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Learning About Silent “e” By Robbie, Tyler, Kaeden, Landen, Alex, and Sammy.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning About Silent “e” By Robbie, Tyler, Kaeden, Landen, Alex, and Sammy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning About Silent “e” By Robbie, Tyler, Kaeden, Landen, Alex, and Sammy

2 What is a ninja? Ninjas were soldiers in Japan that were very good at hiding from their enemies. They were good at walking around without being seen.

3 Why is silent e like a ninja? Silent e is like a ninja because it is silent just like a ninja. When you add a silent e to a word it makes the first vowel say its name. Here are some examples.


5 For our last video, we would like to show you a video from the Electric Company. The Electric Company is a funny show on PBSkids and it helps you learn things too. See if you can find the silent e!!

6 Silent E is a Ninja! WCu4 WCu4

7 Next time you read a book, look for a silent e. He’s a ninja!

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