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Korean Place Name Information Service on the Web 2.0 Environment

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1 Korean Place Name Information Service on the Web 2.0 Environment
Chungweon Oh, Associate Professor, Dept. of GIS, Namseoul Univ., Jinmu Choi, Associate Professor, Dept. of Geography, Kyung Hee Univ.,

2 Table of Contents 1. Introduction
2. Place Name Information System in Korea 3. Place Name Ontology Service 4. Conclusion

3 1. Introduction

4 Background of this study
Việt Nam 越南 월남(Wol Nam) Place Name(Toponymy)

5 Background and objective of this study
Place name(geographical name, toponym)is given to the natural surface characteristics and can be divided into natural features and a place to live. In social science disciplines, the area is called Toponymy. Currently place names of Korea are managed by several agencies based on the purpose and jurisdiction. Because of users’ difficulty to search place names, an integrated management system for place names are necessary. This study explored the method to integrate place name information service based on Web 2.0 technology.

6 2. Place Name Information System in Korea

7 Place Name Place name (geographical name, toponym) was named after the characteristics of earth’s surface and separated into names for natural features and names of residential places. Because of the public nature of the information, place names are being managed by public agencies. Official place name in Korea is being managed by the National Geographic Information Institute (NGII). Place Name Management System (PNMS) in NGII consists of an internal system for place name management and an external system for public service on the Land Portal. In particular, Land Portal for public service includes ‘Place Name Service for Land’ and ‘Internet Topographic Name Service’. ‘Place Name Service for Land’ provides place name history and notice information of place name.

8 Place Name Information System in Korea
National Place Name Management System Place Name Service in Land Portal

9 Management of Place name
local governments including Seoul also provides place name query service based on administration unit, Dong. In case of Seoul, all contents of the Gazetteer are provided through website( for users integrated search, title search, text search with the origins and history of place names in Seoul. Seoul Gazetteer Service

10 3. Place Name Ontology Service

11 Evolution of Web Technology

12 Web 3.0 A third phase in the evolution of the World Wide Web, based on the idea that the Internet 'understands' the pieces of information it stores and is able to make logical connections between them 'With Web 3.0, it's about the Web becoming smarter, getting to know you better from your browsing history (and all you've contributed to it during Web 2.0) and automatically delivering content to you that is relevant.‘ "Semantic Web" is sometimes used as a synonym for "Web 3.0", though each term's definition varies.

13 Semantic Web The Semantic Web is a collaborative movement led by the international standards body, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The standard promotes common data formats on the World Wide Web. By encouraging the inclusion of semantic content in web pages, the Semantic Web aims at converting the current web dominated by unstructured and semi-structured documents into a "web of data". The Semantic Web stack builds on the W3C's Resource Description Framework (RDF).[2] According to the W3C, "The Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries."

14 Ontology An ontology is a specification of a conceptualization(Tom Gruber, 1993)

15 GeoOntology Geo Tagging Geo Feature Geo Ontology Geo Ontology +Rule
The GeoNames Ontology makes it possible to add geospatial semantic information to the Word Wide Web Geo Tagging Geo Feature Geo Ontology Geo Ontology +Rule

16 LOD Service of Korean Place name
“To make the Semantic Web or Web of Data a reality, it is necessary to have a large volume of data available on the Web in a standard, reachable and manageable format. In addition the relationships among data also need to be made available. This collection of interrelated data on the Web can also be referred to as Linked Data. Linked Data lies at the heart of the Semantic Web: large scale integration of, and reasoning on, data on the Web.” W3C,

17 LOD service of Geonames
LOD(Linking Open Data) Dbpedia Geo Pedia

18 Structure of GeoOntology in Korea
Korea Place name Service Top Geo-Ontology Domain Geo-Ontology Application Geo-Ontology SpatialThing GeometricThing Physical_GeoEntity Human_GeoEntity

19 Future Servie of GeoOntology in Korea
Spatio-Temporal Information GeoNames Archive

20 4. Conclusion

21 Conclusion

22 Conclusion This study explored place name service method based on Web 2.0, Ontology technology. Additional considerations for building place name Ontology are as follows. Place name should include properties such as name type, address, name origins, coordinates and so on. Since a place name is represented by a point, spatial entity representing place name in Ontology should be a point for effective representation of relationships between spatial entities, place names.

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