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An Overview This presentation can be found on the IB, AP, & AVID link on Mr. Rivas’ website

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1 An Overview This presentation can be found on the IB, AP, & AVID link on Mr. Rivas’ website


3 Similarities between AP and IB  Both are rigorous programs devoted to educational experience with high performance expectations for students and faculty  Both attract highly motivated students who wish to excel academically  Both receive additional weight in calculating GPA  Both use external assessments and evaluators to score assessments  Both are recognized by most US universities for consideration for college credit or advanced standing  Both rely on objectivity and fairness in scoring assessments, removing personality and personal influence from the assessment system. Scores are based on the quality of wok evaluated against a set criteria or standard.

4 Differences between AP and IB  National standard of excellence  AP allows students to choose individual classes based on interests and strength  College level courses that can earn the student college credit for scoring 4-5 (on a 5-point scale) on exam*  AP scores are based solely on the AP exam  AP exams are multiple choice and short-answer or essay exams  Exams are based on in-depth mastery of specific concepts within a given subject  Any student may take AP exams; IB students may take AP exams  AP recognizes high achievement on AP exams through the AP scholars program  International standard of excellence  IB is a 2 yr well-rounded education program with 6 areas of study, an extended essay, TOK and CAS  Comprehensive curriculum of college level work that can earn the student college credit for scoring 5-7 (on a 7-point scale) on exams  IB scores based on classroom work and IB exams  IB exams are all short answer or essay exams  Exams are based on broad general understanding of concepts and fundamental themes  Only IB students enrolled in IB courses may take IB exams and receive IB credit  Successful IB candidates receive an IB diploma for the full program or IB certificate for individual courses taken  Meritorious Valedictorian has traditionally been an IB Diploma student

5 Expenses AP $89 per exam IB $104 per exam Both AP and IB: If you qualify for free/reduced lunch, cost of each exams is $5.

6 AP Courses Offered at HHS AP English 11 AP US History* AP Biology AP Statistics AP Psych AP Studio Art: 2D Design* or Drawing* AP English 12 AP European History* AP Government AP Spanish AP Chemistry AP Physics AP Calculus AB and/or BC

7 IB Vocab Standard Level (SL) – courses requiring 150 hrs of class time; typically taught over the course of 1 year Higher Level (HL) – courses requiring 240 hrs of class time; taught over the courses of 2 years

8 IB Coursework for Junior Year English IB HL 1 Spanish 3 Honors or Latin 3 Honors Biology IB HL 1 History of the Americas IB HL 1 Math IB SL or Math Studies IB SL IB Elective SL/HL Senior Year English IB HL 2 Spanish IB SL or Latin IB SL Biology IB HL 2 History of the Americas IB HL 2 AP Calculus, AP Stats or math at an appropriate level IB Elective SL/HL

9 Additional IB Requirements Theory of Knowledge (TOK) – 2 nd semester junior year and 1 st semester senior year [7 th /8 th period/1 day per week] Extended Essay CAS (Creativity, Action, Service)

10 CLUBS  AP Club  Thursdays after school in room 524  unless there is a CSF meeting, then AP Club is canceled for the CSF meeting.  IB Club  Every other Monday after school in room 105  Beginning October 8

11 Clubs  California Scholarship Federation (CSF) meets every other Thurs. in room 214 beginning in November. Honor society  based on grades from 10 th -12 th grade must apply each semester 10 pts required: A = 3, B = 1, C = 0 (no D/F) 4 of 6 semesters of membership earns the Gold Robe for graduation

12 Useful Websites  IB   AP  information on AP, SAT, College Planning College Search: choose specific parameters and it provides names of colleges and universities that you might want to look into

13 More useful websites  ms/articulation_exams_fall_2011.pdf ms/articulation_exams_fall_2011.pdf  Cal State Fullerton’s AP/IB exam course credit articulation  redit.html redit.html  USC’s AP exam course credit articulation  ation_documents/IB_Info_Sheet_July_2009.pdf ation_documents/IB_Info_Sheet_July_2009.pdf  USC’s IB exam credit articulation

14 UCSB’s AP and IB credit info  ndergraduateEducation/InternationalBac calaureateCreditChart.aspx ndergraduateEducation/InternationalBac calaureateCreditChart.aspx  IB  ndergraduateEducation/APCreditandCh art.aspx ndergraduateEducation/APCreditandCh art.aspx  AP

15 AVID  The AVID elective course is designed to provide support for students in all their classes through various activities including regular, collaborative peer tutoring.

16  The mission of AVID is to ensure that all students capable of completing a college path will: succeed in rigorous curriculum, enter mainstream activities of the school, increase their enrollment in four-year colleges, and become educated and responsible participants and leaders in a democratic society.

17 Think college.  AVID is a college prep program.  AVID students are college-bound.

18 AVID believes that you...  will be a success.  improve your grades.  go to college.  gain confidence in yourself as a student.

19  This presentation is available at the following link:  ources/ ources/

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