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ESPE Summer School - Sponsored by Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S for the benefit of paediatric endocrinologists in training - For three days, usually preceding.

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Presentation on theme: "ESPE Summer School - Sponsored by Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S for the benefit of paediatric endocrinologists in training - For three days, usually preceding."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESPE Summer School - Sponsored by Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S for the benefit of paediatric endocrinologists in training - For three days, usually preceding the Annual Meeting, 15 faculty and 26 fellows exchange knowledge and experience on a broad range of paediatric endocrinology. - This year, the ESPE summer school shall be held after the Joint Meeting and will have 36 fellows - Forum for learning and networking between current and future leaders in paediatric endocrinology

2 ESPE Summer School Steering Committee Faisal Ahmed, Glasgow ( Abdullah Bereket, Istanbul Mohammad Maghnie, Genova  Antje Körner, Leipzig Primus Mullis, Bern Nick Shaw, Birmingham Angelika Mohn, Chieti  Edna Roche, Dublin Extended Committee for 2013 Maria Craig (APEG, APPES)Radhika Muzumdar (PES) Alicia Martinez (SLEP)Tom Ogata (JSPE)

3 ESPE Summer School 2013 27 th ESPE Summer School Castello Dal Pozzo, Lake Maggiore

4 ESPE Summer School 2013 36 Fellows Argentina - 2 Belgium - 2 Brazil – 1 Canada - 1 Czech Rep - 1 Egypt - 1 Estonia – 1 France - 2 Germany – 1 Greece - 2 Italy – 2 Japan - 3 Netherlands - 2 Portugal – 1 Sweden - 1 Turkey – 4 UK - 3 Ukraine – 1 US - 5 Invited Faculty Leanne Ward, Canada Moshe Philip, Israel Han Wook Yoo, S. Korea Michael Ranke, Germany David Allen, US Ethel Codner, Chile K Hussain, UK Topics Covered Bone & Water Diabetes & Obesity Growth Reproduction Age - 37yrs (29, 43) Clinical Experience - 36 months (12, 120) Research Experience - 24 months (18, 60) Publications in Endocrinology - 4 (3, 10) Letter of Support - Very important

5 ESPE Summer School 15 th -17 th September 2014 28 th ESPE Summer School – Barretstown Castle, Co Kildare - Further info on ESPE website by Nov 2013 -Applications require at least one letter of recommendation by a member of ESPE - Application deadline will be 1 st Feb 2013 and applicants will be notified by the end of March.

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