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IT KEY SKILLS LEVEL 1 Evidence required for: A poster or Word document.

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Presentation on theme: "IT KEY SKILLS LEVEL 1 Evidence required for: A poster or Word document."— Presentation transcript:

1 IT KEY SKILLS LEVEL 1 Evidence required for: A poster or Word document

2 Make a Plan Read through the assignment brief Think about the subject and where you will get your information. Produce a plan of what you are going to do and how you are going to do it. This can be in the form of: –A bulleted list –A spider diagram

3 Research Stage 1 Search on the Internet for information for your project Produce a Screen shot of the search on the Internet. ICT 1.1 Find and select relevant information

4 Research Stage 2 Print one page from the Internet of text/data you will use, highlight the info you actually do use. A non IT source must also be used for one of the assignments. The ISBN, author and title of your non IT source should be entered on the log. 1.1.1 Choose information that is relevant to your tasks.

5 Research Stage 3 + Logs Add any web sites visited and books looked at on the log provided with the assignment brief. Add any problems encountered with the computers or printers on the log.

6 First Draft Produce the first draft of the poster or document. Key in relevant information. Add an image that is relevant to the text. Print a copy. 1.2.1 Enter information using formats that help development

7 Annotate First Draft Annotate the first draft to show what changes will be made to improve it. Consider the size and style of the font and images. Consider how you can improve the wording and presentation.

8 Saving Your Work Create a folder for this work. Save your work giving it a relevant filename so that you can find it again easily. 1.2.2 Save information so that it can be found easily.

9 Second Draft Make the changes annotated on the first draft. Think about what other changes you can make to improve the work. Save in folder with new filename (Race for Life 2) and print. Annotate 2 nd draft if necessary. 1.3.1 Use appropriate layouts for presenting information in a consistent way.

10 Final Version Make any changes identified on 2 nd draft Spell check and proof read work. Produce a screen shot of the spell check being carried out. Save with new filename and Print final version

11 Emails Sent and Received Send an email to your tutor informing them that you have finished your poster/work and ask if they would look at your work. Make sure the email is accurate and that you do not use text messaging language. Print a copy of the one you sent and the one received for your evidence.

12 Screen Shot of Saved Files Print a screen shot of the files you have saved in the folder. 1.2.2 Save information so it can be found easily.

13 Tracking your work Use the Assessment Checklist to track your work. Page number each sheet (ie bottom right corner of each page) Complete the tracking sheet

14 Finishing Off Put your work in order Produce a front cover with: –Your name –The key skill and level (ICT Level 1) –The assessors name –Your programme –Your PDT Hand in your portfolio for marking.

15 Finally….. Well done, you have finished this assignment for your IT key skills portfolio. See your tutor to find out what you need to do next.

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