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So You Want Verifiable Distance Training? Faith M. Oi University of Florida Entomology and Nematology Dept. Gainesville, FL

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Presentation on theme: "So You Want Verifiable Distance Training? Faith M. Oi University of Florida Entomology and Nematology Dept. Gainesville, FL"— Presentation transcript:

1 So You Want Verifiable Distance Training? Faith M. Oi University of Florida Entomology and Nematology Dept. Gainesville, FL

2 Education vs. Training

3 Verifiable Training?


5 Verifiable Testing?

6 Verifiable Testing?

7 So You Want Verifiable Distance Training? or A List of Ways to Cheat During Distance Training Faith M. Oi University of Florida Entomology and Nematology Dept. Gainesville, FL

8 Cheating Academic integrity 40-90% of post- secondary students admitted to academically dishonest behaviors (Jendrek 1992)

9 Cheating McCabe, D. Survey of –80,000 students –12,000 faculty US: 67 campuses Canada: 16 campuses N=83 Cheating_in_Exam.html

10 Cheating McCabe, D. Survey of –80,000+ students 71,071 undergrad 11,279 graduate –12,316 faculty –1,747 TAs US: 67 campuses Canada: 16 campuses N=83

11 Survey Asked about behaviors related to tests and exams Rank of seriousness: –Not cheating –Trivial –Moderate –Serious owres/dro0092l.jpg

12 Perceived as Moderate to Serious Cheating Tests and Examinations BehaviorUnder- graduates Grad Students Faculty Learning what is on a test from someone who has already taken it 64% (33%) 79% (17%) 93% (35%) Using false excuse to delay taking test 58% (16%) 67% (9%) 80% (49%) Copying from another student on a text/exam without their knowledge 92% (11%) 95% (4%) 98% (41%) (Self-reported cheating or faculty observed)

13 Perceived as Moderate to Serious Cheating Tests and Examinations BehaviorUnder- graduate Grad Students Faculty Helping someone else cheat on a test 89% (10%) 93% (6%) 98% (29%) Copying from another student on a text with their knowledge 91% (9%) 95% (3%) 99% (33%) (Self-reported cheating or faculty observed)

14 Perceived as Moderate to Serious Cheating Tests and Examinations BehaviorUnder- graduate Grad Students Faculty Using unauthorized crib/cheat notes 90% (8%) 93% (4%) 98% (26%) Using unauthorized electronic devices to obtain information during test/exam 90% (5%) 93% (2%) 98% (11%) (Self-reported cheating or faculty observed)

15 Perceived as Moderate to Serious Cheating On Other Assignments BehaviorUnder- graduates Grad Students Faculty Fabricating or falsifying lab data 68% (19%) 86% (7%) 97% (21%) Copying someone else’s program in a course requiring computer work 83% (11%) 89% (7%) 97% (39%) Fabricating or falsifying research data 80% (8%) 91% (4%) 98% (21%) (Self-reported cheating or faculty observed)

16 Student Comments Cheating is greater (and justifiable) when –faculty member tends to ignore obvious incidents –Honest students then at a disadvantage mmons/thumb/5/5a/Cheating.JPG/800p x-Cheating.JPG

17 Student Comments Cheating is greater (and justifiable) when –Faculty recycle exams and written assignments –Class has little relation of value to intended major mmons/thumb/5/5a/Cheating.JPG/800p x-Cheating.JPG

18 Why does cheating occur? “…cheaters have external attributional biases that enable them to justify their student cheating; non- cheaters have internal attributional bias. “cheaters excuse their cheating” (Gallant and Drinan 2006) http://thebsreport.files.wordpress.c om/2009/06/cheating-everyones- doing-it-01-af.jpg

19 Why does cheating occur? Students see education as a stepping stone to get what they want –Do not value education for education-sake (Gallant and Drinan 2006) http://thebsreport.files.wordpress.c om/2009/06/cheating-everyones- doing-it-01-af.jpg

20 If cheating is so pervasive, is verifiable training possible? Possible to received education or information using distance technology cdesign/FIL5DE57_P1011742-1.jpg

21 If cheating is so pervasive, is verifiable training possible? Nothing beats a proctored exam distancelearning/img/proctored.jpg

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