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PowerPoint to be Used with Emotional Intelligence Homework 1.Use this PowerPoint in conjunction with the E. I. Handouts PowerPoint to learn the categories.

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Presentation on theme: "PowerPoint to be Used with Emotional Intelligence Homework 1.Use this PowerPoint in conjunction with the E. I. Handouts PowerPoint to learn the categories."— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerPoint to be Used with Emotional Intelligence Homework 1.Use this PowerPoint in conjunction with the E. I. Handouts PowerPoint to learn the categories of Emotional Intelligence framework listed on page 8 of the Emotional Intelligence Handouts. 2.After reviewing the case study examples on slides 10 and 11 here, create your own case study that reflects an issue or issues with which you are currently dealing. Please put this case study on a separate piece of paper so we can collect them future use. Provide enough detail so that we may work on these during the session. You do not need to solve the case study for homework. Instructions 1

2 Self Awareness Self Management Social Awareness Relationship Management Self – Assessment Self - Confidence Understanding Emotion Desire to Serve Developing Others Empathy Leveraging Diversity Achievement Adaptable Initiative Integrity Optimism Responsibility Self Control Trustworthiness Change Catalyst Collaboration Communication Conflict Mgt. Influence Teamwork Visionary Leadership E. I. Competencies PERSONAL SOCIAL 2

3 Personal Competence Self - Awareness Self – Assessment Self – Confidence Understanding Emotion Self – Assessment Self – Confidence Understanding Emotion 3 3

4 Personal Competence Self - Management Achievement Adaptability Initiative Integrity Achievement Adaptability Initiative Integrity Optimism Responsibility Self Control Trustworthiness Optimism Responsibility Self Control Trustworthiness 4

5 Personal Competence Social Awareness Desire to Serve Developing Others Empathy Leveraging Diversity Desire to Serve Developing Others Empathy Leveraging Diversity 5 5

6 Social Competence Relationship Management  Change Catalyst  Collaboration  Communication  Conflict Mgt.  Change Catalyst  Collaboration  Communication  Conflict Mgt. 6 6

7 Social Competence Relationship Management Influence Teamwork Visionary Leadership Influence Teamwork Visionary Leadership 7 7

8 Choose to Be Emotionally Intelligent  We perceive what is going on outside of us by what is going on inside of us.  Perception is reality. 8

9 The Pa R C Formula Pause – before reacting Reflect – on what and why Choose - appropriate behavior 9

10 Example of Case Study A You have four managers reporting to you. Only one is a woman and she is convinced that you belittled her. The last survey from her staff reflects increasing disgruntlement with her, and her productivity is down. She reports that she’s doing more than ever and thinks her staff highly respects her. What do you do? 10

11 Example of Case Study B You work in an organization where you provide assistance to several “bosses.” Boss A asks you to complete an assignment in 2 weeks, and you say, “No problem.” Another assignment comes in from Boss B that is due in 10 days. The assignment from Boss B is much more interesting and the deadline is much more solid; the first assignment could be extended. It is nearly impossible to complete both on time. Boss A is out of town until the day the assignment is due. What do you do? 11

12 Homework  Create your own case study that reflects an issue or issues with which you are currently dealing. Provide enough detail so that we may work on these during the session. Do not solve the issue for homework. 12

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