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E-Learning and How it works Instructor: Barbara Salice November 13, 2011 Michele Gurzynski.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Learning and How it works Instructor: Barbara Salice November 13, 2011 Michele Gurzynski."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Learning and How it works Instructor: Barbara Salice November 13, 2011 Michele Gurzynski

2 E-learning E-learning is A combination of content and instructional methods delivered by media elements to build job transferable knowledge and skills linked to individual learning goals or organizational performance (Clark & Mayer, 2008, p. 432).

3 Using Design Models Design Models are a great basis to start with when constructing the online course. There are many different design models that can be used but the most commonly used model is the ADDIE process.

4 ADDIE Process Cont. The Acronym stands for the 5 phases contained in the model. – Analyze – analyze learner characteristics, task to be learned, etc. Identify Instructional Goals, Conduct Instructional Analysis, Analyze Learners and Contexts – Design – develop learning objectives, choose an instructional approach Write Performance Objectives, Develop Assessment Instruments, Develop Instructional Strategy – Develop – create instructional or training materials Design and selection of materials appropriate for learning activity, Design and Conduct Formative Evaluation – Implement – deliver or distribute the instructional materials – Evaluate – make sure the materials achieved the desired goals

5 Collaboration and Interaction within the virtual classroom Breakout Rooms Chat Room & Audio Café Discussion Board Polling White Board Input Icons

6 Break Out Rooms This can be called many names. Allows students to interact with each other. Breakout rooms allow small groups of participants to work together independently with access to all of the facilities available in the main room. Commonly used for small group work or discussions (Clark & Kwinn, 2007).

7 Chat Room & Audio Chat and audio is generally used in synchronous learning as a way of class discussion as a whole.

8 Café Café is a simple name for an area of the course that is not graded. Students can use this area to ask general questions about the course and its material. Allows students to get to know each other in a more informal way. Can be set up as a discussion board or a chat room.

9 Discussion Board Prepare Discussion Posts that Invite Questions, Discussions, Reflections and Responses (Boettcher, 2011).

10 Polling The polling feature provides buttons that participants click to indicate their selection of two or five response options for multiple- choice or yes-no option questions posted by the instructor (Clark & Kwinn, 2007).

11 White Board Input One of the great parts of the white board is that the answers are anonymous. This allows the learner to feel more at ease and hopefully they will interact more because of this. Unfortunately it does not allow the instructor to see who is participating and who is not.

12 Icons Icons allow the learners to demonstrate their feelings. For instance if they are confused about something they can click on the appropriate icon. Other uses for Icons include: – Letting the instructor know you are finished with an exercise. – Showing you understand the course material – Applauding peers for work well done

13 Application Sharing Application sharing allows an instructor and other users such as the learner to open another application in the application sharing window this allows the instructor to demonstrate how to use other applications and to also allow the learner to demonstrate their understanding of other applications.

14 Communicating with the instructor Experienced trainers know that frequent meaningful learner interaction with the content is the main path to learning. From polling options to direct messaging to break- out rooms, the virtual classroom tools offer a plethora of opportunities to engage your learners. Its up to you to exploit these in ways that lead to learning (Clark, 2005)

15 Communicating with the instructor cont. E-mail Provides students with an avenue to contact instructor with any questionsProvides students with an avenue to contact instructor with any questions Provides instructor a way to interact with students on a one on one basis.Provides instructor a way to interact with students on a one on one basis. In an on-campus class, students see their instructor on at least a weekly basis. In an online class, ongoing e-mail contact can establish an electronic version of face time with students (Mabrito, 2004).

16 Grading Assignments Grading Rubric State when assignments will be graded by Ask students any questions about their assignments promptly to assure quick responses.

17 End of Course Assignment Plan the ending of the course experience. A well-designed ending of a course provides opportunities for reflection and integration of useful knowledge. It is also a time to wrap up positive social and cognitive experiences (Boettcher, 2011).

18 References Boettcher, J. (2011, May). Ten best practices for teaching online. Designing for Learning. Retrieved September 18, 2011 from Clark, R. C., & Kwinn, A. (2007). The New Virtual Classroom. San Francisco: Pfeifer. Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2008). e-learning and the science of instruction. San Fransisco, California: Pfeiffer. Clark, R. (2005, May). Four steps to effective virtual classroom training. Learning solutions magazine. Retrieved September 26, 2011 from steps-to-effective-virtual-classroom-training steps-to-effective-virtual-classroom-training Mabrito, M. (2004). Guidelines for Establishing Interactivity in Online Courses. Retrieved September 17, 2011 from es.pdf es.pdf Wikipedia (2011). Instructional Design. Retreived November 21, 2011 from

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