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Presentation on theme: " Current Events in Early Care and Education Erin Freschi Advanced Training 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Current Events in Early Care and Education Erin Freschi Advanced Training 2014

2 WestEd’s Role in Policy & Advocacy WestEd is a Non-Partisan Organization. WestEd cannot take a stance, position or advocate for any particular issue, legislation, or candidate. WestEd can provide research, facts and supporting information to assist with making informed decisions. WestEd employees and contractors must keep individual opinions and perspectives separate from WestEd role.

3 Current Federal Initiatives Head Start & Early Head Start Child Care & Development Block Grants (CCDBG) Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge Grants Quality Rating and Improvement System ((RTT-ELC QRIS)

4 2014 Federal Budget includes:  $1.025 billion increase for Head Start including $500 million to support Early Head Start – Child Care Partnerships  $154 million increase for the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) to expand access and improve quality  $250 million for a new round of Race to the Top for Preschool Development Grants

5 Early Head Start Child Care Partnership Grants  $500 million for new EHS-Child Care Partnerships by March 2015  100,000 children 0-3 to be served  New or existing EHS programs to partner with centers and family child care providers  All staff to meet EHS requirements within 18 months  Strong commitment to Professional Development

6 Proposed Federal 2014 Race to the Top RTT Preschool Development Grants $250 million to be awarded to states In addition to current programs Provide preschool opportunity to all 4 year olds from low and moderate income families

7 RTT Preschool Development Grants (continued) States encouraged to include a consortia of providers and partners Comprehensive services required Professional Development & Family Engagement and as integral components of program


9 Current Proposed ECE Legislation- California CAL Safe Kindergarten Readiness Act of 2014 California Strong Start Program

10 AB 2111- CALSafe (Ammiano) Introduced Feb. 20 th Would reestablish CALSafe program Currently in Committee on Appropriations

11 SB 837- Transitional Kindergarten (Steinberg) Kindergarten Readiness Act of 2014 Introduced on January 6 th In Senate Appropriations Committee

12 Transitional Kindergarten (continued)  Provide TK for all 4 year olds  Coordinated by school districts  Operated at public school site or at other public or private licensed child care center  1:10 teacher to child ratio; up to 20 children  By 2019:  Lead Teacher= Credential + 24 ECE units  Associate Teacher= AA in ECE

13 Transitional Kindergarten (continued)  Teacher compensation comparable to K-12  Funded through Average Daily Attendance (ADA)  Part day with ability to supplement funding to expand to full day  Aligns with Preschool Learning Foundations and Kindergarten Common Core  Five-year phase in

14 SB 1123- California Strong Start Program (Liu) Redesigns General Child Care Program for infants and toddlers Introduced February 19 th In Committee on Human Services

15 CA Strong Start Program (continued) It is the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation that would establish the California Strong Start program by redesigning the General Child Care Program for infants and toddlers into a comprehensive, evidence-based, locally controlled program, in order to improve the healthy development and school readiness of California’s most vulnerable children.

16 Potential Elements of CA Strong Start Program*  Developmentally Appropriate  Well-trained Caregivers  Family Engagement  Create system to incentivize quality  Position programs to apply for HS/EHS grants  Simplified eligibility determination  ??? *American Institutes for Research, February 2014


18 What are our next steps? Track legislation Convene groups to determine our role Communicate and coordinate with other statewide initiatives and stakeholders Partner with grant applicants Inform training and support decision-making Keep you posted

19 HOW ARE YOU FEELING NOW? Pick which song best represents how you are feeling about all of the information you’ve just heard. Get up and stand with others who feel the same way.

20 On Chart Paper What additional questions do you have? What considerations would you like to share with us? What do you need to feel most comfortable about proposed legislation?

21 For More Information Erin Freschi

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