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Coach Greenwood Rm. 127 2013-2014.  Born in raised in Houston, TX  Married to my beautiful wife for 2 years  Beginning 5 th year Teaching  Played.

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Presentation on theme: "Coach Greenwood Rm. 127 2013-2014.  Born in raised in Houston, TX  Married to my beautiful wife for 2 years  Beginning 5 th year Teaching  Played."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coach Greenwood Rm. 127 2013-2014

2  Born in raised in Houston, TX  Married to my beautiful wife for 2 years  Beginning 5 th year Teaching  Played College Basketball  Have a new 3 month old nephew.




6  Algebra IB is a formal, in-depth study of algebraic concepts and the real number system. Topics of study include variables, expressions, linear and non-linear equations, inequalities, ratio, proportion, factoring polynomials, graphing on the number line and the coordinate plane, properties of slope, and operations involving exponents.

7  Textbook  2 Composition Notebooks  Pencils  Graphing paper  TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator  1 Box Kleenex

8  Homework – Will be assigned on Monday and due on Friday every week.  Quizzes – Usually every Friday  Tests – End of each major topic/chapter  Projects – During each major topic.  Benchmark Tests – Each 9 week grading period  Tests35%  Projects35%  Classwork/Homework20%  Notebook Grade 10%

9  Excused Absence – 3 Days  Make-up tests will be given during 7 th period.  Two weeks  If the student does not make up the test during the designated time, he/she will receive a zero.

10  Students are expected to be prepared and ready for class each day when the bell rings.  Students should be respectful at all times.  Students will keep classroom neat and orderly.  Students will follow all rules set forth by the Alabaster City Code of Conduct.  Every student is responsible for his or her own learning.  Students are dismissed by the teacher and not the bell.

11  Composition Notebooks will keep all of your information for the semester.  Notes will be taken in the composition book.  Homework will be done in the composition book.  These books can be used on quizzes and the occasional test.  This book will serve as your study guide for all tests.

12  May not be used as calculators  May not be used at all unless given permission by me.  If you are off task (text, twitter, games) when you are allowed to be using your phone, it will be taken up  Consequences:  1 st offense - taken up back at end of class. Phone/email home  2 nd offense – taken to grade level principal. Phone/email home.

13  Each Student will be allowed 3 hall passes per 9 weeks  Each one not used will add 5 points to a test or project.


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