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Walker Middle Magnet.  Starting in the 2 nd quarter, you will see an additional grade for each subject. This means there will be 8 additional grades.

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Presentation on theme: "Walker Middle Magnet.  Starting in the 2 nd quarter, you will see an additional grade for each subject. This means there will be 8 additional grades."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walker Middle Magnet

2  Starting in the 2 nd quarter, you will see an additional grade for each subject. This means there will be 8 additional grades indicated by a number. 7

3  This number will represent your IB Grade for the 1 st semester (1 st half of the year) this school year.

4  Throughout the school year, some of the assignments you complete will count toward your IB grade.  Your teacher will let you know which assignments these are.

5  An assignment for which you can earn an IB grade won’t be a multiple choice test.  It will be something you create or present or a task you will complete.  Some examples are: a speech, a PowerPoint, an essay description or to create a model or a poster.

6  IB assignments will always have a corresponding rubric to help you know exactly what you need to do to earn the highest grade.  Depending on the class, you will have the opportunity to earn a certain score on those specific assignments. (For example: a 5 or a 7.)

7  Your teacher will then use a formula to come up with a grade between a one and a seven no matter what subject it is.  This is the grade that you will see on your report card.

8  You might have a unit question in humanities that is “How can one person make a difference in society?”  For the entire unit, you will learn about different societies and how people can make a difference.

9  After the unit, your teacher might give you an assignment to create a PowerPoint about a leader in history who has influenced society.  Note: IB Assignments are probably a lot like assignments you normally do in class anyways.

10 Achievement Level Student Friendly language 0 The student does not meet the standard described by and descriptors given. 1-2 The student can choose and use some relevant information. The student displays minimal (very few) analytical skills. 3-4 The student selects and uses mostly relevant information. The student’s work lacks the required depth in analysis. 5-6 The student selects and uses relevant information. Student work shows satisfactory evidence of analysis. 7-8 The student chooses and uses a range of relevant information. Student work shows a good level of critical analysis. 9-10The student selects and uses a wide range of relevant information. Student work shows a high level of critical analysis. Arguments, decisions and judgments

11  After you are tested on all the criterion for humanities, your teacher would use an IB formula to determine a final, overall, IB grade for humanities.  This number would be between a 1 and a 7.  This process will repeat in the 2 nd semester (2 nd half of the school year).


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