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Emotional Intelligence, Stress Management and Leadership Balancing Emotion and Logic Designed for NCCCLP 2014 by P A Training Solutions and Cinnamon Martin.

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Presentation on theme: "Emotional Intelligence, Stress Management and Leadership Balancing Emotion and Logic Designed for NCCCLP 2014 by P A Training Solutions and Cinnamon Martin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emotional Intelligence, Stress Management and Leadership Balancing Emotion and Logic Designed for NCCCLP 2014 by P A Training Solutions and Cinnamon Martin

2 What is Emotional Intelligence “Our ability to manage ourselves and our relationship with others” Feelings Tangled? Emotional Intelligence!

3 Why is EI Important Now? Pressure for Accountability Global Competition Downsizing

4 Massive change Technology

5 “Ideal Leader” Conflict Management Skills Ethical Behavior

6 Emotional Intelligence “Personal Competence” how we manage ourselves + “Social Competence”…. how we handle relationships

7 Emotional Intelligence Strong predictor of individual success (and successful leaders) Ability to:  handle frustrations  manage emotions  manage social skills

8 Emotional Intelligence is like Dancing without rhythm Leadership without

9 Self Awareness Self Management Social Awareness Relationship Management Self – Assessment Self - Confidence Understanding and naming Emotion Desire to Serve Developing Others Empathy Honoring Diversity Achievement Adaptable Initiative Integrity Optimism Responsibility Self Control Trustworthiness Change Catalyst Collaboration Communication Conflict Mgmt. Influence Teamwork Visionary Leadership E. I. Competencies PERSONAL SOCIAL

10 Choosing to Be Emotionally Intelligent We perceive what is going on outside of us by what is going on inside of us. Perception is reality

11 What keeps us from choosing well? Faulty perceptions? Control? Misunderstanding the importance of emotion? Failure to achieve balance? Change bullets to blue

12 Emotion Logic “Strong feeling” “Sound reasoning”


14 Each individual has a unique balance of emotion and logic

15 Culture influences our thoughts about balance

16 Why Discount or Ignore Emotion?  Discomfort with strong emotion  Cultural messages that emotions make us weak  Relate ideas about emotion to personality….

17 Effects of Discounting Emotion Lack of emotion Inappropriate Expression of emotion Goleman’s observation

18 “In short, out of control emotions can make smart people stupid.” -- Daniel Goleman

19 Balancing Emotion and Logic Self awareness and Self Management Accurate self assessment

20 Barriers to Balance?

21 The Effects of Stress

22 The impact of STRESS on balance Role Map TimePriorities and Time Energy flow Impact on balance?

23 How well do you cope with stress? Awareness of Negative Coping  Escape  Denial  Substances Positive Coping Categories  Problem Based  Emotion Focused  Social Support

24 Positive Coping  emotional intelligence  conscious choice making during stressful moments (PaRC)  practice Change color or bullets

25 The Pa R C Formula.

26 Reflect How will YOU intentionally improve your EI ?

27 How will you be accountable? Who can help you measure progress and maintain accountability? How will you measure success?

28 Leadership is all about… Influence “putting ideas into action through the involvement of others.”

29 Influence without EI is…. Forced

30 Influence with EI is…. Natural

31 Not about being nice all the time Emotional Intelligence is… It is about

32 Not about being “touchy-feely”… Emotional Intelligence is… It is about being AWARE of your feelings, and those of others.

33 Not about being emotional… Emotional Intelligence is… It about being SMART with your emotions.

34 Final Thoughts

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