider central facility for elimination of POPs waste and potential regional cooperation; - Estimated funding requirement $90m, including $10m GEF grant; - Under prep, pending budget approval.

10 Project example: Sichuan earthquake emergency 10 Implementation Period 2008-2009 Objective: Support emergency responses to the Wenchuan earthquake by identifying and assessing potential environmental impacts and risks associated with the releases of POPs from improper management and disposal of hazardous chemicals and waste. Key activities: - Project was approved within one month only after country request; - 346 sites screened for potential chemical contamination, in particular from POPs; - 58 priority sites identified for follow-up action.

11 Project example: Tunisia healthcare waste & PCB mngt 11 Implementation Period 2011-2016 Objective: To improve handling of PCBs and management of healthcare waste through strengthening management and promotion of PPP for waste management. Key activities: - Based on National Waste Management Program supported by WB and a number of other partners; - Will reduce dioxins releases from inadequate incineration of healthcare waste; - Will put in place PCB management plan and dispose of approx. 1100 tons of PCB waste; - Under final stages of preparation.

12 Some challenges and lessons Need to maintain flexibility: preliminary inventories are often underestimated Securing regulatory approval for activities linked to hazardous wastes management can be challenging Importance of raising awareness of stakeholders at all levels to build broad coalitions in support of the project Importance of enforceable regulatory framework to sustain investments Potential to unleash synergies with climate mitigation agenda is still relatively untapped Early lessons

13 Conclusions 13 WB engaged from early on in Stockholm Convention implementation, supporting POPs projects addressing various key sectors; Working with government and non-government stakeholders including private sector; Seeking to build on and leverage WB investments; In GEF-5, looking to renewed effort to mainstream POPs program in WB sector work for sustainable impact on the ground.

14 14 Thank You! contact: Laurent Granier Environment Department The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433, USA Tel 1 202 473 9034 Fax 1 202 522 3258 THE WORLD BANK

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