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JOB SHADOWING COLOMBIA SEMANA DE LAS IDENTIDADES WEEK OF THE IDENTITIES DATE: 6th-15th October 2008 Encuentro para vernos bien “Identidad y Diversidad.

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1 JOB SHADOWING COLOMBIA SEMANA DE LAS IDENTIDADES WEEK OF THE IDENTITIES DATE: 6th-15th October 2008 Encuentro para vernos bien “Identidad y Diversidad Cultural” GOOD PRACTICE NAME : Construction of National Identity (recognition of AfroColombians as Colombians). This practice is the AICACH (Asociación Intercultural Antioquia Chocó-Organization) mission. AICACH Organization works in Antioquia since 1998.

2 JOB SHADOWING COLOMBIA SEMANA DE LAS IDENTIDADES WEEK OF THE IDENTITIES DATE: 6th-15th October 2008 Encuentro para vernos bien “Identidad y Diversidad Cultural” Needs answered by AICACH: Visualization of the afro culture that conform Colombian Identity; social inclusion, guarantee of equal opportunities and preservation of the traditions.

3 JOB SHADOWING COLOMBIA SEMANA DE LAS IDENTIDADES WEEK OF THE IDENTITIES DATE: 6th-15th October 2008 Encuentro para vernos bien “Identidad y Diversidad Cultural” Objectives Reached by AICACH: Social Recognition of the “Afros” as colombians. Improvement of the social and work capabilities of the Afrocolombians. Construction of opportunities for the Afrocolombians. Preservation of the “Afro Culture” in Colombia.

4 JOB SHADOWING COLOMBIA SEMANA DE LAS IDENTIDADES WEEK OF THE IDENTITY DATE: 6th-15th October 2008 Encuentro para vernos bien “Identidad y Diversidad Cultural” DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES REALIZED DURING THE JOB SHADOWING: Ethno education forum: Is a meeting with diverse afro communities, where teachers allows others to understand the need of an education with not exclusive concepts, based in the capacity and responsibility more than exclusion and limitations.

5 JOB SHADOWING COLOMBIA WEEK OF THE IDENTITY DATE: 6th-15th October 2008 Beginning with the presentation of the offices of Management of Afro communities and youth, property of the Gobernación de Antioquia, this entities advises, support and gives orientation to all afro communities and youth. Visit to the Ethnographic Museum "Miguel Ángel Builes" – Plastic exhibition of the afrocolombianos artists

6 JOB SHADOWING COLOMBIA WEEK OF THE IDENTITY DATE: 6th-15th October 2008 We took part of a traditional Ritual Afro Mass full of color and happiness There is realized a cultural and folkloric exhibition, where people of different regions around the country use to go out to dance autochthonous dances in the street in one special sector of the city, that is called “Marcha de San Pachito”

7 JOB SHADOWING COLOMBIA WEEK OF THE IDENTITY DATE: 6th-15th October 2008 THE ELECTION AND CORONATION OF THE QUEEN OF EBONY: This is a concourse where women are elected as “Queens of ebony” in a recognition of his special afro values, the concourse seeks to support studies and activities of an afro woman and his relatives.


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