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Revision of the EN 81-1/2 Pierre Bianchini.

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Presentation on theme: "Revision of the EN 81-1/2 Pierre Bianchini."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revision of the EN 81-1/2 Pierre Bianchini

2 Revision of EN81-1/2 History of EN 81-1/2
1978 First edition of EN81-1 Traction lifts 1985: Second edition of EN 81-1 Traction lifts 1987: First edition of EN 81-2 Hydraulic lifts 1997: Lift Directive 95/16/EC published 1998: Third edition of EN 81-1 and EN 81-2 (adopted by all countries) 2004: A2 - Machinery and pulley spaces (MRL) 2004: CEN/TS Interpretations to EN 81-1/2 2005: A1 – PESSRAL 2006: Lift Directive 95/16/EC amended by new Machinery Directive 2006/42/E 2008: A3 - Alignment to new Machinery Directive Revision of EN 81-1/2 is running – Public Enquiry in 2009

3 Revision of EN81-1/2 Background
Resolutions taken by CEN/TC 10 for Revision of EN 81-1 and 2 005/1997 considering the evolution of the technology and the need to apply the methodology developed in EN 414 and EN 1050 008/1998 … examination of the technical Comments of the last Public Enquiry and the consideration of the proposals (agreed upon points) of ISO/TR part 1 and 2 015/2006 Optimized structure of the EN81 family of Standards: CEN/TR approved

4 Revision of EN81-1/2 Main Drivers
Experience of the users Interpretations Amendments (A1, A2 and future A3) Requirements, comments and input from non-European partners and users Questions and answers by correspondence Workshops and Technical Exchange sessions Standardization guides Rules of drafting of safety standards Environmental Aspects Needs for disabled persons Child safety

5 Revision of EN81-1/2 Main Drivers
ISO GESR’s & GSP’s Ensuring addressing all the requirements of ISO GESR’s Considering GSP’s Safety related legal requirements New Technologies and State-of-the-art PESSRAL Permanent Evolution of state or the art for safety, for example Levelling accuracy Unintended car movement

6 Revision of EN81-1/2 Aspects to be considered when reviewing
Lift Directive 95/16/EC and Guide Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC Annex I (ESR) Other relevant Directives Risk assessment methodology acc. to ISO 14798 Global Essential Safety Requirements (ISO/TS ) and Parameters (ISO/TS ) for lifts Experience gained with EN81 Structure according to CEN Guide 414 New Structure of the EN81 family of Standards CEN/TR81-10 Environmental aspects New technology should be taken into consideration (state of the art) Reconsider building related issues

7 Revision of EN81-1/2 Lift Directive and Guide to consider:
Lift Directive 95/16/EC (amended by Machinery Directive issued 2006) Guide to Lift Directive 95/16/EC (issued 2007) Relevant Interpretations of Lift Directive

8 Revision of EN81-1/2 Directives others than these for Lift and Machinery: EMC Directive 2004/108/EC -> covered in EN and EN 12016 Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC -> will be excluded from the scope Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC -> does not apply, but ESR’s to be consider Environmental “Directives” -> to be completed according the CEN Guide 4

9 Revision of EN81-1/2 ISO Standards
Global Essential Safety Requirements GESR ISO/TS Global Safety Parameters GSP ISO/TS > Harmonize parameters of EN81-1/2 with ISO/TS Comparison of Lift Standard ISO/TR and ISO/TR > Consider agreed upon points from ISO/TR and -2

10 Revision of EN81-1/2 Experience gained with EN 81
Reconsider CEN-Interpretations Reconsider technical comments made during last enquiry phase Reconsider technical pending Items listed e.g. in WG1 minutes Reconsider building related issues Reconsider Inputs from Notified Body Coordination meetings (NB-L) Inputs from other CEN/TC 10/WG’s

11 Revision of EN81-1/2 Overview
Interpretations Standardization Guides ISO GESR’s & GSP’s Legal Requirements EN81-1 EN81-1/A1 EN81-1/A2 EN81-1/A3 EN81-20 Revision Process EN81-2 EN81-2/A1 EN81-2/A2 EN81-2/A3 EN81-50 New Technologies & State-of-the-art Users’ Requirements, Comments & Input

12 Revision of EN81-1/2 Main outcome (2/3)
Clauses are supported by “formal” Risk Assessment Format is harmonised with current CEN & ISO standards Clauses are consolidated Redundancies are removed Grouping solutions that are typically common to all drives Consolidating examinations, calculations and tests for lift components used in any type of lift Text is formulated clearly to avoid future interpretations New requirements of State-of-the-art are incorporated Overall user friendliness is improved Easier to be used by different functions in the profession, such as designers, test laboratories, inspectors, etc. Maintenance of the standards is simplified and improved

13 Revision of EN81-1/2 New Structure of the EN81 family: CEN/TR 81-10
EN 81-1 and EN 81-2 will merged and divided in following new parts: EN Passenger and goods passenger lifts Contains requirements for complete passenger or goods passenger lift installations independent from the driving system. Taking over the general design requirements from EN 81-1/2:1998 and its amendments EN Examinations, calculations and tests of lift components Contains description of the examinations, calculations and tests of lift components used in any type of lift (passenger-, goods passenger-, goods only lift, etc.)

14 Revision of EN81-1/2 Main outcome (3/3)
61 Technical File & Instruction for Use Goods only Lifts EN 81-6x Documentation for Lifts 60 Technical File & Instruction for Use Special Lifts for Persons & Goods 68 Remote Monitoring EN 81-5x Evaluations 50 Examinations, Calculations & Tests of Lift Components 51 Type Examination of Lifts 58 Landing Door Fire Test EN 81-4x Special Lifts for Transport of Persons & Goods 40 Stairlifts & Inclined Lifting Platforms 41 Vertical Lifting Platforms 43 Lifts for Access to Workplaces 71 Vandal Resistant Lifts EN 81-7x Particular Applications Persons & Goods 70 Accessibility for Persons with Impaired Mobility 72 Firefighters Lifts 76 Use of Lifts for the Evacuation of Disabled 73 Behavior of Lifts in the Event of Fire 77 Lifts Subject to Seismic Conditions 81 Modernization of EN 81-8x Existing Lifts 80 Improvement of Safety of Existing 82 Accessibility Improvement of Existing Lifts 83 Vandal resistance Improvement of Existing Lifts EN 81-3x Lifts for Transport of Goods only 30 Service Lifts 31 Accessible Goods-only Lifts EN 81-2x Lifts for Transport of Persons & Goods 20 Passenger & Goods/Passenger Lifts 21 Passenger Lifts in Existing Buildings 22 Passenger Lifts, Inclined 28 Remote Alarm for Passenger & Goods/Passenger Lifts EN 81-1x Basics & Interpretations 10 System of EN81 Series of Standards 11 Interpretations 12 Procedures for risk Assessment (ISO/TS is being applied today) EN 81 Family of Standards Traction Hydraulic Etc. Legend: Standard published Standard in development Proposed new Standard by the revision of EN 81-1 & 2 Possible future development

15 Revision of EN81-1/2 Approval procedure Procedure according CEN-BOSS:
Development of EN and EN 81-50 Public Enquiry at the same time Review of Drafts based on comments received Formal Vote at the same time Update of all other “linked EN81 Standard” at a suitable time Publication in O.J. of EC - All related parts at the same time

16 Revision of EN81-1/2 Task-Force Members (Project Management)
Walter Schmid Chairman Schindler Esfandiar Gharibaan CEN TC10 Chairman Pierre Bianchini KONE Christian de Mas Latrie Otis Frank Tegel Liftintituut Luciano Faletto ELCA Gerhard Schiffner Thyssen Derek Smith Gaël Chollet-Meirieu Secretary AFNOR

17 Revision of EN81-1/2 – AH‘s & Task-Force
AdHoc Group/TF Task Chairman Remarks 1 EC Directives W. Schmid 2 Door safety incl. glass P. Bianchini 3 Traction calculation 4 Risk assessment D. Smith Procedure 6 Electrical questions V.M. Vainio 7 Guide rail calculation 8 Mech. Safety devices G. Schiffner 10 Hydraulic questions L. Faletto 11 New EN81-Series Ch. De Mas Latrie Work finalized 13 Headroom & pit G. Varisco 14 Mech. building interfaces 15 Documentation A. Marschall 16 Test F. Tegel 17 External questions TF-EN 81 Items not addressed by AHs

18 Revision of EN81-1/2 Timetable
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2005 Approval Preparation Compile the Technical Requirements Risk Assessment Editorial Work Publication

19 Main Safety clauses EN 81-1/2 under review
General issues Align requirements/parameters to ISO/TS and ISO/TS Consider agreed upon points from ISO/TR and -2 Reconsider Inputs from Notified Body Coordination meetings (NB-L) 0.3 Assumptions Reassess definition of forces/impact - Static force of 300 N - Dynamic forces/impact 1000 N

20 Main Safety clauses EN 81-1/2 under review
1 Scope Add indications to other lift Standards (for information) EN Alarm EN Fire Test on landing doors EN Accessibility to lifts of person and person with disability EN Vandal resistant lifts EN Fire fighters lift EN Behaviour of lift in case of fire Add technical limitations: max rated speed, max rated load, maximum travel height 3 Definitions Add new definitions for clear understanding the Standard: e.g. for Safety circuit

21 Main Safety clauses EN 81-1/2 under review
5 Lift well Reassess requirements for glass applied for the well (strength) Strength of the pit floor (force generated by buffers) Protection in the well to improve safety for workers (e.g. access to pit, separation screens, headroom and pit, lighting of the well). 6 Machinery and pulley spaces Mechanical strength, floor surface Access to working places (e.g. doors, trap doors, ladders, stairs) Working areas Lighting and socket outlets

22 Main Safety clauses EN 81-1/2 under review
7 Landing doors Mechanical strength of door panel Power operated doors (e.g. closing force, kinetic energy, reopening) Door protection device (contact less) Testing using pendulum shock test Check requirements if glass is applied Combine requirements with car doors, when adequate

23 Main Safety clauses EN 81-1/2 under review
8 Car, counterweight and balancing weight Mechanical strength of doors (in line with landing doors), walls, apron etc Available car area, rated load, number of passengers Emergency trap doors and emergency doors Lighting in car Balustrade on car roof

24 Main Safety clauses EN 81-1/2 under review
9 Suspension, compensation and overspeed protection Reference new Standard EN Stranded ropes for lifts and wedge type sockets (e.g. according to EN or EN ) Reconsider limits of us of anti-rebound device Safety gear (maximum retardation, tripping mechanism) Overspeed governor (consider system aspects also, e.g. response time) 10 Buffers Buffers with linear characteristics (clarify limit of application to 1 m/s)

25 Main Safety clauses EN 81-1/2 under review
12 Lift machine Consider state of the art design (minimum 2 set of active brake parts) Emergency operation (reassess requirements for manually and electrically operation) 13 Electric installations and appliances Check/take into account actually new Standards, e.g.: - EN "Electric equipment of industrial machines – General requirements“ - EN "Flexible cables for lifts” - IEC “Protection for safety - Protection against electric shock”

26 Main Safety clauses EN 81-1/2 under review
14 Protection against electric faults ; controls ; priorities Consider to align ISO PESSRAL Eliminate requirements regarding various types of machines and the docking operations witch are not anymore state of the art Add new functions (temporary active) to improve safe maintenance/inspection/ repair (e.g. prevent to open the door, “by passing device” for landing door safety contact) Reassess stopping devices Eliminate contradiction to new EN regarding alarm

27 Main Safety clauses EN 81-1/2 under review
15 Notices, markings and operating instructions Update requirements for plates, instructions where necessary 16 Examinations - Tests - Register - Maintenance Restructure chapter and complete it regarding special tools, log book etc. Annexes Annex D Test, update/align according to new requirements Annex F Safety components - Tests procedures for verification of conformity to be justified – Unintended car movement Annex G Prove of guide rail – e.g. consider dead weight of guide rail line Small justification of other Annexes

28 Revision of EN81-1/2 Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC (1)
Following 4 points will be covered by Amendment 3 1) New border line Machinery Directive – Lift Directive Lifts with rated speed ≤ 0.15 m/s excluded 2) Consider relevant new ESR’s The fixing system of guards, which have to be removed during maintenance and inspection, remains attached to the guard or to the equipment, when the guard is removed. 3) Car stopping/levelling accuracy - the stopping accuracy of the car shall be ± 10 mm; - a levelling accuracy of ± 20 mm shall be maintained.

29 Revision of EN81-1/2 Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC (2)
4) Unintended car movement with open doors Electric traction lifts shall be provided with a means to stop unintended car movement away from the landing with the landing door not in the locked position and the car door not in the closed position: Car movement not more than 1.20 m Not more than 200 mm under car apron Not less than 1.00 opening to exit the car Max. deceleration 1gn If machine brake is used: Placed at (near) traction sheave Self monitoring of operation

30 Structure of the EN81 Series of Standards EN 81-10

31 Structure of the EN81 Series of Standards Basic Principles
EN81 represents a series of standards in 8 different categories 1: Basics & Interpretations 2: Lifts for Transport of Persons & Goods 3: Lifts for Transport of Goods only 4: Special Lifts for Transport of Persons & Goods 5: Evaluations 6: Documentation for Lifts 7: Particular Applications Persons & Goods 8: Existing Lifts Each category represents number of standards Identification of the each standards is defined as: EN81+ category + designated number in the category Example: EN81-72 (Fire-fighters lifts)

32 Structure of the EN81 Series of Standards Overview today
Family of Standards EN 81-1x Basics & Interpretations EN 81-2x Lifts for Transport of Persons & Goods EN 81-3x Lifts for Transport of Goods only EN 81-4x Special Lifts for Transport of Persons & Goods EN 81-5x Evaluations EN 81-6x Documentation for Lifts EN 81-7x Particular Applications Persons & Goods EN 81-8x Existing Lifts 10 System of EN81 Series of Standards 1 Passenger & Goods/Passenger Lifts-Electric 30 Service Lifts 40 Stairlifts & Inclined Lifting Platforms 51 Type Examination of Lifts 60 Technical File & Instruction for Use Special Lifts for Persons & Goods 70 Accessibility for Persons with Impaired Mobility 80 Improvement of Safety of Existing Lifts 12 Procedures for risk Assessment (ISO/TS is being applied today) 2 Passenger & Goods/Passenger Lifts-Hydraulic 31 Accessible Goods-only Lifts 41 Vertical Lifting Platforms 58 Landing Door Fire Test 61 Technical File & Instruction for Use Goods only Lifts 71 Vandal Resistant Lifts 81 Modernization of Lifts 21 Passenger Lifts in Existing Buildings 43 Lifts for Access to Workplaces 68 Remote Monitoring 72 Firefighters Lifts 82 Accessibility Improvement of Existing Lifts 22 Passenger Lifts, Inclined 73 Behavior of Lifts in the Event of Fire 83 Vandal resistance Improvement of Existing Lifts 28 Remote Alarm for Passenger & Goods/Passenger Lifts 76 Use of Lifts for the Evacuation of Disabled Legend: Standard published Standard in development Standards under revision Possible future development 29 Interpretations 77 Lifts Subject to Seismic Conditions

33 Structure of the EN81 Series of Standards Rationale
Groups a number of dedicated stand alone standards Deal with all type of lift drives Avoid redundancy in requirements Address all type of interested parties Users could easily identify the safety standards related to lifts Simplify standardisation work

34 Structure of the EN81 Series of Standards Overview future
61 Technical File & Instruction for Use Goods only Lifts EN 81-6x Documentation for Lifts 60 Technical File & Instruction for Use Special Lifts for Persons & Goods 68 Remote Monitoring EN 81-5x Evaluations 50 Examinations, Calculations & Tests of Lift Components 51 Type Examination of Lifts 58 Landing Door Fire Test EN 81-4x Special Lifts for Transport of Persons & Goods 40 Stairlifts & Inclined Lifting Platforms 41 Vertical Lifting Platforms 43 Lifts for Access to Workplaces 71 Vandal Resistant Lifts EN 81-7x Particular Applications Persons & Goods 70 Accessibility for Persons with Impaired Mobility 72 Firefighters Lifts 76 Use of Lifts for the Evacuation of Disabled 73 Behavior of Lifts in the Event of Fire 77 Lifts Subject to Seismic Conditions 81 Modernization of EN 81-8x Existing Lifts 80 Improvement of Safety of Existing 82 Accessibility Improvement of Existing Lifts 83 Vandal resistance Improvement of Existing Lifts EN 81-3x Lifts for Transport of Goods only 30 Service Lifts 31 Accessible Goods-only Lifts EN 81-2x Lifts for Transport of Persons & Goods 20 Passenger & Goods/Passenger Lifts 21 Passenger Lifts in Existing Buildings 22 Passenger Lifts, Inclined 28 Remote Alarm for Passenger & Goods/Passenger Lifts EN 81-1x Basics & Interpretations 10 System of EN81 Series of Standards 11 Interpretations 12 Procedures for risk Assessment (ISO/TS is being applied today) EN 81 Family of Standards Traction Hydraulic Etc. Legend: Standard published Standard in development Proposed new Standard by the revision of EN 81-1 & 2 Possible future development

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