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US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG and Taking Care of People! Ecosystem Restoration Along the Los Angeles River: Creativity within Concrete Dan.

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Presentation on theme: "US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG and Taking Care of People! Ecosystem Restoration Along the Los Angeles River: Creativity within Concrete Dan."— Presentation transcript:

1 US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG and Taking Care of People! Ecosystem Restoration Along the Los Angeles River: Creativity within Concrete Dan Sulzer Deputy Chief of Planning Division May 2012 Gumprecht LA River 1880s

2 BUILDING STRONG and Taking Care of People! Objectives Primary Objectives:  Restore riparian habitat  Establish habitat connectivity  Restore more natural hydrologic and hydraulic processes in the alternative reach  Restore aquatic habitat Other objectives that are considerations for success  Decrease peak discharges  Improve water quality  Improve infiltration and recharge

3 BUILDING STRONG and Taking Care of People! Los Angeles River Ecosystem Restoration Original Potential Project Areas Current Potential Project Areas Purpose: Evaluate the potential federal interest for ecosystem restoration opportunities along the upper 32 miles of Los Angeles River. Potential project area was refined from discrete locations to one continuous reach.

4 BUILDING STRONG and Taking Care of People! Bull Creek Tujunga Wash Sun Valley Headworks Los Angeles River Arroyo Seco Studies and Projects

5 BUILDING STRONG and Taking Care of People! Headworks Ecosystem Restoration Restoration of 43 acres of riparian and wetland habitat through a multi-objective project including water quality and passive recreation. Currently working toward an Alternative Formulation Briefing.

6 BUILDING STRONG and Taking Care of People!  No increase in flood risk  Existing infrastructure  Purposes of the existing Corps Project  Competing land use  Water availability  Land availability  Hazardous, toxic waste  Levee regulations  Cultural/historic sites Constraints

7 BUILDING STRONG and Taking Care of People! Typical Measures Under Consideration  Remove concrete & widen channel/ terrace banks  Flood by-pass  Create storage/ detention  Create side channels with riparian/wetlands habitat  Restore tributary confluences  Daylight storm drains, storm water treatment wetlands  Restore native habitat to river and right of way,  Connect to green streets

8 BUILDING STRONG and Taking Care of People! Combined Habitat Assessment Protocols (CHAP)  CHAP is a method for quantifying habitat quality and the benefits provided by the current and restored ecosystems  CHAP allows us to evaluate and compare restoration alternatives in a non-monetary way

9 BUILDING STRONG and Taking Care of People! Initial Alternatives Array  33 initial alternatives, combining 220 measures  Developed using: ► Input from City, Public Agencies, Scientists & Engineers ► Objectives ► Previously formulated alternatives ► Alternatives formulated during charettes ► Variations of the above

10 BUILDING STRONG and Taking Care of People!

11 BUILDING STRONG and Taking Care of People!

12 BUILDING STRONG and Taking Care of People! Next Steps  Select final array of alternatives  Analyze final array and recommend a plan  Complete Environmental Impact Statement/ Environmental Impact Report  Alternative formulation briefing  Public review of EIS/EIR  Civil Works Review Board  Design phase

13 BUILDING STRONG and Taking Care of People! Future Planning IDIQ Contracts Small Business (A-E) - Plan Formulation ► Summer 2012 Small Business (Professional Services) - Environmental Resources ► Summer 2012 Small Business (Professional Services) – Cultural Resources ► Winter 2012 Unrestricted (A-E) - Coastal Resources ► Summer 2012 Unrestricted (A-E) - Plan Formulation ► Selections Completed (April 2012) Unrestricted (Professional Services) – Environmental Resources ► Winter 2012

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